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Posts posted by Snake

  1. Agree on the shearer point like - totally gone up in my estimation as a local legend - i never thought he would take us on in such a perilous state - total fuckin respect - speaking of which he has brought more respect and stature back to the club in a fortnight than the last three or four managers put together

    One thing about Shearer is that he's not a "joke" type media figure. He won't be getting carried away and will keep his feet on the ground. It would be nice to think we could have a bit of stability and get talked about for being "good at football" for a bit. :nufc:


    Shearer's always treated the media like a viper that he has to walk past to get where he is going.


    Very sensible, if boring, and means it's hard for them to get anything on him especially to dig in and twist - although if we go the way we seem to be going that may not be the case for much longer. :wacko:


    Even if we get relegated, as long as Shearer stays and we build something I'll be happier than the ongoing chaos of this fucking season.


    I'm still looking forward to the championship :icon_lol:

  2. http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,1...5153968,00.html


    In particular


    As soon as you embrace relegation it ceases to have any power over you. People say the club will have no money but hey, all it has done with the money its had so far is spend it on mediocre players' wages who have got you into this position. So you won't miss it or them. You'll be left with a core of players who might actually like playing for the club. Radical huh? Some of them might get a chance to shine now when the multi-million quid fat striker and his has-been mates have jumped ship.


    Chances are once relegated the fans will see the club actually winning a lot of games and that is simply much more weekly fun than seeing a teeth-grinding home thrashing by Chelsea or getting caned away to Bolton. Yes, they might struggle but that at least will be a new battle; a change from the same old same old.


    Here's what I believe; success is not surviving in the Premier League at all costs; success is giving the fans a good time, without bankrupting the club regardless of what position the club finishes. What is success anyway? I'd rather win the Johnstone's Paint Trophy than cling on to mid-table Premier League mediocrity and I refuse to buy this idea that it and only it is the football nirvana and we must all shudder in awe and orgasm before it even while accepting it does throw up some cracking games occasionally.


    The Premier League and its sirens want to depict relegation as a kind of living death in order to ramp up the status of their league; to make it appear the shiny diamond-encrusted nipple atop the giant milky breast of success. But when you've won just six games all season and played horribly for 80% of the games, that is a lie we no longer believe.


    The Premier League's 'this is the only game in town' brigade patronise the rest of football and intrinsically belittle noble football clubs who ply their trade in front of a dedicated audience outside the top flight.


    This isn't a losers' mentality, rather it is a rational mentality with a wider perspective as to what is important about club football. To me just winning enough games to survive playing mostly ordinary football; never bad enough to go down, never good enough to win anything is actually the living death that the Premier League would have us believe is relegation.

  3. Just cannot understand this blind loyalty in jonas.


    Can't whip it in

    Can't pass

    Can't score

    Regularly loses posession


    Madness, pure madness.


    Fuck considering your blind support of Ashley and the cunts for so long your opinion on anything has to be seriously questioned.

    I can think of more games where Jonas has contributed more 75% of the team than I can where your criticisms of him are actually correct.

    Like I said play him on the left where he wants to play and watch him contribute.


    It's a shame we don't have a genuine right winger

    Stevie tbh.


  4. Just cannot understand this blind loyalty in jonas.


    Can't whip it in

    Can't pass

    Can't score

    Regularly loses posession


    Madness, pure madness.


    Fuck considering your blind support of Ashley and the cunts for so long your opinion on anything has to be seriously questioned.

    I can think of more games where Jonas has contributed more 75% of the team than I can where your criticisms of him are actually correct.

    Like I said play him on the left where he wants to play and watch him contribute.


    It's a shame we don't have a genuine right winger

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