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Posts posted by MattM4

  1. shame there's not a higher res version I could use as my desktop :lol:


    sorry just realised it says it will be available for download 'soon'



    Knowing .cock, it'll only be to those who pay....


    or worse, who've subscribed! ;)


    doubt it to be honest, in the past they've made available in high resolution.

    They're saying this now so that more people buy the matchday programme on Saturday, making it the only way to see the photo decently for the moment. Will probably be up online in a week or two.

  2. good player,shouldnt of sold him!  :o




    Edit, oh beat me to it Zico




    woo! high five mattM4

    the gramma police are in effect! full on in the area, ready for the next illiterate kid to terrorise this board eh?


    lol, that one in particular does my head in... and I didn't even go to school in England!



    yeah that one, and 'your' as in 'your thick as shit'. :D


    their the best ones, the ones witch make the sentence have a completely different sense :rolleyes:

  3. good player,shouldnt of sold him!  :rolleyes:




    Edit, oh beat me to it Zico




    woo! high five mattM4

    the gramma police are in effect! full on in the area, ready for the next illiterate kid to terrorise this board eh?


    lol, that one in particular does my head in... and I didn't even go to school in England!

  4. I did the last week PANIC and ended up with a indvidual mark of 'first' for my dissertation! ;)


    Some people work better under pressure!  :wacko:



    and most f*** up....................



    In your experience perhaps....


    In mine, the successful lot seem to be those who leave it to the last minute.


    I'll go with that... you learn a lot about your future working habits at uni really. Whenever I tried to do anything well before the deadline, the quality just wasn't up to scratch, and that still applies now in my shadowy life as a transamalator - I can't work properly without the adrenaline rush of time pressure and the threat of horrendous failure hanging over my head. :huh:


    same here really ... I know myself too well now, and know that even if I think about doing it as soon as possible, it'll still be there waiting to be done 2 days before the deadline...

  5. I'll go then >>>>


    Real first name: Matthew


    Nickname: Matt, or M4 i guess even though I'm the only who ever uses it ;)


    Age: twenty two


    Occupation: student, doing a european business course between Bordeaux and Portsmouth


    Location: Bordeaux, France


    Language(s) spoken? English, French, Spanish


    Avatart - why? Never had a fixed one before, but think I gave found a winner here. I really like this bloody one, I think it's very cool.


    Previous avatarts? loads. Nothing specific though


    Tell us when you first joined the boards? first joined in July 2003, it was just as Toontastic Linuxdriven was becoming ToonChat.


    Board highlights? ummm, maybe the day Kluivert signed and the board crashed.


    Board lowlights? well they go together with Nufc's lowlights really so the Marseille semi


    What would you be doing if you weren't doing your current job? i'm a student so I don't do anything anyway!


    Pets? nope


    I play a bit like.... Shearer lol... i guess watching so many tapes of the man leaves a mark. Although i'm a defender and not as good in front of goal. I'm a good header of the ball, and have somewhat the same kind of body language.


    Football heroes? Shearer, Bobby Moore ...


    Football villains? Beckham, Maradona, DelPiero, Mihailovic, Vieira, Pires


    Best advice given? "Why do it now if you can do it later"


    Ideal partner? tall thin long brown hair, nice, funny and sweet.


    Ideal meal? Steak and chips with a glass of ice cold coke.


    Can you cook? no. yes, well pasta and rice.


    Current wheels? Peugeot 106


    Biggest influence? my father


    TV programmes? into tv series a lot, so Office, Lost, the OC, South Park, Curb your Enthus... the list is long


    Burger and chips or fish and chips? burger


    Chinese or indian? What do you order? Indian


    Favourite tunes? Muse, Oasis, Starsailor, Queen ...


    Abi Titmuss or Jodi Marsh? Jodi Marsh


    George Clooney or Bradley Pitt? dunno ... pitt maybe


    Favourite film? Back to the Future


    If I won a million pounds.... would buy a house, a nice car, and live of the rest for ever and ever


    Age first drunk alcohol? First drink? 16, i have no recolection of what it was though.


    Ever suspended/expelled from school? no, came close a few times though lol


    Favourite insult? fookin twat


    Not a lot of people know that...... had a good answer for this last time i filled it in ... but can't seem to remember now


    Most you've ever spent on an item of clothes? 70 quid


    How many pairs of shoes do you own? 3


    I'm obsessed with..... asian girls


    In 5 years time, I hope to be.... married and happy :wacko: and rich as hell!

  6. i'm gonna have to do one between now and FEB 2006. Can't imagine how... but it'll have to be done.

    At least I know what my subject will be: Regeneration in the North East.


    And knowing what I'm like it'll probably be a last minute job.

  7. yeah one thing I would strongly advise against is puting music over the action. Having live commentary is a large part of the charm.


    Apart from that maybe work on he menu graphics a tad ;)


    but great initiative.

  8. I'm not sure if Newcastle would suit a foreign manager. (I do realise Deschamps wouldn't be the first BTW).


    I just think that the way the crowd want the team to play versus the cold, cagey tactical approach of many continental coaches is a match made in ballbag.


    I know Souness isn't exactly Mr.Flair, but he is passionate.


    Souness is foreign though ;)


    My personal view is that NUFC should not be allowed to apoint a foreign manager.


    The whole management people and staff of the NUFC team should be NUFC.



  9. It would be hard to draw the line between established and under established too.


    i do agree with you there. And what if they are under established, apoint a foreign genius manager and become world beaters? should they be stripped of their coach? ;)


    a touchy subject as I said.

  10. My personal view is that national sides should not be allowed to apoint foreign managers.


    It should work the same way as for players. The whole management people and staff of the England team should be english.


    That's mental!


    lol ;) , well what's the point of having nations compete then ?


    Because it the players who represent the countries perhaps?

    Also, don't you think not allowing any foreign coaches would be highly detrimental to the development of nations who are less established in footballing terms?


    i think the manager represents the country just as much.


    as for nations where football is underestablished, i agree that is the only grey spot in my reasoning (for me anyway lol), that might be the only case where it could be allowed. Anyway rather touchy subject. I just think if you haven't got a national coach good enough then tough, lol. That's part of the game, and I include England in this and how the FA struggled to find anyone in 2001.

  11. My personal view is that national sides should not be allowed to apoint foreign managers.


    It should work the same way as for players. The whole management people and staff of the England team should be english.


    That's mental!


    lol ;) , well what's the point of having nations compete then ?

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