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Keegan tells it like it is


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Keegan saying it like it is


Posted by Lee on July 18, 2008 9:13 AM | Permalink


Kevin Keegan has always done it his way, so when he vowed not to speak to the media until before the Hartlepool game - he wasn't going to be persuaded to do otherwise by anybody.


Presumably Keegan wanted to concentrate on working with what he had and there is at least a good nucleus of players to work with plus the new boys Jonas Gutierrez and Danny Guthrie.


Yet while that's all positive stuff from me, most Toon fans are more than a tad anxious over the lack of new faces coming into St James's Park - thankfully Keegan agrees with them.


He reassured fans today when he said: "We not only will add new faces - we have to."


Keegan though stated clearly he won't buy for the sake of buying.


Newcastle fans have heard plenty of names over the summer and truth is that they have been working down a list of players, although, the success levels haven't been high.


Keegan says that he's tried to get certain players and had players thrown at him, yet they were of the wrong age and the wrong position.


But one thing is clear.


Keegan, along with Dennis Wise and those other two blokes, has a brief to recruit "younger players who can stay longer at the club."


You can't really argue with that unless another Peter Beardsley turns up, but what are the chances of that these days?


There aren't too many local lads of high quality knocking about full stop, never mind ageing Geordies who want to finish their career on Tyneside.


Keegan concluding his first interview with the media by indicating nobody from the current squad will be sold unless he wants them to go.


Thank god for that!


Fingers crossed then, still hope we can get some more faces in asap.

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.com's non-contextualised quotes from Keegan....


"We not only will (make more signings), we have to.


"But what we've got to ensure is that we don't get players in just for the sake of it.


"It's easy to bring in players and they're all the same, then you're left trying to pick from a bunch of players and you say, 'Well he's as good as him'.


"But, of course, to get the players in that are going to spark the others off and add something to the team will always be a little bit more difficult.


"We'll keep going on those fronts. We've tried for a few and not always been successful.


"We've also had a lot thrown at us which we don't think are right for one reason or another, be it either wrong position or wrong age.


"And, while everyone at the club knows we're not going to look a gift horse in the mouth with an older playing coming in, we are trying to get, for all the right reasons, younger players who can stay at the club longer.


"Like I've said, we've got a small squad so it's no good getting one in to get one out, that just means you've maybe changed a position.


"Obviously there will always be talk of players leaving because we've got some very good players here.


"But they will only leave here if we want them to, that's for sure. We're not looking to sell our top class players, we want to add top class players to play alongside them."

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"But they will only leave here if we want them to, that's for sure. We're not looking to sell our top class players, we want to add top class players to play alongside them."


Not on the wages we're paying! :D

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