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Posts posted by Snake

  1. If they honestly think Kinnear is the right man to achieve anything other than constant health/relegation battles then I don't care how much they 'care' they need to give their heads a shake.


    Many others have said before, it seems they need a manager they've got complete control over irrespective of ability. Kinnear fits the bill perfectly

  2. I was just thinking last night how they think its all over and everybody is happy with things again.


    Myabe I am in a very small minority but I still despise the lot iof them.


    They do and the apathy shown at games is making it appear that way.


    We can't win tbh as I realise that doing anything at the matches could have a negative effect on the team at a crucial time when we badly need points, however its pissed me off that again for the last two home games we have put shit performances in, came away with point when we badly need 3 (especially at home), but most leave the match content..


    I'm starting to think "fuck the players".


    It seems to be widely accepted now that having a go at the owners in the stadium makes you a twat. Which is patently bollocks. If the players are too delicate to disregard a bit of Ashley abuse then fuck it, let's go down. Why prolong the agony? We'll just go down next year if we keep supporting the dirge.




    I can't imagine the majority of them are too happen with him either.


    Given certainly wasn't

  3. I was just thinking last night how they think its all over and everybody is happy with things again.


    Myabe I am in a very small minority but I still despise the lot iof them.


    They do and the apathy shown at games is making it appear that way.


    We can't win tbh as I realise that doing anything at the matches could have a negative effect on the team at a crucial time when we badly need points, however its pissed me off that again for the last two home games we have put shit performances in, came away with point when we badly need 3 (especially at home), but most leave the match content..


    I'm starting to think "fuck the players".


    It seems to be widely accepted now that having a go at the owners in the stadium makes you a twat. Which is patently bollocks. If the players are too delicate to disregard a bit of Ashley abuse then fuck it, let's go down. Why prolong the agony? We'll just go down next year if we keep supporting the dirge.


    If we abuse the players they'll blame the fans


    If we abuse the owner/management they'll blame the fans


    If we back the players and owner/management they'll take the piss


    Frightening isn't it

  4. Full on huff now btw :lol:


    Fair point surely? Same as every team sport in every country, money is king

    What point are you making? I think it's safe to assume Aberdeen didn't outspend the Old Firm in Fergie's time there. Are you saying they did?


    I'm saying I don't honestly know but wouldn't be shocked if he did

  5. Full on huff now btw :lol:


    Totally :icon_lol:


    Does it matter who spent what? As it will either be a level playing field, or an unlevel playing field and so on...


    Or you may just go in to full wum mode and just got off on another tangent... :razz:


    You could have said you didn't know instead of just backing a member of your clique


    and still spot on you baldy cunt :)

    Toys out the pram again eh? Funny like, I don't recall having met you.


    You fall for it every time :lol: No wonder Fop likes it here

    Your argument gets shown up so you resort to abuse tbh ;)


    The abuse was to provoke the expected reaction from you. You said pretty much what I expected. My arguement was not shown up in any way, shape or form and certainly not by you, slapheed

    Howay man :razz: Water off a duck's back. Do you think you're first person to have taken the piss out of me on here for that? I get it all the time.


    I've no doubt, which is why I said it as a test not as a genuine insult if that makes any sense :icon_lol:


    and still spot on you baldy cunt :razz:

    Toys out the pram again eh? Funny like, I don't recall having met you.


    You fall for it every time :lol: No wonder Fop likes it here

    Your argument gets shown up so you resort to abuse tbh :)


    The abuse was to provoke the expected reaction from you. You said pretty much what I expected. My arguement was not shown up in any way, shape or form and certainly not by you, slapheed




    How much did Aberdeen, Celtic and Rangers spend on transfers and wages during his time there, do you know?


    and still spot on you baldy cunt :D

    Toys out the pram again eh? Funny like, I don't recall having met you.


    You fall for it every time :mellow: No wonder Fop likes it here

    Your argument gets shown up so you resort to abuse tbh :love:


    The abuse was to provoke the expected reaction from you. You said pretty much what I expected. My arguement was not shown up in any way, shape or form and certainly not by you, slapheed

  9. No because it was a one (or two) off. He didn't repeat it year after year. For example, I'm sure Souness won trophies at Blackburn


    This is getting a bit silly now isn't it? Fergie must have shat on your doorstep i presume. :razz:


    Nope I merely like to present the other side of the arguement. Presumably you're a sweaty?


    So is that what this is about? His nationality rather than how good a manager he is? :love:


    Not at all, dear me :mellow::D

  10. No because it was a one (or two) off. He didn't repeat it year after year. For example, I'm sure Souness won trophies at Blackburn


    This is getting a bit silly now isn't it? Fergie must have shat on your doorstep i presume. :mellow:


    Nope I merely like to present the other side of the arguement. Presumably you're a sweaty?

  11. You're ignoring the wages and the fact that these low cost purchases still cost more than most other clubs could afford. I'm fairly certain that many other clubs spot these low cost youth players as well but can't offer better deals, not that the players would go there anyway. Let's even the playing field, then we'll see


    Well what about Aberdeen then? Not exactly an open chequebook there but still built a good team and won the cup winners cup and the league.


    Done at a time when football was a far more level playing field. Could he do it now? Could he fuck

    Surely that suggests he could do it on what you say you would like to see, i.e. a level playing field. :mellow:


    No because it was a one (or two) off. He didn't repeat it year after year. For example, I'm sure Souness won trophies at Blackburn

    Are you comparing winning a European trophy, i.e. the Cup Winners' Cup (and beating Real Madrid in the final) when it was still a very prestigious competition and breaking the Old Firm's grip on the Scottish League - winning 3 league titles and 3 SFA Cups (plus one Scottish League Cup) to Souness winning the League Cup with Blackburn now? Don't see how you could say that was a one-off either. He was there about 8 years.


    It's Scotland though, joke league. How good were the Celtic and Rangers managers back then by the way?

  12. You're ignoring the wages and the fact that these low cost purchases still cost more than most other clubs could afford. I'm fairly certain that many other clubs spot these low cost youth players as well but can't offer better deals, not that the players would go there anyway. Let's even the playing field, then we'll see


    Well what about Aberdeen then? Not exactly an open chequebook there but still built a good team and won the cup winners cup and the league.


    Done at a time when football was a far more level playing field. Could he do it now? Could he fuck

    Surely that suggests he could do it on what you say you would like to see, i.e. a level playing field. :mellow:


    No because it was a one (or two) off. He didn't repeat it year after year. For example, I'm sure Souness won trophies at Blackburn


    Aye, and that Mourinho fella only won the UEFA Cup and European Cup once each with Porto, he's clearly rubbish too.


    Yep because I clearly said he was rubbish :D

  13. You're ignoring the wages and the fact that these low cost purchases still cost more than most other clubs could afford. I'm fairly certain that many other clubs spot these low cost youth players as well but can't offer better deals, not that the players would go there anyway. Let's even the playing field, then we'll see


    Well what about Aberdeen then? Not exactly an open chequebook there but still built a good team and won the cup winners cup and the league.


    Done at a time when football was a far more level playing field. Could he do it now? Could he fuck

    Surely that suggests he could do it on what you say you would like to see, i.e. a level playing field. :mellow:


    No because it was a one (or two) off. He didn't repeat it year after year. For example, I'm sure Souness won trophies at Blackburn

  14. Churlish to try and make out his success is all down to money imo.


    Not all down to but a massive percentage. Like I said, give everyone the same hand then we'll see

    You've made these exact points once before. Not worth going over it again.


    Fair point though surely? I'm sure it's the same story in every team sport where money is a factor.

  15. You're ignoring the wages and the fact that these low cost purchases still cost more than most other clubs could afford. I'm fairly certain that many other clubs spot these low cost youth players as well but can't offer better deals, not that the players would go there anyway. Let's even the playing field, then we'll see


    Well what about Aberdeen then? Not exactly an open chequebook there but still built a good team and won the cup winners cup and the league.


    Done at a time when football was a far more level playing field. Could he do it now? Could he fuck

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