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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. RIP Mike, used to enjoy listenign to him
  2. About as funny if we had travelled down to Portsmouth? Its a shitter for the fans, I know they are filthy gooners like.
  3. Cnt we call the game off with the amount of injuries we have? I know it wont acheive much seing as though a lot are long term, but is it still possible?
  4. All the prostitues that have been killed in Ipswich had Weetabix shoved up their arses. Police are looking for a cereal killer
  5. Alco pops are for faggots and kids. If I get sick of Pints (Be it bitter, larger or stout) Ill move onto a short. Havanna & Coke been my fave at the moment
  6. Wouldn't have expected anything better, but it's certainly not a good result. Can't see how any defeat is, especially one in which we lose yet another player. Good to see our young defenders playing so well in recent weeks, so that's a bright point I guess. I didnt mean it in the same context as beating a team 2-0 or the like. I would have thought a higher result. It looks like we have some fight in the team again now . We seem to have a shape now when in games.
  7. Well unlucky lads, good result thinking about the team we had?
  8. Well if anything else looks like we do have a little fight back into the team?
  9. wer u think. newcastle obviously whats the strawberry like on matchdays. plenty of singing and banter? Strawberrys is rammed but good atmos, well was the last time I went about 4 year ago If you dont want to spend a lot stay out of Shearers!
  10. Thanks SLP. I dont think Silva is one of the worst of the Gooners to do this but he claerly has rose tinted glasses on!
  11. It wasnt me mummy its so unfair Fuck off, I bet you were egging your student bum mates on marra! I was driving home the other night and had to drive round cones that some silly wankers had put in the middle of the road. Well done Mr Plod! Sort the riff raff out
  12. Noel is shit hot when it comes to stuff like that. Got a few bootlegs of this stuff. Glad you had a goodnight
  13. Well this upcoming Saturday I have Res Dogs & Pul Fiction and some munchies so I shall watch them and have a good time Your right Gol, great post and has made me have a think and look through some other forums too.
  14. Scandinavian connection... Although I dislike him, Pardew is a good manager, and as has been said, he's been made a scapegoat here. The team he took over was absolute gash but he still got them promoted, and he was always playoff contenders whilst at Reading before Coppell took over. AYe the players have under performed big style this seaosn
  15. Taken from BBC - Here He is right what he is saying, but I would say the filthy gooners are up there with Chelsea, Man Ure and Liverpoo for crowding the ref!
  16. Aye good to see things in generally are lookngnup. Lets hope the confidance keeps running throughout, especially Martins
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