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Who are the "characters" round your way?

Happy Face

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Used to be a bloke hang round the Beacon Centre in Shields who use to shout out the words to Bon Jovi songs at the top of his voice whilst randomly walking round. When I say shout out, I mean shout out. He made no attempt to sing them or give them the rythym of the original song. Just...shout...them.


He's called Michael i thing.. When workin in Sheelz you get to kna the faces of the nutters :lol:

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I miss AC/DC Man from the Mayfair. They'd stick on an Acca Dacca track early doors, before the place properly filled up, and he'd do this manic half-skip, half-run around the dancefloor whilst playing air guitar and doing the vinegar-strokes axe-solo grimace. For the entire song.


We gave him a round of applause once and he stared us out as if he was going to kill us.

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I can only think of one, she's an old woman called Mabel. She flags down any bus thats going past then dithers as to whether she's going to get on or not. Then when the bus driver finally has enough she'll shake her fist, bag or in one case I saw her lob a snow ball. She lives in a flat above a shop in the people who work in the place below her reckon she's lifted up all the carpets so she can hear what is going on. Then she complains that everyone is being noisy down to people closing their car doors too loudly.

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