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Status Updates posted by peasepud

  1. “@oldheatonian: @leazesladBut theyre a joke. Dont get it at all”Derek Llambias and nufcfans a marriage made in heaven

  2. “@oldheatonian: @pjwhitfield the miracle being the other 137 channels”Alan Carr will be on 18 of them!

  3. “@oldheatonian: @pjwhitfield tram lines ?”Corn rows a'la Andy Carrol 2008

  4. “@oldheatonian: Another horrible tory on #newsnight Notsurprised”Have you ever seen a nice one?

  5. “@oldheatonian: Stop press: Blue Peter open new garden: Dennis Wise spotted on M6 heading for Manchester” is Sir Les opening it?

  6. “@orrible_git: Funny how women wake up and think of loved ones. Men wake up and check their balls are still there”Same thing though

  7. “@PaulRobbins1969: @brett150676 @pjwhitfield its called sports direct arena u daft cunts now suck my cock” clearly you're a makem

  8. “@PaulRobbins1969: @pjwhitfield do you like the new name or not?” are you serious? It's a stain on our great club #Nufc.

  9. “@PayasoDeMierda: Just heard the official Olympic song by Muse. It's fucking shit”#HardcoreReviews

  10. “@PayasoDeMierda: Seasonal bait at The Priory..... http://t.co/n6gVxCpN” glad to see you're getting help mate #justsayno

  11. “@pea2511: How many #NUFC fans think protesting is actually pathetic”That's a sweeping statement, depends on protest reason

  12. “@piersmorgan: I pay full price for 4 season tickets”Are you tweeting from the game then?

  13. “@PlumsOfDoom: Ginger nuts. The dinner of the #sick”Dunk em in Lemonade, fantastic

  14. “@PlumsOfDoom: Mmmm cum and coffee. Snack of champions!”Seriously? #shockedFace

  15. “@professorgreen: i honestly think social networks have had negative effect on social skills of children.”Whereas your music is education?

  16. “@rammlet: @pjwhitfield Great tune! You heathen!”That and Lennons Imagine are right up there on the "shitestick" scale

  17. “@rammlet: @pjwhitfield Kevin Phillips?”I have named little Stoaty Kevin in honour of said rat boy

  18. “@rammlet: Only a cheeky 7-0 victory will see us rise up the table tonight #baltic #fucked #shite”A tenner on 8 nowt it is then

  19. “@RealKendric: #HonestyHour I like when you text me first.”@whopperbot #whopperpatrol

  20. “@rebeccarrrr: @Brock_Lee_Bear @pjwhitfield @tt9m .....you weird can't cook racist” best insult ever!

  21. “@reid6peter: Cheers big ears !!! To all you mags http://t.co/pYCJtCVd” say what you like about Monkey Heed, he enjoys laugh #Nufc

  22. “@ReturnOfTheMag: @2NarMe @Ludachris14 when did you last run?”1996

  23. “@ReturnOfTheMag: Earned that! http://t.co/bSgPYW7b”Well done kidda, 6 more to go?

  24. “@ReturnOfTheMag: Up and at ‘em and off to Peppa Pig World #Hardcore”I expect a full review

  25. “@Richie_FTM: See we're in for Hoilett, who turned down #NUFC, clearly sees which club is showing REAL ambition. #SAFC #FTM” I love you man

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