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PaddockLad last won the day on February 6

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  1. If they're coming back 1330 Monday they'll miss the match. Apart from that it's brilliant
  2. Ian Dunt has deleted it too https://bsky.app/profile/iandunt.bsky.social/post/3ljpblpn5z22z
  3. Bullshit from someone on this…..
  4. His other knee needs surgery? What a coincidence! And having said that, Howe said he was close to returning v Brighton. There is definitely fuckin porkies being told about this like….
  5. Trump pauses intelligence sharing with Ukraine, affecting early warning systems which save thousands of lives weekly…. so not that keen on saving Ukrainian citizens’ lives after all….
  6. Do you have any peer reviewed empirical evidence for this claim young man? 🧐
  7. To keep those worshipping the Mitchell/Bunce axis sweet. Those of us who identified them both as shallow know nothing charlatans very early on in the piece iirc know a lot better obvs
  8. Yeah I’d be happy with just having a right go now and not disgracing ourselves. Our only chance is a wonder show from Isak so I don’t want him anywhere Near East London at the start of next week Are you procuring a ticket for the final?..,
  9. Supposing Botman doesn’t make it am wondering who the 3rd CB would be? If it’s a 3 I’d play Tripps there and play Targett on the left…
  10. We did Orbital last year, think I was median
  11. We’ve not had a Kendzior for a few days @Gemmill this one instructs you to buy the most important book of the last decade 🫵🏻 https://bsky.app/profile/sarahkendzior.bsky.social/post/3ljkuw2pduc2m
  12. Big Lech here, world leader of all sparkies and ancillary trades, also in his spare time President of Poland, booting Putin square in the fuckin stones ✊🏻
  13. Not wanting to accept it is one thing, being under the constant threat of violence by a dominant and now unopposed neighbour is another. There’s nothing to stop Putin now, it’s over. There will be semblance of nationhood but Ukraine will be dominated by Russia and resistance will be brutally crushed. They may emerge as a democratic nation again after Trump and Putin are gone but both will try to leave some sort of bullshit legacy where the absolute stitch up they’ve just pulled will be seen as some sort of achievement
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