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Tom last won the day on January 20 2023

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  • Birthday 12/01/1986

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  1. I haven’t bought a shirt in ages but thought Adidas would sway me. The home is smart enough and the “pro” shirt is impressive but not worth the money really, I wont be bothering. I’ll see what the originals collection is like.
  2. Third shirt - as leaked, basically the 1999/2000 away
  3. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    Yeh its crazy good and going through the Fender Hot Rod it cuts through the mix perfectly. Which is weird as my Orange Rocker 30 and a variation of guitars always felt like it got lost a bit on stage!
  4. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    Aye the Alpaca wouldn’t fit in the van
  5. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    Picked this up from a bloke in Oxford on Sunday. I’d been after an LPJ for a while and we just happened to be down south collecting a drum kit from Guildford. (The fella we bought it off had three alpacas!?) Its a 2023 & I got it for a decent price, rather than the £1400 new it would cost. Although the quality seems to have leapt up considerably since those mid-noughties satin efforts. It’s an incredibly resonant guitar & very harmonically rich. Essentially its a slab of quality wood with a very good pickup on - but it does the basics incredibly well and makes other guitars feel a little dull & non-reactive in comparison. It had barely been played & still has the factory strings and plastic wrapping on, it came with a very fancy case and assorted accessories, although the strap is a bit shite Very happy & I cant wait to gig it. (hard to do it justice with photos but it pops in person haha) (I also picked up a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe for Live but we know how good they are)
  6. https://x.com/deludedof/status/1812024000438034707?s=12&t=_JhUCoDPCaDM2qiBf831Jw Cognitive dissonance episode 6482926164
  7. No idea I didnt manage to imbed it properly anyway
  8. https://x.com/deludedof/status/1811318152480936181?s=12&t=_JhUCoDPCaDM2qiBf831Jw
  9. Sorry to hear this Renton but don’t blame yourself & use your incredible work as a reference point! It’s very easy to relapse and very hard to quit but you’ll 100% be able to get back to where you were & use the negative experience to help you navigate going forward. I’m using an app at the moment called “I am Sober” and it tracks the days, money saved, calories saved etc - so once you see a data breakdown it can be really helpful. Though I was able to have decent breaks I wasn’t drinking responsibly & it was negatively affecting those around me and there was no worse feeling than discovering you ruined someones night because they were worried about you getting wrecked before you’ve even poured a drink. I used music as something to focus on and put my energy into and im 13 months now. I know lots of lads on the same path who’ve relapsed too, its easy to do especially if you’ve been dipping in and out of it. Previously I’d got to a month or so before deciding to have a blast at the drink but it wasn’t worth it. You just have to start again.
  10. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    Oh yeh! But tbh id have one if I had the money. In the house I play my Charvel or my Clapton strat! The LPJ is just for stage & studio otherwise its a deeply stupid purchase Id have a light, playable, cool looking Strandberg in a heartbeat - but again separating what I play at home vs whats on stage.
  11. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    Dunno man, those Strandbergs look cool!
  12. Tom

    The Guitar Thread

    Bought myself a Les Paul Jr. Picking it up at the weekend. Gonna be catching some AIR with that thing.
  13. Anderson has played in the champions league, premier league & is Eligible for England. £35m is very much par for the course!
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