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Posts posted by JawD

  1. It is aye. All you basically do is shuffle to the door of the plane and tuck your legs under the door, cross your arms over your chest and put your head back. Then he pushes you both out and you start to hurtle down. He lets the tiny chute go which just helps to balance you both then he taps your shoulder and you then let your arms go out by your side. I had a video dont so then I was waving at the camera and high fiving the camera man etc :lol: Mental man. Then sank through could and he opens the chute. You just dangle there and he does all the steering. As you come to land you just need to lift your legs so his takes the impact. Not to it on your side really! Well, apart from the falling at 120mph bit...

  2. As per the "wheeee" sticky above, thanks to those who sponsored me for the skydive which I done today. Raised £855 towards the Evening Chronicle Sunshine fund.


    It was fucking brilliant!


    Jumped out (tandem jump) at 12,000ft. The clouds were at 6,000ft. Free fall at 120mph for 50 seconds, 6,000 ft so you go through the clouds and then open the canopy. Done a few spins etc freefalling. Breathtaking stuff like. After that the glide down was a breeze, a few spins again etc. That bit took about 5mins, but it was the free fall that made it for me. Surreal to say the least, jumping out and just.. falling. Quickly. Face first (you are strapped to his front so as you drop, you're on bottom).


    So, another thing "ticked off the list". If you're ever considering doing one of these, do it. DO IT! Seriously something you have to experience.

  3. I'll stick this here, and one for the heath professionals here.


    So, as standard, I had a health check at the docs. routine thing they do. Bloods, weight, pressure blah blah.


    So, I get mine all done, good weight, slightly elevated BMR due to gym so thats fine, good Blood Pressure. Piss test fine.


    Bloods I get a letter a few days later as planned "can you please make an appointment to discuss the results of your recent blood test".


    So, to you health professionals. What you write is "we'd like to discuss this with you". What us mere mortals read "Jesus, you best get in here and talk about this. Dont book next years holiday".


    So that was today. Of course, what she wanted to tell me was my "bad" cholesterol had gone down since 2010 and my "good" cholesterol up. All in all she said 10/10 and a gold star :lol:


    Great, but just tell me in me fucking letter next time!



    “It is very frustrating that we did not add at least another signing to the squad, but it was not for the lack of effort. It was not an easy task to improve the quality of the current squad with the financial resources at our disposal, particularly in a window in which the value of players was grossly overinflated and the demands of the agents likewise.


    “I worked very hard on several targets and we made a number of bids for players, but for various reasons – some of which were outside the club’s control – we were unable to secure our targets.


    “We will continue to operate in a financially responsible manner, buying only the right players for the right prices and not paying over the odds or making costly knee-jerk decisions.


    “This is the reality of a well-run football club that lives within its means.


    “When a deal is right and the player can add real quality and depth to the squad we have the ability to spend.


    “My role is to work closely with Alan and our chief scout Graham Carr including identifying what the manager feels he requires in order to strengthen the team.


    “Looking at the targets Alan and Graham put forward to meet those needs as well as utilising my own contacts and knowledge, of course pushing the boundaries with Mike to see what money can be made available. I have now had time to appraise the strength of the squad and I have been impressed with the quality we possess.


    “There was some very good business done in the January window before I arrived which has stood us in good stead for this season.


    “I was delighted to bring Loic Remy to the club in August. In the glimpses we have seen of him so far he has shown what we knew already.


    “That he is a top-quality player who will be a fantastic asset to the team.


    “It is my intention to not only strengthen the first team but also to focus on the squad underneath.”






  5. Im paying full whack at the min, which is stupid. When the PS4 comes I was thinking of seeing what Netflicks type thing it has and maybe using that plus freeview. Maybe changing to BT Vision or something.

  6. there's no shares to buy for the lifeinvader mission tbh,don't think they have an competiton, obviously don't buy Lifeinvader ones as they tank :lol:


    No, do buy them when they hit rock bottom, then sell them much later in the game after they climb back up ;)

  7. Yeah Im pretty much just after LifeInvader. Just chosen my team for the Heist and Im going to buy some shares which Ive not done yet.


    The whole story arc is pretty good, enjoying it. Though the photographer bit at the back of the house and the young lass seemed to go on a bit longer than necessary :lol:

  8. Sad isnt it. Wish the big yin the best he can hope for. Was the first comedian I considered a "fave" from when I first saw him. Kinda grew up with him and as I aged and so did my appreciation of my surroundings, as did his and I enjoyed some of this travel shows. Observational humour at its best.



    "For Newcastle fans, football is their life and I want to say that I am going to give everything - as I have from my first day here - from today until the end of the season."


    Thats him off in the summer then ;)

  10. It's Pardew's fault when it goes wrong but not when it goes right.


    He's basically implimented a revised version of his own system but it's ok all he does is click ''select player'' and the rest just happens by itself. :banana:


    Weapons grade stupidity.

    +1 :lol:


    Good solid win yesterday. We look much more balanced with that system. My biggest fear is when the injuries / suspensions start to hit. That is what will stunt our season.

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