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Dolly Potter MD

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Posts posted by Dolly Potter MD

  1. What's lost in all this [without all the tabloid rubbish thrown into the piece] is that Dalglish is a great coach of classic style centreforwards. I rate Coyle similarly in this regard, and the latter is due for a major post at a big club.


    Carroll will continue to flourish, particularly in the events of Dalglish staying on, or Coyle moving in.

  2. this thread is about debts, and plans, and showing that "plans" don't bring guaranteed success, Martin O'Neill is nowt special as a manager in fact he's nothing but a quitter, and that Randy Lerner who was supposed to be an astute owner far more than our ex owners and therefore would do better than them, is all a load of bollocks. Which is exactly what I said when he appointed O'Neill and proceeded with his "plan".


    Does anybody have anything intelligent or constructive to add, negative or positive to show otherwise ?



    The Lerners' record in Cleveland doesn't exactly read like a recipe for success in a competition where parity [as built by the league's heirachy] is paramount.


    The pontification or the hyping up of the Lerner's potential impact at Villa [when they purchased the club, and soon hired O'Neill] was originally misplaced, particularly in it's usage to bash the previous regime [shepherd obviously] with another stick, by inferring that we never hired so-called trophy managers.


    Points i raised in another time, on another forum.

  3. Perch and Smith out, 2 good strikers in, a good winger, full back cover and retain Ireland(if he fits in and looks good), sign up Barton,Nolan and Jose. That would be a good summer for me. Oh and fucking Guthrie off and getting O` Hara wouldnt be bad either



    haha, and you still believe in Santa Claus do you :D

    5 in 2 or 3 out?? You think that's asking too much??


    Fucking hell you are such a negative twat, I bet you sit at home praying we don't sign any decent players


    of course, thats why I'm paying the next 3 years upfront again you stupid cunt.

    So you pay 3 years up front and all you do is piss and moan, you really are a sad twat


    I didn't piss and moan when we were playing in the Champions League and europe regularly, especially moan on about fucking warehouses, dividends and the price of black and white shirts.


    Shepherd & Fletcher are much maligned, in the latter case due to the SOS campaign. Both unfairly, they're so-called crimes were insignificant when putting into perspective the club's turnaround, and the hard yards put in.


    Placing an entire first team up for sale, and faxing those players' respective details [wages, touted transfer fee] to every top flight club reportedly - and all this carried out behind the manager's back pales in significance with some.


    I couldn't help but chuckle at Pardew's comment or inference that he, Ashley & Dekka were working hard [seemingly in unison] to restore the club's former status, as built originally by the brainstrust trio that was KK/Fletcher/Shepherd. With regard to the section placed in bold, that will never happen under the cuurent ownership as there are non-football related motives in play ie. the balance sheets need to be permanently in the black [no operating debt] in order to appeal to prospective investors, and Ashley repaying himself for monies lent to the club due to his own incompetence. Aside from a brief blip [during the floatation, when Corbidge had too much say in the club's affairs] it was purely about the football, the business was football.


    Ashley, Llambias [his glorified debt collector], and their puppet manager in Pardew Vs Fletcher, Shepherd & Keegan [with Hall's ambition]. Chuckle worthy.

  4. He's got a perfectly valid reason to be cynical about the regime considering they were wholly unprofessional in dealing with him and has had to put up with the same transfer budget shite that the rest have. There's a difference between sniping at the club and sniping at the way it's being run; Keegan's obviously got affection for one but not the other.


    From an employment perspective [where a manager has to be allowed to manage 1st team affairs] KK successfully suing for constructive dismissal was a great thing. But more importantly the court/tribunal casting aside the club's counterclaim for breach of contract [on KK's part, according to a clause inserted in his contract] avoided a dangerous precedent being set, and no doubt the LMA would've rallied against it.


    Any manager with a hint of professional integrity [when trying to ply his trade, amidst an untenable working environment] has the right to walk away. It takes some cheek for a club to insert a so-called 'resignation clause' in a contract hereby allowing them to sue, yet expect an old-school & successful manager [like KK] to operate within a deceptive & alien environent, amidst practices that were completely at odds with his principles/operating values & methods.


    One could never imagine that the simple formality of the managerial merry-go-round [ie. managers resigning] being transformed, or at least attempted to in KK's case, into a minor cash windfall for the balance sheets [as it would've been as KK's successors have been comparitively paid peanuts, basic wages that is]. At least as a once-off in this instance, as potential managers would've cottoned to the fact that abandoning Project Ashley would've amounted to litigation being launched against them.


    Managers with an ounce of professional integrity [trying to simply do their job amidst the suffocating & demoralising effects of Project Ashley], who would jack it in, have dodged a bullet thanks to the tribunal's ruling.

  5. The player I'd have from Lille, is Eden Hazard, he's only a youngun, but he's class there's a lot of clubs who would be ahead of us in trying to sign him though, he's gonna be a top top top player.

    Not Moussa Sow? Top scorer in the league with 16. Gervinho only has 11.

    Nar, Hazard is more of Ben Arfa type than a striker, butr he's just a kid and he's Belgium's best player, lower centre of gravity, nee wonder Chelsea were after him. I had a bet on Lille about a year ago, watched the game on BET365, he got the ball off the keeper skinned half the team and got a last minute winner, he stuck out like a sore thumb that aside and he was only 18 then. Lille could win the french league this season like, absolutely pivotal game for them the neet against Lyon though.



    ................ a bit like Anderson's effort back in Brazil :rolleyes:



    But in all fairness, he's supposed to be a serious talent though. Wenger is interested as well.


    I'd like us to have a crack at Elia, potentially scupper any continued interest on Liverpool's part. He's definitely a throwback to the older generations of Dutch players i used to enjoy watching [ie. quick & technically very sound], as opposed to the more physical direction Dutch football is taking now, away from technique & flair/the Ajax & PSV footballing educations: players like Kuyt are the embodiment of Dutch football, at least at international level.


    After a break-out first year in Germany, Elia's lost his way a bit at club level over the last 12 months, but i think he's still in the top echelon of emerging talent, amongst multi-faceted wingers/creative widemen in the mould of HBA.

  6. Anti climax interview tbf covering about 3 minutes in all.


    Would have sold Carroll for 35m


    Was happy to sell Milner but wanted replacement first.


    Doesnt think Pardew will see any of the 35 mill.


    About it really.


    Aye, succinct and to the point. Yet some 'so-called' Newcastle fans want to slag him off for saying it as it is it seems. What's more fucking annoying than anything is that not once has Keegan offered his view, it's always when he's been approached. Same can be said for Shearer and Hughton to a lesser degree.


    If he was the cunt a lot of people claim he is then he'd have gone mouthing off back at the tail end of 2008 - responding to the various pathetic press releases the club made (i.e. "it is a fact........") but he never did. Some think he's a mercenary for sueing Ashley when in reality all KK wanted to do was manage the team and would have much preferred to do that that go through this whole sorry rigmarole.


    Boils my piss that many of these anti-Keegan fans are evidently far too young to remember what he achieved here, not once but twice and therefore haven't really got the first clue about what we're going on about. This doesn't include you TP as I accept there's bound to be a small proportion of those who have supported the club from or before 1982 who are that ungrateful.


    Ungrateful ? I would say "clueless"


    ................ and they've probably read that other bio as well[ie. that other piece of shite, a paraphrased & cut&pasted version of KK's penned one by Ridley, with countless references to 'his ego'], for a so-called intelligent point of reference, and a source of inspiration for their personal little vendettas against him for supposedly bottling it twice.

  7. If contract extensions, new contracts for incoming transfers etc are to be factored into the equation when mentioning the ambiguous & loosely defining line peddled by the club that 'the Carroll money will be reinvested back into the club', then a sizable chunk of Pardew's potential summer transfer kitty has just evaporated. I really hope this isn't the case.


    Incoming transfers, and their outlay, must match the money received for Carroll - pound for pound minimum............... as will be the case with Liverpool because they will continue build their attacking 1/3 around him, re: the cash received for Torres, and then some.

  8. CT, and i say the following with the utmost level of sincerity. If you're dead set serious about shedding pounds [which i don't doubt] the best thing you could do is consider a change in profession.


    Taxi drivers [with the periods of physical inactivity over a shift, and eating fast food on the go] are almost predisposed to being overweight. It's a hazard that comes with the job.


    Mind you, i'm fortunate that i'm a tradie, an average working week helps keep me fit & i get paid for it.

  9. If he says he's not for sale he's a liar and a puppet if he goes. If he admits it'll be tough keeping him he's asking for bids


    ah. There was a time when we said someone wasn't for sale and they weren't. In fact, nobody bothered trying to buy our best players because they knew they wouldn't be sold.


    A couple of notable and more recent examples: When Dyer was hot property [after his 1st season here, after his shin surgery] when Leeds was throwing around big money as they were looking to consolidate their CL position. I'm sure there was interest in Bellamy at a similar stage of his Toon career as well.... wasn't Man United an interested suitor?


    When the 'not the sale' shutter was invoked, they meant it. Unless there were extenuating circumstances at play [ie. reasoning behind Cole & Hamman's departures] they didn't cash-in [at the slightest hint of printed notes being slung their way], whilst strengthening our rivals' & should-be rivals respective squad building plans.


    The sale of Carroll [and knowing they'll further build their attacking third around him] has put us behind the 8-ball, in what should be concerted pursuit of a rival club looking to re-establish itself as a European force, as our ambition should be.

  10. Money helps, but scouting and organisation is the key to everything.

    Well if Tiote and Ben Arfa are the product of this then thats good enough for me. Would rather see this than spunking money(wages,fees etc) on some over the hill or over rated Billybigbollocks


    Yep, players who see this club as a step up (which it is for all but a few) as opposed to players who see it as a gravy train/retirement fund.


    I'd rather these players [the Tiotes, Enriques, and Ben Arfas] envision us a viable option to achieve their personal career goals, the fulfllment of ambitions ie. European football etc. This is obviously achieved through actions from the board - by not selling your best players.


    Under this man's ownership the club is nothing more than a strategic stepping stone [as a player agent's first port-of-call in England, for young clients with a bag of potential] for such players who have the raw ability to move on to the highest level of club competition, and consequently attract an appropriate wage package & signing bonus' later on.


    Despite Ashley's damage inflicted to the on-field brand, and taking into account our league positioning, the club's stature [as fully maximised by Ashley's predecessors] still allows us to acquire talent that will inevitably slip under the top-4's radar from time to time, providing we don't play funny buggers over transfer fees with the player's parent club.


    We're a great 'one contract term bus-stop' [at the most] at the moment, a meal ticket for bigger & better things for players............... and that's the ideal marriage under the club's current model of acquiring players with resale value, improving them & moving them on for a profit.

  11. It's inevitable he'll win full international status soon, such is his form, and his soon-to-be new team-mates all ply their respective trades at ambitious clubs.


    If he's contemplating a move already, his first international cap [and with the ensuing lockerroom chatter] will effectively drive a definitive nail in the coffin.

  12. Was 6mill a club record for a full back leazes? Bargain basment tbh, I guess your man didn't see them as important as they don't sell many shirts



    Pistone [4.5m] and Domi [about the same] were signings whose fees/expenditure could not be sneezed & scoffed at, especially in what was a depressed market, comparatively speaking when looking at the prices thrown about for quality & emerging talent these days.......... and let's not forget Barton, the most expensive British defender at the time.


    Having said that Man United's 'reported interest' in Miguel [during the European Champs where he impressed ie. the Summer when we signed Carr] effectively priced us out the market. At the other end of the scale [fees paid] Seitaridis was a missed opportunity, when Porto signed him prior to the aforementioned championships, whereas we/the board opted to look at him sign him based on his Euro showing.


    Whereas your man's record [in terms of 'misses' in the transfer market]by comparison reads like a motorway pile-up.



    What are you even on about? Are you justifying signing Stephen Carr because Man Utd was linked with Miguel in the papers? :)


    The lad starred during the aforementioned tournament. It's a rule of thumb that asking prices are raised accordingly - Man United were scared off as well, by a 10m+ pricetag slapped on by Benfica.


    Remember this is the same club & manager [Fergie] who have had their fingers previously burnt by paying large fees for players on the back of a break-out performance, at a major tourney ie. Porbosky. Ironically by the same club as well.


    As for the signing of Carr. An international defender with leadership qualities, who was probably in need of a change in scenery, as well as a turn in fortune on the injury front. A justafied & cost-effective gamble at the time, for a player of premiership pedigree.


    Wenger signed Overmarrs despite major question marks hanging over the player's durability, as MO was still on the rebound from a knee reconstruction. An educated gamble on Wenger/Arsenal's part, and it payed off. Sometimes they come off. Of course the alternative being we could've trowelled through the lower divisions looking for mid-20's 'chancers', players who haven't cut the grade in their respective lower leagues ie. Perch'esque targets.



    Why wasn't Carr replaced when it became obvious how shit he clearly was then? :up:


    Why don't you ask the relevent manager/s then. It's their call, are you still a misguided believer of the whole 'Fat Controller' myth.


    Why slate a regime who previously backed their respective managers judgments when either fullback slots were marked for overhaul, whether they be for footballing reasons - or in Souness' case for non-footballing reasons.



    Are you calling Sir Bobby a liar like?


    .............. and did Shepherd pass across a desk & hand a note to himself, with the words 'Michael Owen' scrawled on it, while Mr Souness played the part of a so-called innocent onlooker?


    What. The. Fuck.



    The point has clearly escaped you even if it was sarcastic, given the 'note handed/passed to Shepherd, by Souness' originated straight from the horse's mouth ie. Souness. It's a relevant point given there's a belief that Owen was FS's signing, and that our buying strategy [under successive managers] was somewhat geared around FS playing out his own FM fantasy.


    BTW, although it's taboo given his stature, but i'm more than prepared to question his final two season's management here [and i've put it on record here before, with the so-called 'whys'], and more than happy to admit that the board was justafied in putting a succession plan in place [by removing Robson - 04/05 being his last season] as brutal as it was.


    The mistakes were Hall Jr prematurely hitting the panic button, and probably not sacking him prior to the 04/05 Summer transfer window, when the board must have had some reservations about his management at the time - as there should have been earlier, in the wake of him setting upa defensive rearguard [playing away from the team's strengths, as he did in the season's opening month] in the second leg against Partizan. That second leg tie, and the corresponding fixture [which tied in with Robson's tactical reshuffle - particularly on the left flank, with Robert employed too deep] period killed our season.

  13. Was 6mill a club record for a full back leazes? Bargain basment tbh, I guess your man didn't see them as important as they don't sell many shirts



    Pistone [4.5m] and Domi [about the same] were signings whose fees/expenditure could not be sneezed & scoffed at, especially in what was a depressed market, comparatively speaking when looking at the prices thrown about for quality & emerging talent these days.......... and let's not forget Barton, the most expensive British defender at the time.


    Having said that Man United's 'reported interest' in Miguel [during the European Champs where he impressed ie. the Summer when we signed Carr] effectively priced us out the market. At the other end of the scale [fees paid] Seitaridis was a missed opportunity, when Porto signed him prior to the aforementioned championships, whereas we/the board opted to look at him sign him based on his Euro showing.


    Whereas your man's record [in terms of 'misses' in the transfer market]by comparison reads like a motorway pile-up.



    What are you even on about? Are you justifying signing Stephen Carr because Man Utd was linked with Miguel in the papers? :)


    The lad starred during the aforementioned tournament. It's a rule of thumb that asking prices are raised accordingly - Man United were scared off as well, by a 10m+ pricetag slapped on by Benfica.


    Remember this is the same club & manager [Fergie] who have had their fingers previously burnt by paying large fees for players on the back of a break-out performance, at a major tourney ie. Porbosky. Ironically by the same club as well.


    As for the signing of Carr. An international defender with leadership qualities, who was probably in need of a change in scenery, as well as a turn in fortune on the injury front. A justafied & cost-effective gamble at the time, for a player of premiership pedigree.


    Wenger signed Overmarrs despite major question marks hanging over the player's durability, as MO was still on the rebound from a knee reconstruction. An educated gamble on Wenger/Arsenal's part, and it payed off. Sometimes they come off. Of course the alternative being we could've trowelled through the lower divisions looking for mid-20's 'chancers', players who haven't cut the grade in their respective lower leagues ie. Perch'esque targets.



    Why wasn't Carr replaced when it became obvious how shit he clearly was then? :up:


    Why don't you ask the relevent manager/s then. It's their call, are you still a misguided believer of the whole 'Fat Controller' myth.


    Why slate a regime who previously backed their respective managers judgments when either fullback slots were marked for overhaul, whether they be for footballing reasons - or in Souness' case for non-footballing reasons.



    Are you calling Sir Bobby a liar like?


    .............. and did Shepherd pass across a desk & hand a note to himself, with the words 'Michael Owen' scrawled on it, while Mr Souness played the part of a so-called innocent onlooker?

  14. Comparing signing overmars to carr btw :)


    I don't think you saw enough of Carr [prior to his knee recon], otherwise you wouldn't be throwing around such rash statements.


    ...................... btw we've signed players with dodgy fitness records as well under the previous regime, moves that payed dividends as well. A particular Andrew Cole springs to mind, and his record was shocking on this front before KK signed him. As said before they sometimes come off & sometimes they dont, that's the volatile nature of what is a speculative market.


    Life must be a beautiful living within the exclusive clours of black & white, when one views life through hindsight tinted glasses.

  15. Was 6mill a club record for a full back leazes? Bargain basment tbh, I guess your man didn't see them as important as they don't sell many shirts



    Pistone [4.5m] and Domi [about the same] were signings whose fees/expenditure could not be sneezed & scoffed at, especially in what was a depressed market, comparatively speaking when looking at the prices thrown about for quality & emerging talent these days.......... and let's not forget Barton, the most expensive British defender at the time.


    Having said that Man United's 'reported interest' in Miguel [during the European Champs where he impressed ie. the Summer when we signed Carr] effectively priced us out the market. At the other end of the scale [fees paid] Seitaridis was a missed opportunity, when Porto signed him prior to the aforementioned championships, whereas we/the board opted to look at him sign him based on his Euro showing.


    Whereas your man's record [in terms of 'misses' in the transfer market]by comparison reads like a motorway pile-up.



    What are you even on about? Are you justifying signing Stephen Carr because Man Utd was linked with Miguel in the papers? :)


    The lad starred during the aforementioned tournament. It's a rule of thumb that asking prices are raised accordingly - Man United were scared off as well, by a 10m+ pricetag slapped on by Benfica.


    Remember this is the same club & manager [Fergie] who have had their fingers previously burnt by paying large fees for players on the back of a break-out performance, at a major tourney ie. Porbosky. Ironically by the same club as well.


    As for the signing of Carr. An international defender with leadership qualities, who was probably in need of a change in scenery, as well as a turn in fortune on the injury front. A justafied & cost-effective gamble at the time, for a player of premiership pedigree.


    Wenger signed Overmarrs despite major question marks hanging over the player's durability, as MO was still on the rebound from a knee reconstruction. An educated gamble on Wenger/Arsenal's part, and it payed off. Sometimes they come off. Of course the alternative being we could've trowelled through the lower divisions looking for mid-20's 'chancers', players who haven't cut the grade in their respective lower leagues ie. Perch'esque targets.



    Why wasn't Carr replaced when it became obvious how shit he clearly was then? :up:


    Why don't you ask the relevent manager/s then. It's their call, are you still a misguided believer of the whole 'Fat Controller' myth.


    Why slate a regime who previously backed their respective managers judgments when either fullback slots were marked for overhaul, whether they be for footballing reasons - or in Souness' case for non-footballing reasons.

  16. Was 6mill a club record for a full back leazes? Bargain basment tbh, I guess your man didn't see them as important as they don't sell many shirts



    Pistone [4.5m] and Domi [about the same] were signings whose fees/expenditure could not be sneezed & scoffed at, especially in what was a depressed market, comparatively speaking when looking at the prices thrown about for quality & emerging talent these days.......... and let's not forget Barton, the most expensive British defender at the time.


    Having said that Man United's 'reported interest' in Miguel [during the European Champs where he impressed ie. the Summer when we signed Carr] effectively priced us out the market. At the other end of the scale [fees paid] Seitaridis was a missed opportunity, when Porto signed him prior to the aforementioned championships, whereas we/the board opted to look at him sign him based on his Euro showing.


    Whereas your man's record [in terms of 'misses' in the transfer market]by comparison reads like a motorway pile-up.



    What are you even on about? Are you justifying signing Stephen Carr because Man Utd was linked with Miguel in the papers? :)


    The lad starred during the aforementioned tournament. It's a rule of thumb that asking prices are raised accordingly - Man United were scared off as well, by a 10m+ pricetag slapped on by Benfica.


    Remember this is the same club & manager [Fergie] who have had their fingers previously burnt by paying large fees for players on the back of a break-out performance, at a major tourney ie. Porbosky. Ironically by the same club as well.


    As for the signing of Carr. An international defender with leadership qualities, who was probably in need of a change in scenery, as well as a turn in fortune on the injury front. A justafied & cost-effective gamble at the time, for a player of premiership pedigree.


    Wenger signed Overmarrs despite major question marks hanging over the player's durability, as MO was still on the rebound from a knee reconstruction. An educated gamble on Wenger/Arsenal's part, and it payed off. Sometimes they come off. Of course the alternative being we could've trowelled through the lower divisions looking for mid-20's 'chancers', players who haven't cut the grade in their respective lower leagues ie. Perch'esque targets.

  17. Was 6mill a club record for a full back leazes? Bargain basment tbh, I guess your man didn't see them as important as they don't sell many shirts



    Pistone [4.5m] and Domi [about the same] were signings whose fees/expenditure could not be sneezed & scoffed at, especially in what was a depressed market, comparatively speaking when looking at the prices thrown about for quality & emerging talent these days.......... and let's not forget Barton, the most expensive British defender at the time.


    Having said that Man United's 'reported interest' in Miguel [during the European Champs where he impressed ie. the Summer when we signed Carr] effectively priced us out the market. At the other end of the scale [fees paid] Seitaridis was a missed opportunity, when Porto signed him prior to the aforementioned championships, whereas we/the board opted to look at him sign him based on his Euro showing.


    Whereas your man's record [in terms of 'misses' in the transfer market]by comparison reads like a motorway pile-up.

  18. discussing on the way back from Blackburn................Frank Clark was a great, top defender - Alan Kennedy was a top left back and an attacking one - John Beresford the same. But Enrique is a great defender and a great attacking full back. I'm starting to think now he is the best left back I've seen play for Newcastle, and the first 2 above won European Cup and League Championship medals.


    Yesterdays performance was great but is only one game, he is just getting better all the time, he has a good understanding with Jonas I don't understand the fuss thats being made here, he would be a great player in any team.



    Baffling, he can't be quality, the days of signing quality players [and the notion of actually building a team around them, that is worthy of qualifying for Europe] were over THE VERY DAY Ashley bought the club, according to you.




  19. I couldn't play the game myself. The smallest errors in technique are magnified, and are duly punished to the extreme. It's a sport whose learning curve is too steep, for my volatile [sports related] temper.


    But i do admire the design element of the sport - course layout, and the scenery which frames a course over a time. Augusta National is the greatest example of maturation of a golf course ie. the framing of the course over time, by it's natural surrounds.


    Here's a course [located in Australia, NSW] often labeled 'the closest thing to Augusta National', Bonville International.

































  20. At least two of the 'big four' to be sold in the Summer.


    Tiote is a certainty. Has the athleticism & engine to play box-to-box, and as seen on the week-end [when the shackles are released] he can provide an attacking presence around the box - such is technique on the ball, which is very sound.


    Likewise Collocini. Kinnear's brand of anti-football destroyed him, he's a ball-playing centrehalf in the mould of Cavalahro, although not as good. With two years left on his contract it's the last chance for Ashley to cash in, and by that i mean to recoup something around the mark of our original outlay. Getting his weekly wages off the books [under our highly restrictive wage ceiling] will be a priority for the club's brainstrust. I expect him to be touted heavily.


    Enrique and Jonas are also possibilities, particularly the former obvious reasons. Despite his failings Jonas would be a big asset in a Serie A outfit, where his there isn't such a great reliance on wingers/attacking fullbacks being able to bomb forward & consistenstly hit the centrehalf with a cross. It more about elaborate passing exchanges & build-play, drawing fouls in attacking positions, & possession retention.


    Factor in Collocini & Enrique's acclimatisation to the top flight [this season, and the exposure received] and the emergence of Tiote, the current campaign has played out as an excellent display window opportunity for a regime whose motto is to 'purchase players with resale value, improve them & move them on for a profit' - especially pertinant in the case of the later two mentioned ie. Enrique & Tiote.

  21. His previous attacking exploits were on the back of Jonas taking the ball and drawing the defender leaving Jose to run by to collect. Jonas hasn't been doing this of late which has hindered Jose pushing on.


    As I said in the OP ;)

    Then you should've made a thread about Jonas then. You made this one as you knew people would be annoyed then you could tell everyone they agree with you. You know nothing about football. Havn't you got some driving to be doing?


    You're a cock, a taity picker and a craicless wum. Are you not embarrassed that everyone thinks you're clueless. You make no mention of how the game works. I mean I've actually taught you something by telling you how a full back shouldn't go down on his arse.


    :D What a tit.

    Was me who did the educating initially Mac.


    CT which Spanish left back would you say is better than Enrique?


    As a shutdown/defensive leftback........... no-one.

  22. Over the years [since the creation of the Jewish State] there have been almost as many extreme right-wing Zionist groups as there have been Islamic fundamentalists ie. The Irgun group [who bombed the King David Hotel] and the JDL among others.


    The late Rabbi Kahane was the Zionist equivalent to Yassin.

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