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Posts posted by Matt

  1. Went through the new Tyne tunnel. Nice and straight.

    Afraid of getting wedged in tight corners, like?


    The first time I drove through the Tyne Tunnel heading north I nearly shat myself, winding back up with oncoming HGVs coming straight at you.

  2. End of the day LM you know fine well people find this kind of protest distasteful, but that's the price you pay for free speech.


    I would rather this country allowed the police to remove these sort of people before anyone had a chance to take notice. Laws to protect some kind of decorum during such events are hardly a grave imposition on free speech. Why can we never draw the line. We just let these scrotes enjoy our freedoms while their zealous bile in turn rejects them as sacreligious. The whole affair is also manna from heaven for fringe groups like the BNP (although they would probably choose a less Jewish way of phrasing that).


    This is not a reasonable form of protest IMO- it is disrespectful and there should be laws in place to prevent it.


    What is the kid who climbed the cenotaph during the protests getting charged with? Will he be done for more than £50? And if so, why?

  3. What would the punishment for Koran burning be? Would that be classed under inciting racial hatred? Would it be OK if you burnt all the main religeous texts at once?


    Letting this happen was a disgrace and an affront. These blokes are knackers and represent British muslims like Fred Phelps represents Christianity. The police are quick enough to get handy with people protesting against government cuts, but less than willing to get stuck in to this crowd.


    You can't say this is 'freedom of speech'. We have laws against saying things that are meant to be deeply offensive and hurtful to groups of people who have suffered. Why can't fallen servicemen be afforded the same?

  4. Don't know if this has been mentioned but a friend has just said that the 10% renewal discount only applies if you bought a ST for the first time last season....anyone know if that is correct?....cant find my renewal pack, think the dog ate it, then threw up :lol:


    Pretty sure that's not correct like. I'm coming off the three year deal and have been offered the 10% discount. I hate Ashley etc but it's a fucking good deal.


    The 10% is if you had a ST in the Champsionship, isn't it?


    YNH's post is spot on, and it's for that reason that it was so depressing to send in the renewal when I'd more or less convinced myself I would go match-by-match next year. I'm a mug.

  5. I don't agree with fees for useful courses but hopefully irresponsible decisions to deliberately write-off debt will affect their credit ratings.


    It won't. You can move abroad and have it written off under the current system- but there is no way to judge that this is any more a deliberate avoidance act as opposed to natural movement between borders.

  6. I've been intending to not renew and go match-by-match for a while (mainly due to travel costs when games get shifted for TV) but I think this stunt more or less seals it.



    The problem is (as I can testify), you wont go as much. Because you havent paid you'll either go to the pub to watch it, go shopping or go for a nice day in the hills etc.


    I've only been to half the games anyway, last one was Fulham, so I'm paying about £50 a time in effect anyway.

  7. so whats gained by doing this then? I understood the 3 year plan, club gets cash in early, fans save money, everyones a winner (well until we were relegated and everyone else had a price freeze as well).


    But whats gained by the club on doing this?


    I can only guess at two possibles and anyone with more knowledge on finances (ie any knowledge) feel free to put me right on this.


    1. It works as a sales pitch for the club ie there a "guaranteed" income in ST sales for next 9 years. :lol:

    2. Same again but as a form of "proof of income" for a loan, overdraft etc. :lol:


    Membership with a get out is no form of guaranteed income, so I don't think it's for financing purposes- at least not from a bank.


    I suspect this is some kind of pricing psychology. Lock in your price and if you don't renew in 3 years- that's fine, but you'll have to pay the going rate at that time. People will not like the idea of having to pay more in the future (as football is inherently blessed with a naive optimism) and will hold onto their tickets even if under normal circumstances they would jack it. People are loss averse and do not want to be the mug paying twice what everyone else in their block is in 2017.


    Just like the three-year deal, a club expecting positive progress should be able to count on future support (and higher prices) on the back of on-field success. A club trying to lock these things in clearly does not expect to be able to use attractive football to bring in the punters, so will use gamblers' mind tricks instead.

  8. I know that 2 clubs in particular are being bankrolled, and ManU have a global appeal Matt - I've said this before - but it is no excuse for dragging us down to where we are competing at the levels of Bolton, Stoke etc, in fact you could even argue that Stoke have shown more ambition than us. They currently have more than a couple of players, especially strikers, who would walk into the NUFC team now.


    Ashley has no interest in ambition though, we know that. He wants to keep us in the league, claw back as much of the cash he lost through his own stupidity and try to reduce the wage bill to the point where a new owner can start afresh with a low cost base. We're in PL purgatory. Our inability to sign a striker in the summer or Jan, then to sell our only decent one beggars belief.


    I reckon anyone on more than £30k is a target for sale this summer.

  9. You just claimed I called you a WUM. In fact, I said the exact opposite.


    Do you at least see what I'm getting at about comprehension?


    shame you don't compehend ambition when it stares you in the face.


    We will not get back into the Champions League ie near thetop of the league again until we get owners like the Halls and Shepherd again.


    No we won't. The game has moved on to such dizzying heights that we it takes more than a couple of reasonably successful local businessmen to get a club up and running. Nor would we have the benefit of 'riding the wave' of the early PL years. It's a mature market now, with firmly established big hitters. Man City have demonstrated the wedge required to make even half an impact.


    We won't be in the CL any time soon- not just down to the failings of our slapstick owner, but the depth of the pockets of others.

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