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Everything posted by JawD

  1. While I feel pessimistic, I've been here before and much worse. I dont enjoy it as much though which is odd.
  2. 600!! bloody hell Im on around 3500 a day, as you say Id pass out way before then! Just done a quick calc, my 10am snack yesterday was 706 cals That was small bowl of oats with milk, a banana, 25g almonds, 2 boiled eggs.
  3. @Gloom Aye, I counted calories for a few days so I knew what I was eating. I dont now, but its still in my mind what I have to eat each day to reach my goal. Its like at the end of the day if I feel I havent ate enough fat Ill chuck down some boiled eggs or peanut butter. But when I was cutting I done a similar thing. Most meals were simply chicken breast or a steak then veggies (as green as possible) usually with garlic and oils and sometimes jalapenos. Basically cutting out starchy carbs and milk worked for me while cutting.
  4. Its a combination but Diet has a bigger effect on weight loss. Here is an easy way to think about it. 1hr weights session you might expend say 350 cals (although the body continues to use calories to repair to you have a longer lasting benefit) 1hr cardio session you might use 500 cals. So at best, and unrealistic for most, you might say if you exercise twice a day you might aim for 1000 cals used extra a day. However, cut out a bar of chocolate, bag of crisps and pie you have each day and thats the same calorific result. It is easier to drop calories per day through good nutrition choices than it is through exercise. The real trick? Do both If you want to lose weight and you are eating 3000 cals per day of shite, then eat 2000 cals per day of good food AND 500 cals every other day in the gym and watch the weight drop off. Bottom line, to lose weight you need to be in a negative calorific balance. However you dress it up with fad fancy diets and workouts, thats is the bottom line. For you, if your weight never changed being in the gym then you were simply eating a value of calories that equaled the calories you used.
  5. What about the older gym generation? This isnt a new fad you know
  6. Down to personal taste surely? Olives, brilliant source of good fats, fucking rank Unhealthy food isnt really black and white though, it just need to be taken in to account.
  7. Totally agree Gemmill I eat well. I eat steak, cheese & curry but its just not every day any more. Chez is right in thats its about balance. Trouble is most want to have their cake and eat it (excuse the pun). I know the calories I eat roughly but I have the knowledge to do so, its a hobby almost. But because I do that and enjoy the gym doesnt mean I do fuck all else. Thankfully my wife is an excellent cook and recently trained as a personal trainer, so she looks in to cooking healthy meals for us and is brilliant at it. I've had curries I'd never have thought of eating and she is making a beef stew tonight. Everything fresh with meat, veg and herbs. Like Gemmill says, eating healthy doesnt have to be salad and crated carrot (which on its own wouldnt be that healthy
  8. Its all about find a balance isnt it. I'd rather 80 years filled with great joy My kids are 3+5 and I'm 41. So I hopefully have 15 or so years where I need to be active with them and having fun as I am now. That then makes me near 55. Then after a few years rest hopefully I'll start seeing grandkids. I certainly dont want to be early 60s and look like Im near 70 and struggling to keep up. I want to be thinking of retiring then and seeing more of the world and keep bashing up hills etc AND spending time with grand kids but not just stuck in a chair.
  9. You need to think about that in greater depth
  10. Sorry to hear that fella. I agree in that I think when you start getting >40 you start to realise you're not invincible and you need to start looking after yourself a bit. I have a fucked knee and after months of swimming in circles through the NHS getting bounced from pillar to post I was eventually told "you're just getting old"
  11. I watch these "Help a fat bloke / lass get healthy" programs. There is a real valid point that the bloke keeps making. - Health - Job - Social Life - House - Holidays - Friends Which of those is the most important? It should be Health over and above anything else. Its the one thing that defines your mortality and without it, the other things on the list are irrelevant. Oh, and I eat 15-20g of Seeds and 50-75g of nuts every day
  12. Geordie still living in Gods own though again, Stevie would disagree Born and bred in the West End and now living in co Durham.
  13. Here you go - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22000973 According to that I'm Established Middle Class
  14. I always like to think of myself as working class and base that on my upbringing. But two pots simply isnt enough to stereotype people these days. Wasnt there a recent study / waste of time thing that suggested there are now 7 class levels or something?
  15. Was prob on about horses or something. Did you see the clip of him in the picture man
  16. I's agree with Andy. The dog is white and the pic needs to reflect that, crank up the exposure in Photoshop or whatever. The grass either needs to be gone, or look like its meant to be there. The Moon is ok, Id be cropping right in as the sky is offering nothing. If you take a shot of the moon you want a tri-pod, a cable release or timer and zoom right in etc. I can discuss settings if you want those. Heres one I took doing that : http://www.flickr.com/photos/34459996@N04/5106391371/in/photolist-8MeAfx-8MeAe2-8mieMf-bGddRr-btip6s-bBfAiX
  17. JawD

    Keeping fit

    Gym Weights 3 days a week Gym Cardio 1 day a week Run or bike 5K once a week outside Odd game of Squash and odd 10mile hill walk. Also for those interested : A - Weights = Increase Strength, Muscle Endurance & Improve Physique B - Cardio = Improve Cardiovascular Health, improve overall body health C - Good Nutrition = Numerous Heath benefits & Weight loss You can do any one on its own and achieve some of those results, but its more efficient to combine them all. So you will have better "A" if you also include "C" and better yet if you include a bit of "B" Most people want fat loss. C on its own is the quickest way but A and B help it along.
  18. JawD

    Keeping fit

    Nah, Holly Johnson all day there man
  19. Im convinced MA is going to take a fat wedge out of the club to repay his "lending" and thus reduce the overall asking price he wants.
  20. Got that hand on hip pose off to a T though
  21. Its a sad case when you're fine with the move in the hope we'd reinvest the money to improve the squad. I dont like looking back as its pointless, I'd much rather deal with the now, but how I miss the days when we would reject bids for the likes of Cabaye and still look to strengthen the squad. We've been beat down so many times now we're accepting the new way of things. Like Tom said and this is exactly as I am these days, it wouldnt be so bad if we felt we were going it for the good of the club, to compete. But its not. I just dont feel like the club are arsed about progress, just maintaining where we are.
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