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Status Updates posted by MattM4

  1. "Goals in first 8 Premier League appearances" http://t.co/EmtPmpkN #nufc #NoMalo

  2. "Good luck battling the demented sense of righteous entitlement which seems to have hopelessly crippled your sense of reason" #WeeklyWipe

  3. "HANDBALL!" learn a new word Norwich fans. #nufc #ncfc

  4. "I couldn't find any suitcases so I put all your shit in garbage bags" #Flight

  5. "I don't know who you are, but you're about to get chlamydia." #TheLeague http://t.co/nJwmIRUP

  6. "I don't want this to sound harsh, but everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie. Everything that goes into it is a dick." #ThisIs40

  7. "If you film anybody long enough, they're going to do something stupid. It's only human natural" #theoffice http://t.co/yD182ME7Rc

  8. "It is the height of man's arrogance to presume what Jesus would vote for" #dailyshow

  9. "It wasn't me. Why does everyone always think it's me?" #HIMYM http://t.co/NaEek2Kl

  10. "It's sort of sticking a plaster over a hole or something and the plaster comes off. It's a problem again." - Mark Twain Pilkington

  11. "It's the perfect plan. So inspired, so devious yet so simple." #seinfeld http://t.co/vJoltOVd2y

  12. "Jabby jab! Excellent... next day comeback. Well done, Costanza" #dailyshow http://t.co/igvCWTqa

  13. "Jason Prior's scored to make it 3-1 to #nufc." Amazing stuff! Go #JP9

  14. "Karl Vs Steve" - XFM Compilation http://t.co/ap2aqJXG

  15. "Like the fascist soup vendor used to say, I'm afraid that I am out of delicious soup." #dailyshow

  16. "Liverpool express racism concerns" ... what, that there isn't enough of it? #lfc #klanfield

  17. "Look at you, you're like a young Alan Shearer! But handsome." #Hebburn

  18. "Looking back it was strange how the cops never showed up." #maxpayne3quotes

  19. "Milner wary of Balotelli threat" http://t.co/jLYAT71r Ha! He should be wary of everyone. I certainly doubt Italy are wary of him #eng #ita

  20. "My sister had pony, my cousin had pony. So, what's wrong with that?" #seinfeld http://t.co/gqfxgadyf5

  21. "Nahhh, no way he hit the crossbar, no way. Nah" http://t.co/vNigB29G #nufc

  22. "That's not playing an instrument! That's like blowing into a toilet!" http://t.co/BmHwjGBvE4

  23. "Unbelievably, David Beckham doesn't step up"... Not really given how terrible he is at penalty taking #MLScup #bbcfootball

  24. "We just had sex in the cab on the way over here" - "In the back of a cab?" - "In the back of her body!" #TheLeagu http://t.co/5uV9zAqb

  25. "Whatever the hell they were arguing about, it was time for me to add my two cents." #maxpayne3quotes

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