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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. I've seen dirty dancing 3,782 times. All sat next to a woman. Bored to fuckin tears every time.
  2. Jennifer Gray?...cant remember the other one..
  3. Dunno but she'd still get it...it looks a bit like Kim Cattral with dark nhair now I come to think about it but thats probably embarrasingly wrong...
  4. Shearer's got a case for having done well if Webb hadnt have chalked off Viduka's legitimate goal v Fulham. Suiffice to say, even with my reservations about the latter part of his time at NUFC, Shearer acheived far more to benefit NUFC as a fuckin ballboy than Kinnear acheived as manager.
  5. this would suggest that he certainly played Charlie at leftback: http://www.nufc.com/html/2008-09html/2008-09-20west-ham-a.html
  6. This is what he was suspeneded for.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/22563280
  7. ha...I wonder?...probably nowt in it, but Ashley can be decisive when he wants to be.... this is his Brighton record...not startling tbh.. Played Won Drawn Lost Win ratio 194 86 59 49 44.3%
  8. Yeah, but if our top targets were Douglas and Aubameyang it has to be said theyre both still at their clubs. We've been linked with Carroll, that was never realistic though iyam at 80k a week and the scousers have signed a Luis Alberto, who looks ok and at about 7mill for a 20 year old seems reasonable value. Apart from them?....not a lot in our area of the market...
  9. Its not really different to any other year tbh, not much gets done early on as most folk are on holiday till next week. Dread to think what effect Kinnear's going to have mind, if its true that he put the mockers on the deal for Douglas just to show Carr and Pardew who is boss on the first day then it doesnt bode well. Aubameyang at St Etienne looks to be on the radar of every mid ranking team in Europe so even without the influence of Kinnear that would be difficult to get over the line. But Carr is paid to find alternatives to the top targets, so we'll see if hes allowed to get his way. Ben Arfa should be given a new deal asap.
  10. So do I, but we live in strange times. No one else has come out with this particular slant, one person has spoken only to him. Now, about Ashley....hes unwtttingly trying to ruin this football club yet again, agreed?...after all his good work since 2009, he cant help himself royaly fucking things up. And you think hes great
  11. No, that's how the media operates. Now....ANSWER THE QUESTION!!
  12. I don't think hes sold out, hes doing his job. Now why is it still Ashley can do no wrong in your eyes when hes incapable or unwilling to do what you want, what will deleiver Newcastle United into your promised land of Brazil 70 type football. He appointed another idiot instead. Suck it up CT, hes fucked up again.
  13. And you're falling for it hook line and sinker because it suits your "Pardew is useless" theory slp was plainly fuckin joking. Carr has spoken to Ashley by all accounts, not Kinnear. And the reason why he had to speak to Ashley? because Ashley had appointed Kinnear in the first place.Am not discounting a thing either, am saying that there may have been tensions behind the scenes, which is pretty normal in the circumstances, any large corporate entity has its office battles.If its largely thrue,then why the fuck is Carr getting involved in the changing room anyway? He's the chief scout ffs. And why aren't you holdinHim g your head in your hands and muttering "WHY COULDNT YOU HAVE JUST SACKED PARDEW MIKE, WHY??!!" Its Mike Ashley not doing what you want that's caused this mess. Him alone. You,me and the football world in general wouldn't have been surprised or that bothered if Pardew had been sacked this summer, but look what the fuckin stupid cunt has done man. Birds article is damage limitation.
  14. How could Bird check if it was true?.... basically him doing that piece is him being used by somebody at the club who wants to peddle that version of events. The source may be impeccable, Birds got a good reputation, his pieces usually have the ring of truth to them. But a piece this week blaming it all on a fall out between Carr and Pardew is just too fuckin convenient. Am not saying theres no element of truth in it, but usually when an article appears with those words in it the more lucid among us dismiss it out of hand. This is a propaganda piece iyam, and if you're daft enough to fall for it completely fair enough.
  15. from Birds piece: "A Toon insider explained: " What do you think that means?...
  16. Hes not doing it to be nasty, hes doing it because he doesn't really appreciate the dynamics he's tampering with, and for some unfathomable reason he appears to not to give two hoots as to the consequences of his actions, which is strange for a billionaire. Basically, and I think beyond speculation such as this, I can be pretty sure saying Ashley's incapable of making more than two good decisions in a row. Don't know enough about his history at SD to say its the same there, but to me it just sums his nature up, a gambler to his marrow. Simon Bird is a good lad and I'd be surprised if he was trotting out some mis-information fed to him by the club to turn the PR tide tbh, but these are strange times. Maybe what Chez says is closer, he's come up with a logical explanation, but it doesn't read like that.
  17. Agreed. Sounds like hes been bought and fuckin paid for. If that was the problem why on earth would Llambias resign?... edit: after reading CT's usual in depth analysis, I'd like him to answer that, but hes probably out ferrying Wearside's sexual deviant community around their favourite nocturnal fleshpots, the massive cunt.
  18. The chairman of the most geographically perfect team in the UK speaks out about the festive fixture schedule, the complete fuckin strap-on... http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/stoke-city-chairman-slams-premier-1969828
  19. Thats Ashley iyam...still doesnt realise that running football clubs can cost a huge amount of money...I wouldnt expect too many signings this summer tbh... http://www.independe...as-8665918.html On nightshift in Pompey,this place full of their lot looking forward to the season, excited by the fixture list, one lad said "theres 11 grounds in that division I've not been to, cant wait". I've barely looked at the fixture list today..think next season will hurt. A lot.
  20. didnt think he was fit till well into the autumn?...
  21. Holts saying hes foolish,misguided, and has been very badly led on by Ashley. Not saying I feel sorry for Kinnear but you can see whats going on, Ashleys taking advantage of a weak, desperate man for his own ends. Thats beneath contempt iyam.
  22. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/joe-kinnears-newcastle-return-interview-1962658
  23. How must it feel to know that a fuckin snake like Llambias is refusing to work with you? "water orf a ducks arse mate".... Unless its all planned and Ashley will run now run the club full time in Dekka's role with jokin Joe reporting only to him?.... "they're all cunts Mike"... That would be an unusual set up to say the least, but it would explain in a way wtf Kinnear is doing at the club....
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