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Five Conformalist Things

Guest Stevie

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Guest Stevie

1. You have to get so pissed at New Years you lose the next day through having your worst hangover and agree with everyone that it really is the best night of the year.


2. You have to choose every word carefully when talking about sensitive subjects such as race and immigration, like when your people get blown up, blame it on your countries policies, on your government, draw attention to the fact you are the root cause.


3. You have to avoid praising any government policy, all bad policies should be a key topic of conversation, any good ones just pipe down about them.


4. Be respectful about your footballing rivals and other clubs, it's the way it should be, never lose your dignity talking about the opposition.


5. When you're in a restaurant and the waiter asks you if the foods nice, if it's shite, say yes it's nice.

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