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PaddockLad last won the day on January 15

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  1. Tiffany looks good for her age
  2. Don’t know what you mean
  3. You’re definitely missing the bit that the Daily Mail is going go be talking about 😆
  4. Sorry like but if you wouldn’t enjoy ruining the individual as pictured above after she’d just returned hot and sweaty from a hard day at the range then you are in my estimation some sort of pervert
  5. Aye… he’s the worst VP candidate since Sarah Palin but at least you could actually enjoy looking at her if not actually listening to what she had to say ☺️
  6. These cunts just want power at any cost
  7. Jobs for life no? Someone has to die before they’re replaced?? …
  8. I can believe he’d bottle it tbh…
  9. I keep reading this…. is it true but unconfirmed?….
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