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Status Updates posted by peasepud

  1. Dear Alan Pardew, I'm 6ft 7, when should I turn up for training? #nufc

  2. Dear Arsonists of Stevenage please have yourselves a quiet night in as this is outside my hotel window http://t.co/cRECRNjk

  3. Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to let you know about the meal my partner and I had at your Newcastle restaurant a (cont) http://t.co/zi8O69Gs

  4. Death is the 1 thing we all know will happen. Maybe im off track but I can't therefore see what makes a mock funeral sick

  5. Demba, Demba, Dem DembasDemba, Demba, Dem DembasDemba, Demba, Dem DembasNow hear the word of Tiote#Nufc

  6. Desperate for sleep however George is awake & loudly singing the Hokey Cokey in the next room

  7. Did Will I.Am invent dry cat food?

  8. Doesn't a name tattoo'd on back of neck mean you enjoy bum sex with that person?Worried for lass in Tesco with "Grandad"

  9. Don't know what the fuss is about, he's clearly innocent #lfc #Nufc http://t.co/bLTCHtHD

  10. Dont Let me Phaal - Lenka #currysongs

  11. Dunno why @Joey7Barton has a problem with the Queen. She says it's Her Pleasure looking after his brother

  12. Eastern Airways, home of the worlds slowest check in....howay man woman man pet

  13. Educating the bairn on 80s music. New Order, Orange Juice & now Lloyd Cole #absolute80s

  14. Emmmm excuse me Mr Weather but any chance you could piss reet off? Off to Slaley for a few days

  15. Errrrm isn't that the wrong Prince? http://t.co/qGIDWNcN

  16. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind is fucking mental like man

  17. Every time I hear #muse official #Olympics2012 song it inspires me....to boot the bastard radio.

  18. failing a medical is simply a formality for #Nufc if he's crocked we'll still buy him

  19. Fair play to Gary Barlow there like

  20. Fancy renting a flat in London? this is a bargain! http://t.co/cvu0Jrv7

  21. First trip to Gym for 2 years.....nailed it!

  22. From now on I'm unfollowing anyone doing that whole #twitter92 shite

  23. From the activity at his house, I'm guessing talks are at advanced stage for Nobby to be next #hufc manager #Nufc #itkmelike

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