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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Fan boys. Too much youtube and European football on satellite TV. It warps their perception. One of them turned round and windmilled me at at the first Brighton game when I remarked close on full time that HBA had been fuckin abysmal He's like a sacred cow to some young uns, they think we cant see his talent. We see his talent, but we do dwell on his overall contribution too. "Pards doesnt play him in the right areas"??!! look at what he did to Blackburn and Bolton, and what he quite plainly couldnt be arsed to do against Brighton.He doesn't need an area when he's up for it, only a bit of guidance which Pardew seemed to have sussed towards the end of the 2011/2012 season and for which he got a lot of praise. Think that was just temporary though. He's a mood player, when he's up for it he's unplayable. Quite often though when he's up for it he tries to do too much on his own,hangs on to it too long (i.e. after he's gone past the first man) and is then eventually closed down by 2 or 3 defenders. More than one NUFC manager has said that Shola was "unplayable on his day" too though. Now go figure why Marseille were willing to let him go. His conditioning is a different side of the same coin. Follow the clues and you'll find in all likelyhood a very complex character, one with too many flaws to become a truly top player.
  2. Went to see us play Benfica, went looking for where the action was in Lisbon, and frankly you're there This is what I think of when I think of Lisbon, you're quite close by, Fatima(?) Square: Walk up to the castle if you can, its a canny hike, just dont be a sap and get the tram.
  3. Are you suggesting that Pardew has major say in who comes in?.... I dont think, if on the 1st September we're deemed to have had a poor "indow", that any of the blame can be put on Pardew's shoulders. As far as I can make out he has nothing to do with transfers. Possibly a once over of a youtube clip. The sort of shit Keegan walked over.
  4. Charlatan's drummer Jon Brookes broon breed... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-23682282 am sure they lost their original keyboard player too a few years back...great band saw them a few times in their early days..
  5. Heat?...could do with being an hour shorter, but it was canny enough...
  6. Most filmakers use a bit of "artistic licence" and take a small liberty or two when depicting true events, but that film is an abomination.
  7. In the Pigalle, after dark. With Euros and a semi, drooling.
  8. Forgot that one, fuckin classic..I like the engine room gadge listening to his engines with an ear trumpet
  9. I thought RoTJ was consdiered the "classic" of the original trilogy?..only seen the first one all the way through so am not in a posistion to comment.. however... The Great Escape A Bridge to far The Longest Day (black and white story of D-Day, with John Wayne) Lawrence of Arabia Guns of Navarone Apocalypse Now Full Metal Jacket Platoon Hamburger Hill The Deer Hunter First blood 1,2,3 etc.. to name a few...I like a war film...am toying with wasting £8 on Soldier of Orange, a Dutch fable about how brave they all were during the war, which is shite, but its considered a classic across the north sea and its got Rutger Hauer in it and its directed by Paul Verhoeven directs it.
  10. I think in general its a fair enough thing to say. I dont think we're much different to any other mid table plodders in that regard though.
  11. We did similar to my brother on his stag do....stripped him naked and put him into a pair of filthy oil covered overalls and handcuffed him to a lampost on a bridge in the Midlothian village of Pathhead whilst we went to the pub . Thing is that was 1996 and I think that whole thing has died a death somewhat. One lad I worked with where I served my time was stripped bollock naked and had a lovely mixture of red oxide paint,industrial glue and sawdust rubbed into his nether regions, spent the night before his wedding shaving his meat and two veg
  12. Oh...didnt realise it actually was Deano! Is this why you've not been on for a while?... http://www.chepstowbeacon.co.uk/news.cfm?id=19277
  13. Stellar's been on the Stella. Makes him aggresive.
  14. Old Firm fans base their suitability for acceptance into the Premier League on pre season friendlies. Theyve all told me "aah manu only beat us 2 nowt in a friendly, thats top 6 form big man"...
  15. Cheers old son...reckon its a one off for SBR day?....Shola looks even more handsome in it tbf...
  16. Can one of you twitterritterers put a piccy of the new strip up?...
  17. So the Aussies cant bat on this wicket neither?...no shit?!...
  18. WICKET! Anderson b Bird 16 (England 238 all out) The batsmen failed to add a run this morning, but Anderson and Bresnan will be cheered by that Bird over. There was a good deal of swing for the youngster there./ guardian
  19. you're a dream analyst's wet, err dream Davey. All I can say is if Gary Bennet's appearing in your dreams you've got problems Do you have a notepad beside the bed to write down all this detail?
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