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The Mighty Hog

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Posts posted by The Mighty Hog

  1. Big Rambo McInally has said on sky that we are not at the races and are getting a "right doing" from Pompey...



    Doesn't sound that way on Radio Newcastle like. Although they are canny biased, but it just doesn't sound remotely like a game where either team is getting a "right doing".




    I don't know, I'm listening to BBC Newcastle and they are all over us. Well in everyway but upfront where they lack anything finishing wise.



    I've got my rose tinted earmuffs on. :lol:




    :blink: Don't forget to copyright them.


    Back to the match Taylor was fannying about on the ground and nearly handled it apparantly.

  2. Big Rambo McInally has said on sky that we are not at the races and are getting a "right doing" from Pompey...



    Doesn't sound that way on Radio Newcastle like. Although they are canny biased, but it just doesn't sound remotely like a game where either team is getting a "right doing".




    I don't know, I'm listening to BBC Newcastle and they are all over us. Well in everyway but upfront where they lack anything finishing wise.

  3. He's a bit like that 'Talk to God' robot. Wonder if they're related?




    When he first came on here, his post count wasn't going up. Then he #disappeared# and since he's come back the post count has started going up.

  4. So was he just some random nutter?



    Watch who you're calling a random nutter! :lol:



    Are you Clive as in "Derek and Clive"?




    I am not familiar with this Clive as in "Derek and Clive".




    This one?


  5. So was he just some random nutter?



    Watch who you're calling a random nutter! :blink:



    :lol: I didn't call you one, just asking if you were one.


    I'm guessing Mods now have access to his account too.

  6. Best. Thread. Ever.

    Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding. My brain contains 40909 categories, but not one that matches your last input. My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.




    Oh sorry. I'm a computer. Is that any clearer?

  7. I change from time to time. I know it's best for all English teams to perform well, in terms of keeping our European places quota. But sometimes I do enjoy seeing teams getting a tonking by an underdog. Generally I think it's down to ITV's coverage of Man Utd and the like that makes me root for the opposition :lol:

  8. I don't think it's strictly the Daily Mail lot that are up in arms. Some people are genuinly thinking that as a mother she shouldn't be on the nose candy and hanging around with crack addicts.



    It's the hypocrisy of the advertising execs sacking her when most/all of them are on the stuff anyway.


    :lol: Very true, but surely once you put yourself out there and start using your fame or standing to promote other things then you are a fair target? You can't pick and choose when you want to play the fame game. If you've got a nice juicy contract that is dependant on you not getting mixed up in certain things then you stay away from said things.

  9. I don't think it's strictly the Daily Mail lot that are up in arms. Some people are genuinly thinking that as a mother she shouldn't be on the nose candy and hanging around with crack addicts.


    Smack addicts actually, not that that makes it ok :lol:



    :blink: I stand corrected.

  10. shame they didnt stab that Jade Goody!!  :D


    I fucking hate that bint like. What does it say about our society when she is a millionaire/celebrity?



    Look no further than that appalling 'Big Brother' shit to see the state of our 'society'.


    Jade Goody. Lord help us!




    Don't forget crap rags like Heat which give coverage to every Z-list celeb going. Not forgetting their random slaggings off of people for being too fat/thin.

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