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Posts posted by tommo

  1. does anyone know what day the back page do booking upto ?

    and is there a train back from birmingham aftert the match ?


    I'd seriously advise you to reconsider using Back Page as a travel option. I went with them once away last season for the midweek Man Citeh match, and had no choice at the time. Boring journey ever, very strict and more organised than the Gestapo. You can't drink and smoke, and the atmosphere is pure shite.


    Never again.


    I'd agree with this, was a boring journey. Would recommend it though if your looking for a quiet journey there and back. They normally put some Auf Wiedersen Pet and some old Newcastle matches on the TV.


    yeah i know ive travelled with them before, and tbh i think its a good option. get you there and back plus get to the pub a good while before ko.

  2. when all those angry players were going to hand transfer requests in if Big Al wasn't appointed ??


    Perhaps the rerspective agents have pulled them to one side said ''ffs lads don't go handing in written requests, it will cost ME a fortune'' !


    Aye, they've really backed up Shearer - no jobs for them in Spartacus.


    your topics are fucking shite man

  3. I eat quite healthily really, wholemeal breads, wholegrain cereals. lean meat and I mostly have my 5 fruit and veg a day, but my problem is not enough exercise and too many biccys/choccy in between meals :lol: The weight soon goes on! Now I go for long walks 3/4 times a week and do half an hour aerobic exercise a day and it really does make a difference. My back which I have problems with is better for it too.

    Fad diets just dont work, the weight soon goes back on. The only way is to eat a good variety of foods, eat healthily and get off your backside!


    You're only 16, do you go out drinking yet ?


    Depends whether he ever got one of these...




    i do occasionally yeah but not every week maybe once a month.

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