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Posts posted by JawD

  1. gutting, i hate picking up niggles, but might not be as bad as you first fear. i did my back a few months back. i thought i'd done my disc or something, i was in so much pain, could barely walk for about a week. but i was fine a couple of weeks later and back down the gym in no time. go see a physio, as they'll have a better idea than a gp. mine said to rest and stretch it out. i did and it sorted itself out before long.


    Doc says I've badly pulled the lower abdomen (cant recall the official name for it) so not my groin at all. Basically rest it a week then start light work and stretching etc. Still hobbling round like an idiot today like, knacks.

  2. Absolutely gutted. Training lately has been spot on. Four mornings a week at 6.30am before work for an hour each, then I do Karate and thats been 2-3 nights a week each an hour. Feeling as strong and fit as I have in ages and then yesterday I pull up mid sprint. Off to see docs later but feels like Ive pulled my lower groin. Walking so gingerly today theres old people behind me tutting. I know doc will just say take pain killers and rest for 4-6 weeks. Fuck.

  3. Seriously people need to stop supporting this regime. If you're giving them your money, you're supporting. I don't give a fuck how much a part of your life going to the match is, stop letting this cunt take the piss out of you.


    Since I stopped going (and consciously not buying any tat) I feel my connection to the club gets pushed away daily. I do some stuff through work for their foundation and thats the only real link I have at the min. One half of my says I shouldnt let them stop my enjoyment and the other says I wont let them keep taking the piss.


    Thing is, I still push my kids to make sure they support the right team and thats working fine, I just hope by the time they come to go this shower of shit is long gone.

  4. You could compare this game to when we played Chelsea at home in the cup under RG. The game was in November and we had just been spanked by fulham (if memory serves that was the game where it was all us and they somehow bagged 4 goals out of nothing).


    38K turned up for the chelsea game on a Wed night.


    We could get half of that this game...

  5. Aye that's the same as most fruit or veg. Real stuff is good (over boiling veg aside) if you blend it you will lose some of the vit/min. I never drink bottled juices as they fill them with crap mostly. I'll have a freshly squeezed one now and again but it is like drinking a glass of sugar. Like anything, it's fine in moderation.


    I was talking about that article though, I eat around 100g of fat a day. That's 900 cals. You need good fats in your diet. Having 0 fat is worse than 0 carbs. Though for health you shouldn't have 0 Carbs of Fat or Protein. Some people chase the zero carbs without fully knowing about ketosis.


    For the most part, most people are fine with moderation on anything and a sensible approach. But, some like me it's a hobby that becomes as natural a way of life as the bloke who goes to the pub after work 5 days a week.



  6. That's class :lol: Mine sleeps the wrong way round in bed..





    My youngest does that. Manages to spin around so he is upside down. He has a cabin bed as well with stairs midway and a few times he has been perilously close to sliding down them while a kip.

  7. Last time I got down to 12% now Im up to about 15% but before I went from 18-20% down to 12% to Im keen to see how I do this time. I think anyone who says they don't care how they look is bullshitting. As well as being the best shape I've been in for years, it does wonders for confidence. Weights also increases testosterone and with that, "bothering the wife" :lol: As well as wanted to lose weight I also became quite interested in the subject and since have done a shit load of reading (on training but mostly on nutrition) and in that time my wife also passed her level 3 and is now a qualified personal trainer. Makes it easier when we do meals etc.

  8. ive always wanted this done to our council house to help us with our bills but i guess its expensive to do

    A number of councils are doing schemes to install efficient energy. Some solar and some air to water heat pumps. It makes sense as for council owned property the payback is worth it. I assume the council get a FIT and the occupant reduced energy bills. No FIT for the air to water (yet) but they cut bills massively especially in areas using oil for heating.




  9. It's obviously a personal thing but I value the appearance of my house over whatever it'll save me in electric bills.

    Each to their own I guess. Mind I'm a bloke who has an air con unit bolted to the side of his house as well and they won't win any prizes for appearance either :lol:



  10. Does JawD not have them? I'd definitely look into it if I had the initial outlay.

    Yeah I do. Because I had mine fit before the gov changed the feed in tarrif I get 45p / kWh I produce. In real terms Im getting about £600 a Qtr back in my bank direct from EOn. But now the rate has halved so you done get as much back. How much you get back depends on how many panels you have (how much you can harvest) and the direction it faces. There are numerous companies doing it. Its not as good a deal as it was imo though and it up to you to decide if you think the pay back period is worth the outlay.

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