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Status Updates posted by FeedTheHoss

  1. @Pmacgiollabhain You love to see it ;)

  2. @IamTheImmortal Same. GGG jab and accuracy winning the rounds. Canelo throwing the odd big shot but not much else

  3. @RossalynWarren More of this please 👏

  4. @MickMcCahill @TheClumpany No. From Rangers. Not the ethereal 'holding company vehicle'. Cheating bastards, pure and simple

  5. RT @WillOspreay: Fuck. I just spat my drink everywhere

  6. RT @PeterBradshaw1: Just got totally owned by the security guy at Dublin Airport. Coming up to the scanner he asked me to take my belt off…

  7. @ParcelORogues1 And causing me to spell terribly 😉

  8. @Scroobiuspipyo That would be bloody lovely. A proper stramash. A right old tear-up. Barns would be burned. More fi… https://t.co/psu8w9pw9B

  9. @NUFCThreatLevel Like watching on a fucking Nokia 3310. Have they invented 'SD minus' for this? 😉

  10. @piersmorgan Aye. Like Jose never ran down the touchline giving it the big one to fans etc. You absolute fucking rocket

  11. @jamesenglish0 Sadly, a lot of it across all of Scottish football, not just Celtic. Clubs and SFA have a lot to answer for 😢

  12. @LuckyTony72 @My_Metro It's all fun and games until someone goes off headfirst at the next stop 😢 hope you're OK? X

  13. RT @PercyArmsDisco: I very much doubt my grandparents went through rationing in the hope that their future generations could also experienc…

  14. RT @popsicle_____: Shall I tell you what will improve your life immensely, not giving a fuck what other insignificant people think about yo…

  15. @ourrachblogs Someone let these fuckers vote on this. Next stop? Fucking brexit. 😕

  16. RT @ufc: 😱😱😱 @JoeRogan @DC_MMA #UFC248 https://t.co/u4b5Xjp2RR

  17. @NexusMetro and 4 metros have gone the other way since my last tweet. Couldn't hit water if you fell off a boat 😕

  18. RT @30SECVlDEOS: This is the Twitter content I’m here for https://t.co/mzdwf4LowN

  19. Hi, I am gifting you my ACCA. You can bet on it for free. Let's win together! https://t.co/5XRcqQ07b5

  20. @Pmacgiollabhain "they think it's just a matter of time until we cave in". That's absolutely what it is. The banter years continue 😉

  21. @andrewbenson94 Best and most talented player in the league.....? You must be on the fucking glue pal ;)

  22. RT @Redbhoy1888: Because we built a stadium with 10,000 more seats than Ibrox which created a revenue gap they couldn't compete with legall…

  23. @WallaceHWilson @tfMichael1892 @Thegavinwebster @thechillingham He was mint. As always

  24. RT @owen_g: On TalkSport - where they’ve now literally got no sport to talk about - they’re letting Stuart Pearce play his favourite punk r…

  25. @GingerSAFC73 Tough call, I'll be flicking between the two like. Whyte and Frampton BY KO

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