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Posts posted by henda11

  1. At the end of the day people were called Zidane a thug, until they heard what Matterazzi had said about his sister, then that totally changed it to oh " it was ok to headbutt him them ".


    Then you have people who say, Cattermoles challenge and Huddlestones stomp was all part of the game. Cattermole had fucking malice in his tackle & Huddlestones was a purposeful stomp, so how the fuck can they charge Barton for that and not ban Cattermole or Huddlestone for that?. Both Cattermole & Huddlestones challenges were intentional, whats worse, a dig to the chest or a fucking broken leg?. FA you decide. It should be a fucking fine a best, and an apology to Pedersen, give Barton the benefit of the doubt, Pedersen obviously said something, and before pedersen turns around you see him mouthing something, and fucking scar head hansen, i'd love to meet that cunt in a back alley

  2. I was just reading about LD and how he wants to come back to the premier league in january, and i know its probably most likely to be with everton, but do you think it would be worth getting in there and trying to persuade him to join us on loan?, i think he would do a decent job for us.

  3. Freddy Shepherd wants to buy back Newcastle United in one of football's most surprising takeover comebacks and ESPNsoccernet can reveal that a bid is imminent.


    Shepherd, who sold the Magpies to current owner Mike Ashley in June 2007, is ready to make an offer that would rid the club of its £90 million debt, to help comply with UEFA's Financial Fair Play regulations and enable the club to move forward.


    Ashley has made no secret of his desire to sell Newcastle, virtually from the moment he bought the club from Shepherd and Sir John Hall, and slapped a £100 million asking price on the Magpies as they languished in the Championship last season. But since the club returned to the Premier League, there has been little to no takeover talk.


    A close friend of Shepherd's confirmed to ESPNsoccernet: "I know Freddy is giving very serious consideration to making an offer and returning to St James' Park."


    Shepherd, who is currently on Tyneside, is not denying that he is leading a takeover of his beloved Newcastle United and would only say: "I am not prepared to comment on this."


    And ESPNsoccernet has established through City sources, having just broken the story of the Liverpool takeover, that the foundations for a bid to buy Newcastle have already been put in place.


    Shepherd, who endured his fair share of controversy during his time as chairman at St James' Park, might not have been the most popular owner in the past, but the fans would welcome the exit of Ashley given the club's recent plight.


    The confusion as to why Chris Hughton has not been offered a new contract might be related to the potential sale of Newcastle and ESPNsoccernet understands the former full-back, who guided Newcastle back to the top flight, would be given a chance should Shepherd regain control of Newcastle.


    Anything to get rid of Ashley. At least Shepherd showed a little bit of ambition in the transfer market, although the amount he paid for wages fucked us up.

  4. I was just watched SSN and Kenny Huang was asked whether he is planning on bidding on another Premier League club & if he is also backed by the Chinese government, and he didn't actually answer the question, but rather laughed it off in a shy manner.


    I would love to see this bloke buy Newcastle to be honest with you. I mean he was willing to pay 300m for liverpool, so why not pay 180m+ for us and use the rest to build a decent team. I know its easier said than done but i just can't bare looking at sports direct.com signs everywhere lol.


    I mean as stupid as this sounds, could us the supporters not do something to try and persuade him to invest in us lol, i am sick of MA's reign at this club.


    And it would also bring in more supporters of Chinese nationailty and it could see us build our rep over there aswell.

  5. Alright lads.

    Does anyone know if your able to book SJP to play on the pitch for a 60 minute game?. If so are you able to book it directly though NUFC?, because a mate of mine said his mate has done it directly through NUFC?. Does anyone know if you can actually directly book it through NUFC?.


    Cheers in advance

  6. Her facebook has been removed already.


    Carroll furious about people superpoking her.


    Hope she drops it, last thing he fucking needs. last thing we fucking need aswell

  7. All rests on the online play for me this one, if you can quit early when losing i wont bother buying it.


    had a quick go passing seems better and they've done away with the lobpass goal

    problem with that is that people will just turn off the xbox or pull out the wireless adapter instead


    youll always have quitters in every game

    EA kind of fixed this halfway through Fifa 10, if you quit out after 5 mins then you get the loss,but i've been told that in this Fifa if the person wants to quit you have to agree to let them quick. But like you said, all they have to do is turn their xbox off.

  8. Less than two years later we were in the Premier League as well. Mental. I think that achievement is why I can't really consider anyone who has a pop at KK as being a proper fan tbh.

    Everyone of them is a cunt, its all clueless younguns though to be fair, kids under 25 who frequent Newcastle Online, and people not from this area. That's not being patronising its a fuckin fact. What they'll never get is KK changed our club like not one other person on earth could, he gave us self belief, and confidence, he raised the stature of the club 10 fold in not even 2 years. You get some younger lads who understand all this because as entwined in the club as what we are, some of them though, their views come just short of deserving a slap imo.

    Well said. I was only in nappies when KK 1st took over, but as soon as i was old enough i was taken to matches and was made aware of the history we had, and then when KK came back thats when i was told about the history of KK and what he did for the club. Yes alot of people around their early 20s or not from the area dont understand what he has done for the club, and thats simply because they just dont have the will to read into the clubs history and i think thats a shame. if your going to support a club then you must know its history, you must know the things that made this club what it is.

  9. What's the point in lifting stuff straight from the BBC site, you know the one everybody has access to?


    Some peoples RAM may be to slow to access different sites at speed mate. I'm lucky me computers got 4gb ram and I've got the xtra large internet package. I can get info across on here fast. Not all me info is from the BBC as I say I can access different sites at speed.


    Some nice pics above by the way but this not a scouse thread this a transfer deadline thread so keep the info coming please lads


    I'm lucky to have 6gb ram, but you don't see me blowing me own horn do you?. Although, if i could blow my own horn, i probably would. :jesuswept:

  10. Just heard from a reliable source that Steve Bruce is to make a late effort to lure Ronaldinho to the Stadium of Light from AC Milan if the signing of Asamoah Gyan falls through, which appears to be likely with agreeing personal terms the problem. Watch this space I'll be back

    Apart from people on the dole, potential parole officers, people from De Kings 'Ed Kehhhhhhhhby what fuckin sources are you going to have?


    Why post that?


    I got it from the BBC website so calm down mate. Its only a rumour so stop shitting your pants he may not score a hat trick against yous.


    Hes probs got more chance of scoring a hat trick against us than Torres has. oooooooooh ouch, hurts don't it haha :jesuswept:

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