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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Sad to see this sort of thread tbh. When Emre was playing alongside Parker his overall game seemed poor. Poor passing, poor positions, poor communication. Butt came on and his game improved a lot.
  2. hmmmm stay of the drugs dudes
  3. Possible isnt it? Seems very odd someone this size of Barca in the UEFA Cup nowadays?
  4. Jesus wept. Anyway, nothing new as far as I'm aware. The people who bought my Mam and Dad's old house got one. A Muslim kid at work raised £1k for 3 days sponserd silence for Children in need. He also bought serveral raffle tickets, isnt that classed as gamblling?
  5. I think being shot at might be their more immediate concern tbh. Well yes
  6. He hasnt had a fair crack of the whip, but his body language etc doesnt exactly fill you with confidence does it? You may argue that he is low on morale etc, but given the chance wouldnt you work you bollocks off?
  7. I think they should expect to be shot at. The people are prolly more concerned WHY they have gone to war.
  8. Should push to the front of the line
  9. Damien Rice - Blowers Daughter Anything to stop the "Ashes Fever"
  10. I dont see any problem with it, but how have the Muslim house owners done upto press? Unlesss WBBS are the first "big" BS to do it?
  11. Just having a scan for a mortgage an found this:- Muslim Mortgages This is getting beyond a joke tbh Discuss <lights torch and sits back>
  12. Let us kna how you gan on marra
  13. Divnt kna how to do that like How? Google for the printer type or goto the manufacturers webby
  14. Sounds like you have mixed up the positions
  15. I am suprised some people have voted for Moyles. The bloke is shite tbh. But opinions, opinions
  16. Our fans jibe other managers and players alike FACT. Its not nice but hey.
  17. For me it has to be Vernon Kay. Never liked him at the beginning but now I really enjoy listening to him. Great DJ and always up for a laugh.
  18. Sunday lunch? Even sunday lunch. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! I know someone who has salad cream on their Sunday lunc & their bacon sarnies!!
  19. Well, if a Pakistani citizen had done that here, I'd want him deported after his life sentence. You can't have it both ways. Aye i suppose your right.
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