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Posts posted by acrossthepond

  1. 2 hours ago, Gemmill said:


    I think Starmer nailed the response on this at the time, just saying what a privilege it was to be there, and he wanted to be there for as much as he could, and that it wasn't for him to comment on the PM's decisions, he'd have to do that for himself. 


    Which you can say is a political answer (it is, and the understatement makes it even more effective), but it's also just the answer of a normal functioning human being. He would have looked a right cunt if he'd been crowing about it whilst still at the event. 


    Eddie Howe style answer, which is exactly the tonic. The Tories are in an utter tailspin, heading to total oblivion - no need to stick the boot in, just get on with business and let them self-destruct. 


    In fact have we considered Howe for PM? Tindall could be his mad Home Secretary. The Saudis already pay Eddie's salary so it'll be no different when he gets into Downing Street. 

    • Haha 3
  2. This cunt jumped the shark a long time ago. What must go through the minds of those people behind him listening to that fucking bilge? A shark, a sinking boat, MIT, electrocution...what the actual fuck? And they dare say Biden is senile? 


    At its root it is about the same thing it has always been about, in the USA or in the UK or all across Europe as we've just seen yesterday: a significant (but not insurmountable!) portion of the electorate will vote for anyone and anything as long as it makes the brown people go away. It doesn't matter that this guy is a washed-up former reality TV host scammer and convicted felon who tried to cheat his way out of losing a presidential election. It doesn't matter if he fucked their wives in front of them and moved on to their daughters directly following. He's against the brown people, so every hypocrisy he commits is OK. 

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, spongebob toonpants said:

    This supports a point I've made in the past. Biden is actually more dangerous than Trump because he pursues a lot of the same policies, but more efficiently and without any pushback from the media or " the resistance"

    Biden's border policy is worse than Trumps, just without the rhetoric and without protests from the "left"

    At least if Trump gets elected there will be people on the streets protesting, Biden just gets to float through


    Crazypants take, sorry. For one, Biden has been mullered by the left for his terrible Israel policy but that notwithstanding, anyone saying he is "more dangerous" than Trump is sniffing glue. Biden is an establishment politician. Trump wants to be Kim Jong Un. They are not the same. Trump returning to the presidency will mean the end of democracy in the United States of America, full stop, and probably (the expansion of) wars in Europe and the Middle East. He and his cronies have a well-publicised plan to strip the federal government of anyone other than his sycophants and enact a bureaucratic dictatorship, enabled by slates of false electors and complicit state legislatures. But there are still morons wringing their hands over the "cozzie livs" and thinking that electing him is going to bring gas down to a dollar again like it was for a month during a global pandemic, or maybe make the gays go away, or put Jesus back in schools, or whatever delusions they cling to, and this sort of "both sides" rhetoric and that shovelled forth by the commenter referenced above by PL is not helping. 

    • Like 5
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  4. 1 hour ago, Howmanheyman said:

    What happens? A fine but basically a slap on the wrist? Does it go to appeal? I'm sick of hearing about how he's fucked this time but is still on the scene. 


    Yes and yes. It has no official impact on his capacity for office, even if he goes to jail. Presidential candidates have run from prison before. 


    He's now a convicted felon, though. It puts paid to the idea that this guy can do literally anything and remain above the law. A jury of his peers found him guilty on all counts, and I expect this is just the first conviction he's going to face. Good day for the USA, still life in the old girl. 

    • Like 2
  5. Haaland, Foden and de Bruyne nowhere to be found all match. Absolutely wretched. Fuck all the way off. 


    It's our own fault. We should've been out of sight and we dropped too many points in the final week of the season. 

    • Like 2
  6. 14 hours ago, Howmanheyman said:

    Sky sports, Paddy power, Talk sport and the usual dross who are on everything and anything for a story/laugh etc..... Very quiet on Ashworth aren't they? Is there some kind of omerta that's been sworn? 🤔


    Reflects negatively on Man U, we can't have that. 


    I can't imagine there's a single clued-up person in the world of football who's looked at our trajectory and Man U's and figured he'll swap one for the other, so they must be getting ready to pay him the big wonga. Hope he'll enjoy losing half of it in the inevitable legal battle when we sue him for breach of contract. 

    • Like 3
  7. Bowen is a brilliant player, I wanted us to sign him back when he was at Hull but that would've cost 6m or something so of course the FCB couldn't stump up the pocket change from his settee. 


    DCL sums up Everton perfectly for me. He should stay there forever, only coming back off the treatment table to score 4-5 vital goals a year before getting injured again whilst they finish 16th. Certainly he should not command a transfer fee at any future club he plays for, anyone paying for this sicknote needs their head looked at. 

    • Like 6
  8. 3 hours ago, Renton said:

    As suspected.



    Walter White Insult GIF by Breaking Bad


    Also nice to see what a true patriot is, focussing on destroying democracy in our former colony. What a fucking gimp. 


    "I intend to help with the grassroots campaign in the USA in any way that I can" = I am currently engaged in busily attempting to shove my entire cranium up Trump's asshole. 


    Obviously it has gone so well for everyone associated with Trump, as they've all gone on to prestigious positions and enjoyed success in their careers after getting into bed with him. I wish him all the best. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  9. Spoilt for choice, which makes a change. Maddison is a distant fourth in that quartet and probably should've been left out altogether for another defender. 


    Whisper it quietly but Hall came into form at the right time. If Adam Wharton's in, I see no reason for Hall to miss out, especially considering LB is a blatant problem position for us. If he'd still been playing for Chelsea he probably would've been in. Note the obligatory Liverpool defender as well, can't leave the red shirt club out. 

    • Like 2
  10. On 19/05/2024 at 10:14, ewerk said:

    He’ll be Lord Ross before the end of the year.

    Dies in some productions of Macbeth. 

    • Haha 1
  11. I had a lad tell me today that he followed Man City through "some tough times." 


    I used to be this child's teacher and coach and I know for a fact he's about 23, so unless he was wrapped in a City scarf as a bairn, there's no fucking way he knew anything about "tough times" at City. So I asked him what tough times those were, and he goes "well, we didn't win any titles until 'Aguero.'" 


    6.5 :lol: :lol: 

    • Haha 8
  12. Brighton laid down for Chelsea and Man U exactly as predicted by someone on here. Somehow the 1bn frauds manage to sneak above us - but Man U, for the first time, can properly know their new place in the PL. 


    Now Pep's lads just need to do the business and we're off to a bunch of places we've never heard of, playing in a competition we might very well win. Brilliant season, had some seriously dodgy bits in the middle there, but we've come out the other end looking like a top-class side. Full credit to Howe once more. We've come up against it this season and still performed brilliantly. :nufc: 

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Gemmill said:

    Being called his "Conte moment". Wonder if this is the start of him losing patience with the club in the same way Conte did. 


    A lot of passive-aggressive uses of "MATE" in that press conference. 


    Didn't take long. They are rotten from top to bottom, there's not a winner amongst them. They need to bring someone in who will be given full control to reshape the club's identity and bring in his own staff and squad. But of course Levy is too much of a control freak to allow that, so we'll have this never-ending carousel of players and managers who think they have the bottle to transform Spurs but end up going Ketsbaia on the subs' bench (Bentancur) or losing their cool (Ange, Conte, Mourinho) or fucking off (Kane) or going off the boil (Maddison/Son) or just simply opting out (Lloris v. us last season when he got "injured" at half time.) 

    • Like 4
  14. It's one of the things you get drilled into you at the most basic level of coaching. But then, PL-standard players still commit foul throws and play square balls across their own box....

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Dr Gloom said:


    what a fucking electric night in SJP that was - absolutely magic and along with the Arsenal game the previous season, the best I've seen it since the Keegan days. I didn't mange to get tickets for PSG at home but I gather that was arguably just as good or even better. 


    Electric afternoon at my apartment as well. The wife had the kids out at the playground and I had the place all to myself. They heard me singing "We're going to Italy" coming off the elevator down the hallway - we'd just scored our third (also my fav goal of that season.) Who knows what the neighbors thought, and who cares? :nufc: Hoping for a similar grandstand finish this season - I'm picturing 5000 Geordies singing "you're getting sacked in the morning" to a clueless Dutch fraud as the mighty Isak powers us into the EL. 

    • Like 3
  16. 1 hour ago, Gemmill said:

    We're at the point now where it would be less damaging for one or more of those NATO allies to put together some sort of clandestine operation to dispose of the bloke before the election. 

    Absolutely not, we've got to beat scum like this at the ballot box. I thought once would be enough, but as always, some shits don't flush the first time. 

  17. What I've enjoyed most about this commentary is the endless repetitions of how awful we've been with nary a whisper of how fucking terrible Fulham must therefore be, since they're sleepwalking to a 0-2 defeat with barely a twitch. It's like there's only one team playing. If I were a Fulham fan I'd be outraged to have paid to watch that shower of shite. 

    • Like 5
  18. 11 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

    This made me involuntarily clench my sphinxter. 


    I think instead of these wretched puns, you should get to posting some Nefer-titties. Ptolemy hold you up. 

    • Haha 3
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