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Controversial article this morning


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The comments brought condemnation from all sides. The White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, said: "The president believes the comments were not appropriate."


Just a touch I think.....

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of course, statistically, he's making a point... but morally ethically and practically you have to wonder which planet the man is on...............


The trouble withe American RIght is that people with mad ideas like this actually get into positions of power - the parliamentary system (for all its woes) filters the luntaics out to the fringes - I can rember Sir Keith Joseph saying some lunatic thing back in the 70's that did for his chances of the top job in one easy move

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of course, statistically, he's making a point... but morally ethically and practically you have to wonder which planet the man is on...............


The trouble withe American RIght is that people with mad ideas like this actually get into positions of power - the parliamentary system (for all its woes) filters the luntaics out to the fringes - I can rember Sir Keith Joseph saying some lunatic thing back in the 70's that did for his chances of the top job in one easy move



"If you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose; you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down"...he continued, would be "an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down".


He's making a point, his extreme fucking naivety was not realising that intelligent debate is dead, if indeed it ever existed. The Guardian really dissapoints me recently.

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