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  1. I’ve always meant to read that. I read an article about it and it basically said he went out there with one book in mind and ended up writing something completely different due to his experiences out there. He basically went out as one of the press cunts you describe but came back changed by what he’d seen
  2. For me the preceding two world cups were better quality than 1990 but 1990 remains my all time favourite. I was about to turn 21, had just left home; freedom, disposable income on a comparatively huge scale, booze, women, music… it was unforgettable… I’d never heard of Schillacci at the beginning of the tournament for the precise reasons others have mentioned. Mancini and Vialli had played at Euro 88 so this lad was for me the NKOTB. He was sensational though, I think it’s a pity Italy didn’t win it tbh, but the semi final placed them in Naples and not Rome and they were up against Argentina with Maradonna. The Neopolitans in the crowd basically backed the Argies (lots of North v South hatred in Italy in those days) making for an odd atmosphere. Despite Toto nicking what looked like a winner the Italian goalie dropped a cross and Caniggia scored an equaliser, it went to pens and Italy were out…
  3. Is that Jimmy Rabbett’s old man from The Commitments? There’s a good chance my mums side of our family are descendants of some Rabetts from Donegal… I think to prove it I’d have to come across and do some digging though so when is good for you? ☺️
  4. There’s a full moon at the moment. Our dog goes mental once a month….and G man has been a bit “fractious” in a few threads this week 🤷🏻‍♂️
  5. Ok perhaps I’m mistaken…am not generally known as Dave though
  6. Someone pulled up an ancient thread in the last few weeks and Dazzler was on it. At least a decade old….
  7. @Gemmill don’t say I never do anything for you 😆… from my mate who’s a vinyl collector and dealer . I’d take them all off your hands but my bank account is still getting over finding all three style council albums, all their 12” eps and Sade’s first two albums in the same rack last month 😅
  8. You might well be right. But what Mitchell said would in my book entitle Howe to ask him “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU MEAN BY THAT YA CUNT?!” . If you can’t see that you’ve probably been out of the workplace too long grandad
  9. Gemmill is right, the policy needs changing. However, there’s no fuckin way that Mitchell should’ve put that point in the terms that he did in public to some of the biggest journalistic cunts in the uk (Craig Hope was apparently there too) If someone needs to talk on behalf of the club in future it should be Eales, not some mealy mouthed manc bruiser who may have a firm grasp of the absolute waste of fuckin time that is Xg but is about as subtle as Gemmill loitering near a taxi rank at 10pm on a city centre Saturday night with his Focus sat poised in an adjacent car park. If Gemmill can’t understand this, as usual he’s not as fuckin clever as he thinks he is. As posters may have noticed, I now no longer desire his recently rediscovered Smiths records
  10. “Panic at the Bank of England? On 22 July, the same day when the agreement between the government of Ukraine and the “ad hoc committee” of her private creditors was announced, the Bank of England also announced a seminar titled "The Future Bank of England Balance Sheet – managing its transition towards a new system for supplying reserves." The seminar took place the same day (a bit of a short notice for most people) and featured a speech by Victoria Saporta, Executive Director of the bank’s Markets Directorate. In the announcement, the BOE explained that its “balance sheet plays a key role in helping [the bank] achieve its financial stability and monetary policy objectives.” Saporta’s speech, titled “Let’s Get Ready to Repo!” laid out the Bank’s latest thinking on the future of its balance sheet which would transition towards a demand-driven system for supplying reserves. Saporta suggested that the bank would need to accept a “broader range of assets” as collateral to make the system “usable for the widest range of firm business models.” She added that, “The single punchline is that both we, the Bank and you, the market, need to prepare ourselves for increased usage of both our short term and long term repo operations. Or in short, let’s get ready to repo!” “Here’s how Bloomberg’s macro strategist Simon White put it: in a demand-led system, “what banks use to settle balances each day *must* be ‘shiftable’ on to the central bank’s balance sheet in a crisis. If they are not, liquidity is at risk of seizing up altogether. Thus, in a crisis, potentially no asset under this scheme will be turned away.” That could include even Ukraine’s bonds. What is clear from this and from the BOE’s language is that the bank is now anxious about Britain’s financial system collapsing and it has resolved to avert the collapse in the worst possible way: by loosening its credit standards and accepting junk quality collateral in exchange for cash. This is the clearest possible sign that the system came to the verge of collapsing. Not so long ago, we had a glimpse of just how fragile Britain’s financial system is.” He then goes on to use the Truss/Kwarteng budget debacle as evidence of what happens when things go tits up on the markets and the BoE has to intervene, and the UK taxpayer has to cough up to reimburse the BoE.
  11. This is the Substack from the guest on the pod Alex Krainer. There is a lot of unconnected and irrelevant shit to wade through to get to “Panic at the Bank of England” … https://alexkrainer.substack.com/p/the-coming-collapse-of-britain
  12. This is interesting in a really bad way…. https://archive.is/mh8Jx And it’s apparently going to go up due how exposed to Ukranian national debt the BoE are due to the restructuring of the debt this summer https://amp.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jul/07/ukraine-legal-action-uk-courts-bondholders-debt-default https://www.whitecase.com/insight-alert/ukraine-concludes-historic-restructuring-us205-billion-international-bonds This was brought to my attention today by my lovely conspiracy theory obsessed colleague who I have a lot of time for but I don’t take very seriously. He’s highly intelligent but easily led. He listened to this podcast at the weekend where a pair of wackos talk about this. So I did a bit of digging and the basic outline of what they’re saying appears to me to have some substance (they talk load of shit too, obvs) But is this the real reason “pensioners are being robbed” etc etc? Is this why Reeves is issuing dire warnings about what she’s going to announce next month?… Over to those with a far better understanding of these things than me. Is this happening?.. podcast for those interested: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/dir-erktw-20a07071
  13. With that number I think it’s a 70s or 80s re issue. Still worth a bit mind…
  14. Discogs is a free for all in a way. Most are just chancing their arm. I’m sat on a fuckin fortune according to them; but if a dude such as you’re describing came round to value it I’d be lucky to get half what various things are being priced at on that fuckin robbers coven. Second hand prices have predictably rocketed for buyers but not for private sellers since lockdown 🫤
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