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Jusoda Kid

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Skinny white man gets into a lift and sees a huge black man who says in a deep voice 'before you ask, 7ft tall, 350 lbs, 20" dick and my balls weigh 3lbs each, the names Turner Brown', the white gut faints and when he eventually comes around he asks the black man to say it again. The black man repeats his stats and says 'my name is Turner Brown' thank fuck for that the white man says, I thought you said turn around.

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Skinny white man gets into a lift and sees a huge black man who says in a deep voice 'before you ask, 7ft tall, 350 lbs, 20" dick and my balls weigh 3lbs each, the names Turner Brown', the white gut faints and when he eventually comes around he asks the black man to say it again. The black man repeats his stats and says 'my name is Turner Brown' thank fuck for that the white man says, I thought you said turn around.


For some reason, I can actually remember being told this ten years ago. :nufc:

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