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Posts posted by henda11

  1. The cunt has been dead for years man. His body was on ice for years, and USA were waiting for the right time to use the supposed " Osama is dead " breaking news crap, just in time for another stupid fucking election.


    And throwing his body into the sea is so no fucker finds it thats why. Now car bombs will go off, planes will crash/hit buildings and biological weapons released. And who will get the blame?, the terrorists, and it'll just be another reason to keep troops in Afgan and other countries.


    Conspiracy theorist-tastic.


    Its because of people like you that the world is going into a downward spiral because your too blind to see whats right in front of you. Its unbelieveable how blind some people are to what the governments of the world actually do. it amazes me.


    Talk me through this then. During George W Bush's presidency, they captured and killed Osama Bin Laden, and Bush was like "Ok....you wanna do what?.......Keep this for later? Just freeze him, and we'll release him in a couple of years?......Yeah that sounds fine. And yeah that black fella from the other party that looks set to win the presidency, by all means let him have this moment."


    You'll be amazed at what the governments hide from the public. The Presidents & Prime Ministers of the world are simply just puppets to the higher up people. its quite simple really.

  2. The cunt has been dead for years man. His body was on ice for years, and USA were waiting for the right time to use the supposed " Osama is dead " breaking news crap, just in time for another stupid fucking election.


    And throwing his body into the sea is so no fucker finds it thats why. Now car bombs will go off, planes will crash/hit buildings and biological weapons released. And who will get the blame?, the terrorists, and it'll just be another reason to keep troops in Afgan and other countries.


    Conspiracy theorist-tastic.


    Its because of people like you that the world is going into a downward spiral because your too blind to see whats right in front of you. Its unbelieveable how blind some people are to what the governments of the world actually do. it amazes me.

  3. The cunt has been dead for years man. His body was on ice for years, and USA were waiting for the right to use the supposed " Osama is dead " breaking news crap, just in time for another stupid fucking election.


    And throwing his body into the sea is so no fucker finds it thats why. Now car bombs will go off, planes will crash/hit buildings and biological weapons released. And who will get the blame?, the terrorists, and it'll just be another reason to keep troops in Afgan and other countries.


    1st sentence correct.


    :icon_lol: What a load of shite.


    Its funny Gemmill, because a mate of mine who runs shitseats website said you also talk a load of it as do i supposedly.

  4. The cunt has been dead for years man. His body was on ice for years, and USA were waiting for the right time to use the supposed " Osama is dead " breaking news crap, just in time for another stupid fucking election.


    And throwing his body into the sea is so no fucker finds it thats why. Now car bombs will go off, planes will crash/hit buildings and biological weapons released. And who will get the blame?, the terrorists, and it'll just be another reason to keep troops in Afgan and other countries.

  5. I'm a bit confused about the whole ST situation. It says 30th April is the deadline for those wanting to renew and pay monthly via Direct Debit.


    I want to know whether, that when they go on general sale, will they be offering the direct debit scheme then aswell?.

  6. Cabin Fever 2 - It was ok, but the 1st one was alot better than this one, the virus in this one was a little bit exaggerated for me.


    Paranormal Activity 1 & 2 - Seen both of these. 1st one was great giving the budget that it was made with. The film was made with $15'000 and managed to make over $100m in America. The 2nd one ties in the with the 1st Paranormal Activity as the people in the 2nd one are related to the ones in the 1st. All in all though both were great, and keep you wondering when something is going to happen.


    Off to see Insidious on Friday.

  7. They were in the semi-final of the Champions League in 2008-09, and in the final in 2006. This season they've got into the Champions League, as usual.

    But there is a caveman mentality that says 'I can't see a nice shiny tin pot, and I'm not intelligent enough to analyse the results beyond that'

    One-legged cups are 50% luck.

    I think you should create the Polska Toontastic forum.

  8. Of course I'm Nick from Poland (but I'm not Polish, for everyone else's information). And I'm delighted that I've been proved right and that Mike Ashley certainly isn't such a bad old stick as everyone was making out.

    You've proved fuck all. MA is a cunt, always will be a cunt, unless he decides to show some initiative and do something with the profits hes made at Sports Direct this year, and the money he made from Carroll. But i will always think he is a cunt. The one thing i will give him, is that he sorted out wage bill out, thats it.

  9. Great show ! Whale Wars is well worth a look too.

    Followed Whale Wars since season 1, and that show is fucking class. I don't care how many people hate Captain Watson, i reckon he is a fucking legend and is doing the right thing, especially when the Japanese are using Research as an excuse to kill the whales, when really they are killing them for the meat and selling it.


    New season starts soon and i can't wait.

  10. So what? This is exactly what will happen if you pay young people 100,000 a week.

    It's why I'm glad that my club (Newcastle) is now refusing to let any players hold it to ransom, and will say 'you want that kind of money, find another club' no matter how good the player is at playing association football.


    Well we are fucked if some of our best players wanted a bit more money lol.

  11. Anyone been watching the new series?, i know its not started yet in the UK, but i've been watching it on the net, and i think its not the same without Phil Harris in it. The new captain that took over his boat is a complete cunt.

  12. I got told by one of Kevin's closest mates....Well his only mate, that he walked in on Kevin in the shower, and asked what he was doing and Kevin said get out its mine, and i'll clean it as fast as i like. so i reckon that may of been how he broke it.

  13. Who would you like to see come to the club in the summer?. we obviously need a striker, and i'd say we need a stronger centre back. Which players would you bring in?. for me i'd like :-


    Striker - Odemwingie, Moussa Sow & Gervinho


    Midfield - Nobody spring to mind for me at the minute


    Defender - Matthew Upson would do for a season or 2


    Goalkeeper - Kieran Westwood, or give Forster his chance.

  14. Fuck all to do with the pitch.

    Considering Blackpool drenched the pitch for 4 hours before kick off, i would say its quite evident the pitch has played a tiny part after Ameobi, Enqriue & Tiote have all slipped 2 times each.

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