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Posts posted by Magma

  1. Don't fuck her about Magma, she doesn't suffer fools, she'll fuck you up in as soon as look at you.



    And don't, I repeat don't, slag her favourite step son i.e. me.



    P.S You been getting owt from the staff shop?


    No, the shop closes at 11pm at the same time as I finish work.




    Nip in when you're on your break you numpty.


    I would but I start at 7 and finish at 11 and I don't get a break because I only do 4 hours.

  2. Don't fuck her about Magma, she doesn't suffer fools, she'll fuck you up in as soon as look at you.



    And don't, I repeat don't, slag her favourite step son i.e. me.



    P.S You been getting owt from the staff shop?


    No, the shop closes at 11pm at the same time as I finish work.

  3. Still working at Marks & Spencers, but could do with another part time job as I can't get full time hours at Marksies.




    My stepmother reckons it's because you've got the brains of a demented gnat and keep putting stuff in the wrong place you thick cunt!



    P.S. Don't shoot the messenger. :lol:


    You still haven't told me which department your stepmother works on, and what's she's called. Twat!




    Food hall I think.


    That's a good start, now how about telling me what she's called so I can let her know what a twat you are.






    Where's that pic you used to have in your profile you little nerd? I'll show her it, then tell her to come and introduce herself.


    Deleted that photo after everyone kept on having it on there profile.






    I'll tell her to look out for you, do you still look like that photo?


    More or less, and when I meet her I must shake her hand for her having you as a step son.

  4. Still working at Marks & Spencers, but could do with another part time job as I can't get full time hours at Marksies.




    My stepmother reckons it's because you've got the brains of a demented gnat and keep putting stuff in the wrong place you thick cunt!



    P.S. Don't shoot the messenger. :lol:


    You still haven't told me which department your stepmother works on, and what's she's called. Twat!




    Food hall I think.


    That's a good start, now how about telling me what she's called so I can let her know what a twat you are.






    Where's that pic you used to have in your profile you little nerd? I'll show her it, then tell her to come and introduce herself.


    Deleted that photo after everyone kept on having it on there profile.

  5. Still working at Marks & Spencers, but could do with another part time job as I can't get full time hours at Marksies.




    My stepmother reckons it's because you've got the brains of a demented gnat and keep putting stuff in the wrong place you thick cunt!



    P.S. Don't shoot the messenger. :lol:


    You still haven't told me which department your stepmother works on, and what's she's called. Twat!




    Food hall I think.


    That's a good start, now how about telling me what she's called so I can let her know what a twat you are.

  6. Still working at Marks & Spencers, but could do with another part time job as I can't get full time hours at Marksies.




    My stepmother reckons it's because you've got the brains of a demented gnat and keep putting stuff in the wrong place you thick cunt!



    P.S. Don't shoot the messenger. :lol:


    You still haven't told me which department your stepmother works on, and what's she's called. Twat!

    Magma I used to think you were a computer program like a virus, but Besty confirmed you're a real person, I'm still sceptical.


    I didn't mean it like that, I was calling wacky a twat not his stepmother. Never met her in my life.

  7. Still working at Marks & Spencers, but could do with another part time job as I can't get full time hours at Marksies.




    My stepmother reckons it's because you've got the brains of a demented gnat and keep putting stuff in the wrong place you thick cunt!



    P.S. Don't shoot the messenger. :lol:


    You still haven't told me which department your stepmother works on, and what's she's called. Twat!

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