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Posts posted by Grimbo

  1. Empty vessels make most noise - and unfortunately the empty vessels at the match yesterday completely missed the point as usual.


    It will do us no good at all to "Get Ashley out" - we just needed him to make some changes. Get rid of Wise and put Llambas in his place (behind Keegan).


    Within a few weeks everything would have been a bed of roses again.



    Doesn't really fit into an 8 bar structure for a good chant though.






    (I'll work on if for the next match!)

  2. Empty vessels make most noise - and unfortunately the empty vessels at the match yesterday completely missed the point as usual.


    It will do us no good at all to "Get Ashley out" - we just needed him to make some changes. Get rid of Wise and put Llambas in his place (behind Keegan).


    Within a few weeks everything would have been a bed of roses again.

  3. Have to say i've been overly impressed by the midfield trio since Birmingham. Butt had a good season, but the improvement in Geremi's and particularly Barton's game is just a joy to watch.


    Have to agree with that!


    Barton has been slowly improving of late - watch him get locked up just as he is becoming world class!

  4. Reminiscing about the time when there were loads of Newcastle lads playing at the highest level (Gascoigne, Shearer, Robson, Beardsley, Waddle)


    If money was no object, could we make a team from local lads playing at a high level now?


    I'm struggling... all I can think of at the moment are Taylor, Harper and Carrick (I suppose you could include Chopra).



  5. We really, really need to stop buying top-4 rejects tbh


    That's why we're so shit, players who leave the top 4 no longer have the hunger or else they would be knuckling down trying to get back into those sides. Instead we sign them on over-inflated contracts and they're ultimately utter holocausts


    Great shout.

  6. I know it is bad form to mock the afflicted, but Gazzas OCD is one of the funniest I have heard!





    According to The Mirror he was: "buying 35 lines of coke, the total of his favourite numbers 16 and 19.

    "He would sort the drug into 35 strips but snort only the 16th and 19th - a slave to his obsessive compulsive disorder - and throw the rest away."


    When taken into custody last week he was so druck/drugged he told officers the IRA and the "White House" were "after him".


    Staff said he was drunk, appeared naked and walked around with plastic parrots.

  7. The summer of 2003 when we only signed Bowyer on a free.




    Shepherds famous "keeping our powder dry" line.



    I was gonna say Dalglish coming in, replacing Keegans attacking philosophy with a European style game and bringing in "experienced" players, but yours is probably a better call.

  8. We dont have aspirations or hope anymore its merely blind faith in a man who once, many years ago took us up there. Nothing based on concrete reasoning just the whole nostalgiatastic scenario of the messiah.


    We have tried managers who should (on paper) have taken us there. Calling KK "messiah" is interesting, in a way I think that is what is required... Blind faith in something illogical!

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