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About JawD

  • Birthday 03/25/1972

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    Whitley Bay

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  1. Ive not gone for the DLC, still recovering from finishing the main thing. That was HARD. It kinda gives you a clue mind at the very start with that way OP Knight who kicks your arse
  2. First Descendant - Very Destiny like, and free 😀
  3. Sharks on cocaine. No wonder the fuckers are always looking for a fight. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cek9mr43x1xo
  4. Sorry if already posted, but good enough to repeat. While the quote was bollocks, it absolutely reads as true and your head will only read it in his voice: https://www.rawstory.com/trump-ear-growing-back/#:~:text=A falsified post on X,been viewed 1.5 million times.
  5. JawD

    Eddie Howe

    Be good if they confirm it soon, then it's another thing we (and the media) can put to bed.
  6. Going to see these later in year, my current obsession (thats not the name of the band)
  7. I think this is why I've slid quietly back here 🐮talking NUFC on twitter is just hard fucking work. No one has a balanced view (on any subject tbf). In other news, a couple of conversations I've had recently suggested that on Amanda, part of her issue was being a scatter brain. They would all agree a plan on something and she would go "off plan" easily. Then on Eddie Howe, suggestions they are pushing him to change his training approach (but with input from new nutrition and performance people) as over training part (not only) cause of injuries (I think most of us would have guessed this bit).
  8. Like most I think he is a great option to have, but we know how unreliable he is. Would be nuts to go in to another season with only him and Isak. I dont mind him staying, but think we need a 3rd option (to really be 2nd option and maybe offer something different to Isak)
  9. JawD

    Eddie Howe

    More noise around this today it seems. I wonder with Mandy off, would this make Howe think it could be time for him, or will have feel he has unfinished work here? If he is offered England, he might not be offered again so could see it as his only chance? I think it's too soon, he could do something here (NUFC) with 1-2 more seasons then maybe look at England? Though assume next England manager will take through to 2026 WC in America, seems reasonable to line Howe up for after that (assuming another year of winning nowt).
  10. JawD

    Chinese Bots

    Wipe down sitting up.
  11. JawD

    Gigs 2024

    Saw the Foo's (again) this year, who were excellent (again). Have Dave Gilmour in Oct which I can't wait, being a Floyd fan and seen Roger Waters several times, but never Gilmour. Just booked tickets for Sleep Token, which is my current obsession and locally have OCS at the Tynemouth Festival this week (pissing down ofc) and next month Snow Patrol (and others) at Hardwick Hall festival.
  12. More shite today linking him to City. I've convinced myself its all bollocks and when he is back from Euros he will sign a new contract.
  13. Pretty much the page I'm on. When he joined he made me realise just how back our back 4 was, he stood out a mile with quality. Now the back four have caught up some (player quality and training). Tino clearly the future, offers more going forward I think but Trippier defensively better for me, despite a couple of poor games (that any player has, Christ some wanted rid of Bruno last season).
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