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sammynb last won the day on March 10 2021

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  1. isn't that, guns and to be richer than every other cunt, what Americans think democracy is anyway? if only Musk could find a way to take them all to space with him, the rest of us may have a chance.
  2. Trips off to Saudi and Dubs back to ManU as 4th choice, so it doesn't really matter to our first team. Disappointing game, thankfully the Copa final starts in an hour or so, so we can watch some entertaining football.
  3. It's very typical of Trump TBF. GB finally gets rid of its right wing nut jobs, so he has to ruin England\GB big weekend of sport. You'll only go and finally win another football final & then the world endsm. FYI Team GB won the world Speedway GP pairs cup of nations last night anarl.
  4. I genuinely hope I'm wrong.
  5. Scotties are better than Westies for keeping rodents away, they'll also tell you to fuck off everytime you give them a command.
  6. Sure mate, good luck with following the teen lass about.
  7. Dougle, you know I'm not LTA, so no use carrying on like the mackem sister knicker sniffer you are. Good luck with Monique.
  8. Plenty of Italian Australians here (post WWII they were one of the largest migrant groups), not so many American Italian Australians (although post Donald Trump II (aka WWIII) that may change.
  9. @The Fish thought you'd be interested, the Kirribilli club where we had drinks while enjoying the sun and views of the harbour, after 80 odd years, went into receivership last month.
  10. Stay strong Rents, you know you have too much to lose. Small steps for the moment and keep looking forwards.
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