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Posts posted by Snake

  1. I'm actually quite looking forward to playing in the championship. We might have a chance of winning more games in a league not decided by how much money you spend


    With the ammount of players we would have leaving the club and the shite we'd be left with, I wouldn't be so sure!


    Very few of our rivals would have a pot to piss in so we'd at least have a chance

  2. I menioned previously about who has been tied up on a new contract since the clowns took over (i.e. not new signings) - Shola, Harper (only because Given left btw), Butt, S. Taylor, N'Zogbia (now away in any case) and Carroll. Planning for the future there like.


    I suspect that our crack recruitment team could easily find lower league strikers at least as good as Ameobi and Carroll but with far more potential but Ashley won't pay the money hence the new contracts. Adds more credibility to the theory that he's penny pinching for as long as it takes to sell the club

  3. I wasn't during the week but I'm getting proper nervous now, with Blackburn winning we actually need to win this game or it's our fate pretty much sealed tbh.


    I'm the complete opposite, virtually nerve-free. Even if we survive we'll only be making up the numbers for some time along with the rest of the league who just can't compete with the mega spenders. RIP football, unrecogniseable from the game it used to be

  4. Well, you reap what you sow. It shouldn't surprise anyone if people stay away next season. No doubt there'll be fans who'll turn up regardless and good on them, but if I was an impoverished season ticket holder I'd be thinking long and hard about just to pick and choose matches. It's been bad enough watching highlights from the armchair tbh, and to be fair not just under Ashley's tenure either.


    It doesnt surprise me at all and I fully understand those that dont want to go anymore.


    Personally I'd turn up to watch any old shite in a Newcastle shirt but I draw the line at paying for the privilege of having the piss taken out of me by the clueless, lying arseholes in charge

  5. "Building for the future", eh? :lol:


    Well it depends on what exactly it is you're building.


    Doesn't matter, it will probably change every few months anyway


    Actually that will manage to make things even worse "it's a basement..... no it's a boat....... I want an elephant now..... but now I fancy a chocolate fire-guard". :razz:


    It'll start off as the Arsenal penthouse and end up as the Hartlepool wendyhouse

  6. Keegan's 4m pay-off and Jonas' 4m transfer fee still to be paid out of the mystery transfer budget?


    Llambias - "We were all set to spend big on players but those two costs have hit us hard so now we cant"


    The Keegan pay-off is of their own making and the Jonas fee should have been looked into at the time, though £4m could still prove to be a good bit of business.

    I think he just cynically predicts they'll be the excuses for not spending more come the summer.


    Correct and as if by magic, Derek today tells us


    'We are hoping to reach two important settlements in the next week or so which potentially could cost the club a lot of money,' Llambias said.


    'One of those is the settlement with Kevin Keegan and the other is the fee for Jonas Gutierrez. We are talking about millions of pounds here and, if we have to pay out a vast sum of money, that will hit our revenue elsewhere.'


    lol we have to settle for a player we apparently obtained by legal and valid means eh?

    and how many of us predicted the "we would have had £xm to spend, but we had to pay keegan.."

    Fans fault keegans fault etc


    I can't understand why they are stumping up for something that their 'It is a fact' statement claims they're not responsible for

  7. Keegan's 4m pay-off and Jonas' 4m transfer fee still to be paid out of the mystery transfer budget?


    Llambias - "We were all set to spend big on players but those two costs have hit us hard so now we cant"


    The Keegan pay-off is of their own making and the Jonas fee should have been looked into at the time, though £4m could still prove to be a good bit of business.

    I think he just cynically predicts they'll be the excuses for not spending more come the summer.


    Correct and as if by magic, Derek today tells us


    'We are hoping to reach two important settlements in the next week or so which potentially could cost the club a lot of money,' Llambias said.


    'One of those is the settlement with Kevin Keegan and the other is the fee for Jonas Gutierrez. We are talking about millions of pounds here and, if we have to pay out a vast sum of money, that will hit our revenue elsewhere.'

  8. Seriously though, why exist as a club if we aren't going to be ambitious and compete.


    Even the Portsmouth side that beat the top 4 F.A Cup domination was a well put together side with a good manager!


    We'll be scraping by as best we can with Ashley putting in as little as possible until he sells the club

  9. I'm guessing (hoping/kidding myself) that he means he's going to put in £5-£10m of his OWN money in for transfers on top of profits generated by player sales/other income.


    Fingers crossed that's the case


    Not a fucking chance. They think we're dumb enough to believe that Mike Ashley personally bankrolls transfer activity. He'll be contributing zero towards it.


    Unfortunately you're probably right. To be fair though he did lose two billion recently :lol:

  10. It's madness this like. To declare what you are going to spend, say you are sitting tight with a manager who is possibly about to retire, reduce the fans hope to next to nothing when you are trying to get them to buy season tickets for next year. All in the context of a very serious relegation battle and losing some of our best players.


    They are spackas, to a man.


    I admit he's got me baffled for the exact reasons you state

  11. Fuck me the Ashley party line being swallowed whole. Is Tree writing Llambias's scripts or merely regurgitating them?


    I notice the term prudence used further up, a euphemism if ever I've heard one. Is it 'prudent' to be involved in a relegation battle every season then? Because if you are -and Ashley's record so far is two out of two- then sooner or later you'll go (how much will that cost by the way?). Is it 'prudent' to run the club so badly that the vast majority of the supporters are completely disillusioned with what's going on and many long-standing ST holders will not renew (that's guaranteed)? Is a massive drop in matchday revenue 'prudent'? Is 'prudence' responsible for us being so devalued as a club that the only manager who would come is a relic who no-one else would touch? This 'prudence' also seems to be leading to our better players wanting out. That always works :razz:


    Will it take relegation for the gullible fucks still believing Ashley to open their eyes?


    'Stick with us, you've seen worse' :icon_lol::lol:

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