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Posts posted by beatty

  1. Mixed feelings about Cabaye leaving. On one hand, I don't want the best midfielder our club has had in (what?) ten years to leave, but on the other, he's getting into his peak years now and deserves a shot at a Champions League club. I guess I can see and understand both the wants of the player and the club. However, it doesn't feel like the end. Not that there is a predefined end to Cabaye's time at the club, but I'd convinced myself that he'd play out the year and move on in the summer, which I'd sort of come to terms with. So, I hope this is just speculation, created by Rabiot's injury and the French press adding their own numbers up, so he stays the rest of the season and either moves to a big club or just stays all together.

  2. I wouldn't Michael Laudrup lacks the knowledge of European Competition. At least for their fans they don't churn out the dirge that we played last season.


    Yeah, he's managed in Europe before. I'm referencing the whole club though. From players through to coaches. Whatever structures were in place there last season would not be suited to the demands of this season. Training, match preparation, travelling etc. It will all be knew to, I guess 75% of the staff, including players and backroom. They have to put everything in place to the best of their ability and hope it works.

  3. Just watched the highlights of St Mirren's game. Before I get onto Campbell's goal and assist, I need to say what a brilliant 75 yard through ball Newton played in the build-up to one of the goals. Eye of the needle stuff at dead weight.


    Anyway, Campbell slid his goal in well and burned his defender from a standing start before picking a man out with his cross. I'd be really excited if he didn't have a pinball machine first touch.

  4. Courbis, Montpellier's manager, took a swipe at us in the press today. That's the same guy who was adamant that we wouldn't get Yanga-Mbiwa. I can taste his tears from across the channel.


    @GFN_France: Rolland Courbis, Montpellier manager: 'Newcastle, as a player, I wouldn't even want to spend a week there.' #MHSC #NUFC #Cabella

  5. A trustworthy chap from another (non-nufc) forum that I frequent told me that the Cabella transfer will be finalized in the next few days.


    I know that these kind of posts can be greeted with an entire spectrum of responses, but I have no reason to doubt the guy. Make of it what you will.

  6. Bought an Xbox one yesterday. Currently running it through a 720p TV. Am I going to get a better picture selecting 720p through the xbox or 1080p which I assume is up scaling? They both look pretty similar


    Haha, only just processed the original post.


    Your TV cannot display 1080p. Your image will be at 720p regardless of what you set your one to output at.

  7. Can't predict the future, but can use the current cross platform releases as an indicator. Aside from EA, whose next gen work is far from next gen, the cross platform developers have created graphically superior games on the PS4, whether that was from release or patched in. That is a fact and an indicator of what is in store over the coming years. I'm more than able to provide numerous sources that support that conclusion.


    As for your point about over-sharpening. If you prefer your games to lose details and textures, that's well, an odd personal preference. I mean, I can see why you could consider sharper colours as appealing, but the filter alters the look of the game from the developer's original intent.

  8. it doesn't and tbh it's a bit back and forth atm, ps4 has games that are lower res too and both have games 900p


    This is wrong. Just look at this page: http://uk.ign.com/wikis/xbox-one/PS4_vs._Xbox_One_Native_Resolutions_and_Framerates


    Assassin's Creed, Battlefield and Ghosts are the three big cross platform releases at launch and are all graphically inferior on the one. Wont go into the technical details, but will say that the PS4 is capable of running games in greater detail, be that frame rate, resolution, AA...


    Nothing is certain, but most guess that cross platform graphics disparities wont increase over the life-cycle. So FIFA, CoD etc. will always look better on the PS4, but the gap wont grow too much. However, you will see significant disparities between the two consoles on their in-house exclusives.

    So, PS4 is and will remain the graphically superior console of this generation, but the differences in quality may very well be negligible for cross platform releases.


    You can play guess the console with these gifs of the graphically uninspiring Ghosts:



  9. Bought an Xbox one yesterday. Currently running it through a 720p TV. Am I going to get a better picture selecting 720p through the xbox or 1080p which I assume is up scaling? They both look pretty similar


    The upscaler adds a sharpening filter, which results in crushed blacks, thus a loss of detail.



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