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Posts posted by CleeToonFan

  1. So our future best scientists et al would have a year or two behind the rest of the world? Hardly gonna help us become a world leading state with such outdated views.

  2. Depends on the idiosyncrasies of his degree itself. If he just did World War 2 and stuff then aye it's ridiculous but if he spent a lot of time looking at economic crises and different reactions and effects etc it could be useful. Agree that an economics PHD would be ideal like.



    :lol: I'm not Alex. And thanks. I am however curious as to what difference being Alex would have made?



    That's a really good example, glad to hear it worked out; I do think that more small employers should be persuaded to think this way, it's win-win. The fact that he had a long standing and capable employee for 9 years as a result of a six week trial speaks volumes. It also starts you off on the right foot, as you work hard to make an impression. There's nothing wrong with hard work as long as you feel you're a) appreciated and b ) getting something meaningful out of it, be it pay or skills. Something that you just wouldn't get from Tesco.


    I also agree with your later point though, perhaps there simply are too many people looking for work for this to be workable. I feel the government should find some way to efficiently manage this however, we're a nation predominantly made of small businesses, and something like this would perhaps mean they could out-compete bigger companies in some cases, if it could be made to work.


    Also, it's definitely true that constant rejection makes it much harder to motivate yourself for work, and I'm not sure why the Tories expect that this would not be the case. A lot of the language they've been using is threatening and aggressive, and it's just counter effective. They fundamentally misunderstand what it's like. It always gets me that Osborne was employed for something like 6 weeks in Selfridges before he made his career as a politician. So he's only had a real job for about 6 weeks in his entire life. He also has no academic or professional background in economics, he has a history degree.

    If you only knew the amount of economic history we do with these degrees :(.

  4. Public Sector only gets a 1% pay rise but they aren't going to raise taxes on beer?



    'Right lads, it's either the beer thing or making public service wages rise with inflation. One or the other, they are definitely linked.'

  5. Commercially for the TV companies then the first 2 seasons of it would be hyped up to the eyeballs. There is a FIFA regulation at the moment that forbids cross border leagues so it would be illegal for either of them to play in the English League. However, I'm sure I read something a while back that said they would use the fact that FIFA had allowed Belgium and Holland to have a combined womans league thus going against their own rule.


  6. My local MP in the paper whilst with his Old Etonian friend.' But the pair, who sit close to each other in what they describe as the "free-thinking" section of the House Of Commons, say they are united by their common beliefs and values.'

    Both voted no to equal marriage :lol:

  7. Fair enough mate :lol:, this was a fair while after so no chance then. Yeah dish out the 2-1's but fuck me does something shit always happen. Probably be up for Liverpool or Europa League if thursday goes well so hopefully nothing goes wrong then and ill make it for a pint without turning up over an hour late :lol:. Aye I know it was perfect, nothing beats a Yeboah-goal.


    Just realised Campbell was born 2 years after me. Gone back to being miserable.

  8. Scottish football needs a shake up like. I know people go on about our PL being a 2 or 3 horse race but it's far too predictable up there. Celtic will meander on to successive bored title wins until Rangers get back up after pissing each league by about 30 points. Controversially, I would put Scottish football back to basics and put an American style system in place. Wage caps, a draft, maybe bring back a 3 foreigner rule. It needs it, big style.

    Always seen revenue sharing as a solution over there. Celtic gain so much money from having a fan base that covers all of Scotland (and some abroad too) and itd only be fair if the teams who have potential supporters stolen gain some money back. All SPL revenue goes into a pot and is divided by 12. European revenues are for the respective clubs to keep but other than that all sharing. Someone buying a Celtic shirt in Paisley would still help fund St. Mirren.

  9. Haha yeah I had a mare and didn't think about it until it was too late, luckily my mates at Newcastle University so got some sleep there. Yeah I'm at Uni in London, there'd be no way of getting a bus from Newcastle to Grimsby. Although since the train lines fucked from Doncaster to Scunthorpe if I did want to go home it'd be 2.5 hours from Donny to Clee alone. Basically making Ants car look like a good investment ;)

  10. Phone ran out of battery yesterday afternoon meaning I missed my bus at midnight, booked an 8:40 Megabus from central station, got there 20 mins early, the bus turned up at 9:19, waited for an hour in -2 to get on a bus which will take 7 hours, then an hours tube ride and 20 minute walk home. So yeah feeling pretty shit.

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