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Allardyce has to stay

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Allardyce has to stay, says Butt


Newcastle midfielder Nicky Butt has urged the club to keep faith with under-fire manager Sam Allardyce.


Allardyce admitted the pressure was mounting after the Magpies lost to Manchester City at home on Wednesday - their third successive defeat.


But Butt said: "Things will never improve unless he's given time. I've been here for three-and-a-half years and I've had four managers.


"Sooner or later someone has got to say this is the manager we're standing by."


Newcastle face high-flying Championship side Stoke in the FA Cup third round on Sunday and defeat would make Allardyce's position even more precarious after only seven months in charge.


However, Butt, who spent 11 years under Sir Alex Ferguson at former club Manchester United, is convinced stability is the key to long-term success.


"If you look at all the big teams, like United and Arsenal, they're the clubs that have stood by managers for a long time," he said.


"If we do that, I'm sure we'll do it right."


The 32-year-old added: "These are tough times at the moment but all of us in the dressing room just have to stand up and be counted.


"Lately, there have been signs we are improving. Had we taken one of our chances when we lost 2-0 against Manchester City on Wednesday, it could have been a different story. We didn't and we have to kick on."



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"I've been here for three-and-a-half years and I've had four managers."


Is the most telling quote for me. Perhaps the players aren't performing for the club, rather than the managers. And who can blame them with this rate of turnover. If I got a new manager every time it came to my yearly review I'd get mighty pissed off with the company.

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There's that bullshit about Wenger and Ferguson again. How does Sam's Bolton relate to the successful teams those two have built?

Because he did the same with what he had (Nothing£££) promotion, europe, league cup final

Be a big mistake if he was sacked. Just needs time he has only had the job 8 months and its not as if were doing any worse than last year is it.

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Good to hear Butt come out and say what he has said imo. I agree the comparisons with Wenger and Ferguson are meaningless but the players need to support Allardyce because another managerial dismissal is the last thing the club needs now. Obviously someone like Mourinho wanting to come here would change that but I don't see that as being remotely realistic.

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That may turn out to be true but we have to start backing managers with a bit of time. Obviously that goes out of the window if things are really going tits up but that hasn't happened yet by any means. There was no way that there was ever going to be a quick fix after not just last season but the previous four seasons here. If we are in a similar boat this time next year (or more precisely at the end of next season) then Allardyce will at least have been given a chance.

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I don't disagree with that Alex, he will be given time if only to be seen to be given a chance. But the reality is, having made such a balls up of the easy fixtures this season will probably be a failure, so that means we'll have to look at next season. Patience is fine, but there has to be a long term goal at the end of it. I just don't see us achieving it with Bolton-style football.

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I don't disagree with that Alex, he will be given time if only to be seen to be given a chance. But the reality is, having made such a balls up of the easy fixtures this season will probably be a failure, so that means we'll have to look at next season. Patience is fine, but there has to be a long term goal at the end of it. I just don't see us achieving it with Bolton-style football.

Yeah, if the season is 'transitional' - which it is - next season needs to be a one of marked improvement.

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I think thats been the most annoying this season the "easy" fixtures which should of been. lost 5points against derby another 3 from a struggling blackburn, 2 against the mackems.

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"I've been here for three-and-a-half years and I've had four managers."


Is the most telling quote for me. Perhaps the players aren't performing for the club, rather than the managers. And who can blame them with this rate of turnover. If I got a new manager every time it came to my yearly review I'd get mighty pissed off with the company.

Neil Warnock was at Sheffield United for 8 years but that didn't make him a manager of Ferguson and Wenger's ability.

What a crock.

Sometime people are just average and they will never do any better than that.

Allardyce will always be more Warnock than Wenger regardless of how long he's given.

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"I've been here for three-and-a-half years and I've had four managers."


Is the most telling quote for me. Perhaps the players aren't performing for the club, rather than the managers. And who can blame them with this rate of turnover. If I got a new manager every time it came to my yearly review I'd get mighty pissed off with the company.

Neil Warnock was at Sheffield United for 8 years but that didn't make him a manager of Ferguson and Wenger's ability.

What a crock.

Sometime people are just average and they will never do any better than that.

Allardyce will always be more Warnock than Wenger regardless of how long he's given.

Allardyce did much better at Bolton than Warnock did at Sheffield United if you want to compare like for like.

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"I've been here for three-and-a-half years and I've had four managers."


Is the most telling quote for me. Perhaps the players aren't performing for the club, rather than the managers. And who can blame them with this rate of turnover. If I got a new manager every time it came to my yearly review I'd get mighty pissed off with the company.

Neil Warnock was at Sheffield United for 8 years but that didn't make him a manager of Ferguson and Wenger's ability.

What a crock.

Sometime people are just average and they will never do any better than that.

Allardyce will always be more Warnock than Wenger regardless of how long he's given.

Allardyce did much better at Bolton than Warnock did at Sheffield United if you want to compare like for like.


They are still both average managers Alex.

And neither will get the club to where Ashley and Mort claim they want it to be.

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Neil Warnock was at Sheffield United for 8 years but that didn't make him a manager of Ferguson and Wenger's ability.

What a crock.

Sometime people are just average and they will never do any better than that.

Allardyce will always be more Warnock than Wenger regardless of how long he's given.


Nailed. That's why I can't see the fans staying patient even if the Chairman does.

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"I've been here for three-and-a-half years and I've had four managers."


Is the most telling quote for me. Perhaps the players aren't performing for the club, rather than the managers. And who can blame them with this rate of turnover. If I got a new manager every time it came to my yearly review I'd get mighty pissed off with the company.

Neil Warnock was at Sheffield United for 8 years but that didn't make him a manager of Ferguson and Wenger's ability.

What a crock.

Sometime people are just average and they will never do any better than that.

Allardyce will always be more Warnock than Wenger regardless of how long he's given.

Allardyce did much better at Bolton than Warnock did at Sheffield United if you want to compare like for like.


They are still both average managers Alex.

And neither will get the club to where Ashley and Mort claim they want it to be.

I think Warnock definitely is and Allardyce has proven he is above average at doing a good job at small to middling clubs. He hasn't proven himself here yet and he's done a lot to suggest he may be out of his depth but he does need time to get things right here and I say that because it would apply to anyone.

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"I've been here for three-and-a-half years and I've had four managers."


Is the most telling quote for me. Perhaps the players aren't performing for the club, rather than the managers. And who can blame them with this rate of turnover. If I got a new manager every time it came to my yearly review I'd get mighty pissed off with the company.

Neil Warnock was at Sheffield United for 8 years but that didn't make him a manager of Ferguson and Wenger's ability.

What a crock.

Sometime people are just average and they will never do any better than that.

Allardyce will always be more Warnock than Wenger regardless of how long he's given.


I agree. Never wanted him.


But he's here now and to make the best of it going forward can't you put aside your personal displeasure at some of the more tedious performances and give support to the man who's proven he can get even smaller clubs into Europe or thereabouts consistently, even with what little talent or flair he has?


We need to become more attractive to talented managers. 5 managers in less than 4 years doesn't tend to do that.

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Let's not forget Butt didn't show up for the first two years the cheeky twat. :dunno:

Looked canny under Robson early on tbf. Looked shit under Souness but so did everyone. Not excusing what he did at Cardiff btw.

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"I've been here for three-and-a-half years and I've had four managers."


Is the most telling quote for me. Perhaps the players aren't performing for the club, rather than the managers. And who can blame them with this rate of turnover. If I got a new manager every time it came to my yearly review I'd get mighty pissed off with the company.

Neil Warnock was at Sheffield United for 8 years but that didn't make him a manager of Ferguson and Wenger's ability.

What a crock.

Sometime people are just average and they will never do any better than that.

Allardyce will always be more Warnock than Wenger regardless of how long he's given.


I agree. Never wanted him.


But he's here now and to make the best of it going forward can't you put aside your personal displeasure at some of the more tedious performances and give support to the man who's proven he can get even smaller clubs into Europe or thereabouts consistently, even with what little talent or flair he has?

We need to become more attractive to talented managers. 5 managers in less than 4 years doesn't tend to do that.


Is that an understatement or is that an understatement.

He deserves two years minimum. A period of stability, and a chance for the new owner and chairman to build on. If he can't further us up the table then get rid. But Jesus Christ, Allardyce has only been at the club two seconds and inherited a shit squad of players.


People need to get a grip of reality. We aren't "big". Bringing in someone like McLeish or Shearer now won't do a thing.

People need to wake up...

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