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Ted Maul

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Posts posted by Ted Maul

  1. I've had a wet fart once if that counts. I nearly died for your sins when I felt it trickle down my leg.


    About these shape-shifting lizards...


    Don't talk to me about the reptilian humaniods, bunch of cunts! If Dad found out I was on here he'd go mental. He doesn't like me talking to you lot after I got the piss taken out of me on Wogan...I hope Dad drowns him in the tidal waves.

  2. I'm well and truely shocked at these poo stories. I doubt i'll be able to look down at Brown Icke Jr. ever again. :)



    :):):) 'Brown Icke Jr' :razz::rolleyes::razz:



    I could possibly do anything other than personify him. I mean the shit of the son of God isn't just any old turd is it? It's different from the other brown babies.

  3. I used to play football with a kid who had the misfortune of uncontrolably following through! We were on a night out in the Bigg Market and he was at the bar, tried to fart and filled his pants! He ran out the bar and into the underground toilet thing adjacent to High Bridge Street, where he tried to clean himself up, he chucked his Calvins away and did the best clean up job he could manage but it wasn't enough, so then he tried to get a taxi, obviously he didn't want to wait in a queue in his state and even then a taxi driver wouldn't have let him get in with shit all over his jeans! So he started on the long walk back to Newburn!



    Mark should never have had that sixth WKD, tbh

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