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Help needed -Petition to Government


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Hi guys,


I have created a petition to Government to put pressure on them to change the rules and regulations regarding ownership of English football clubs.


Please dont be put off that it is Manchester United orientated (We were going to do a generic petition but United are top of the agenda (topic of the month) and our problem is pretty dramatic).


In fact it is most likely too late for us.....but if by a miracle we can get our club back, hopefully these new rules will benefit us and protect us from new owners (greed merchants) - Ideally the fans will own the club/part of the club.


For the rest of the teams any change will only benefit them and protect their club.


We are calling for a proper "fit and proper" persons test if you like. Clubs should not be bought with debt or with the intention to run on debt.


Since 2005 the Glazer's have taken £350 million out of our club.....thats not spending money on players/stadium/local community.....it all went to servicing the debt and paying ridiculous interest payments.


So I urge you to sign this petition - forget the rivalry (I am hoping you have some sympathy with the ownership at your club including the naming rights etc of your stadium............they want to sell ours!!). If you agree please sign and pass it on to any friends and supporters of any club.


Thank you






"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to believe the Government should urgently take action on behalf of all football supporters to prevent Manchester United Football Club (and other English football clubs) being destroyed by corporate greed.


Football should belong first and foremost to the fans. We have done and continue to do our best to protect both the game and our clubs. But we need help to prevent so-called “investors” from bleeding our clubs dry.


What the Glazer family are doing to Manchester United represents merely the latest stage in the implosion of English football as we know it.


And it’s not just fans that are affected. The slow demise of Manchester United and other clubs could mean:


- Fewer tourists visiting those clubs’ home towns, following the sale of top players and other assets


- Local businesses losing out


- Damage to England’s World Cup bid: who will back a country where the FA does not stand up against the pillaging of its own football clubs


- Young people losing the desire to play football


It isn't just a problem for Manchester United fans. It’s the problem of our footballing nation. In the Premier League alone, Liverpool and Portsmouth are experiencing similar difficulties and many more will follow if the authorities do not act to prevent it. Football clubs are both community and national assets. The FA, parliament and the government should recognise this and act before it’s too late."



(Mods please delete the one in general chat)

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The FA have a "fit and proper persons test" already..it goes something like this:


F.A. "Hello there Mr Foreign investor, are you,or do you give the illusion that you are, ludicrously wealthy?"


F.I. "of course yes, that is indeed the case"


F.A. "Splendid...and remember, if it's just an illusion, feel free to plunge the various 120+ year old world renowned sporting institutions into huge and unsustainable debt. And if you're a "human rights abuser of the worst kind" as well, so much the better...oh and feel free to flog it on very quickly if you crap yourself at the size of the debt you've bought"


But its less than 2 years since Man Utd won the Champions League amid huge cries of "the debt hasn't really had much effect has it?...get in there Ronaldo!!"


Maybe the petitioner should've joined FCUM when he had the chance....a petition now looks like shutting the door after the horse has bolted.

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The FA have a "fit and proper persons test" already..it goes something like this:


F.A. "Hello there Mr Foreign investor, are you,or do you give the illusion that you are, ludicrously wealthy?"


F.I. "of course yes, that is indeed the case"


F.A. "Splendid...and remember, if it's just an illusion, feel free to plunge the various 120+ year old world renowned sporting institutions into huge and unsustainable debt. And if you're a "human rights abuser of the worst kind" as well, so much the better...oh and feel free to flog it on very quickly if you crap yourself at the size of the debt you've bought"


But its less than 2 years since Man Utd won the Champions League amid huge cries of "the debt hasn't really had much effect has it?...get in there Ronaldo!!"


Maybe the petitioner should've joined FCUM when he had the chance....a petition now looks like shutting the door after the horse has bolted.


Completely agree re the fit and proper persons test.


The cries of the debt not having an effect were from those that chose to ignore it......and crap spouted by the club. Now it is not possible to ignore it and we have the support of the non believers.


Regarding FCUM - some chose to go that route and I admire them for it. Some like myself couldn't bring myself to it - Could you?


Like I said we might be too late but at least a review of these "fit and proper persons" test could benefit other clubs....and us if and when we get our club back. What would stop an investor having a go with Newcaslte? Big fan base and attenances. Imagine your season ticket increasing in price by 49% - Thats whats happened to some areas of our ground since 2005.


The FA are just as bad as the so called investors and they need a shake up......hopefully pressure from government would do that.


Its a signature at the end of the day, I'm not asking for a donation :wank:

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The FA have a "fit and proper persons test" already..it goes something like this:


F.A. "Hello there Mr Foreign investor, are you,or do you give the illusion that you are, ludicrously wealthy?"


F.I. "of course yes, that is indeed the case"


F.A. "Splendid...and remember, if it's just an illusion, feel free to plunge the various 120+ year old world renowned sporting institutions into huge and unsustainable debt. And if you're a "human rights abuser of the worst kind" as well, so much the better...oh and feel free to flog it on very quickly if you crap yourself at the size of the debt you've bought"


But its less than 2 years since Man Utd won the Champions League amid huge cries of "the debt hasn't really had much effect has it?...get in there Ronaldo!!"


Maybe the petitioner should've joined FCUM when he had the chance....a petition now looks like shutting the door after the horse has bolted.


Completely agree re the fit and proper persons test.


The cries of the debt not having an effect were from those that chose to ignore it......and crap spouted by the club. Now it is not possible to ignore it and we have the support of the non believers.


Regarding FCUM - some chose to go that route and I admire them for it. Some like myself couldn't bring myself to it - Could you?


Like I said we might be too late but at least a review of these "fit and proper persons" test could benefit other clubs....and us if and when we get our club back. What would stop an investor having a go with Newcaslte? Big fan base and attenances. Imagine your season ticket increasing in price by 49% - Thats whats happened to some areas of our ground since 2005.


The FA are just as bad as the so called investors and they need a shake up......hopefully pressure from government would do that.


Its a signature at the end of the day, I'm not asking for a donation :)


I would sign it but this lot look like mischivious little goblins from the black forest and they make me laugh.

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The FA have a "fit and proper persons test" already..it goes something like this:


F.A. "Hello there Mr Foreign investor, are you,or do you give the illusion that you are, ludicrously wealthy?"


F.I. "of course yes, that is indeed the case"


F.A. "Splendid...and remember, if it's just an illusion, feel free to plunge the various 120+ year old world renowned sporting institutions into huge and unsustainable debt. And if you're a "human rights abuser of the worst kind" as well, so much the better...oh and feel free to flog it on very quickly if you crap yourself at the size of the debt you've bought"


But its less than 2 years since Man Utd won the Champions League amid huge cries of "the debt hasn't really had much effect has it?...get in there Ronaldo!!"


Maybe the petitioner should've joined FCUM when he had the chance....a petition now looks like shutting the door after the horse has bolted.


Completely agree re the fit and proper persons test.


The cries of the debt not having an effect were from those that chose to ignore it......and crap spouted by the club. Now it is not possible to ignore it and we have the support of the non believers.


Regarding FCUM - some chose to go that route and I admire them for it. Some like myself couldn't bring myself to it - Could you?


Like I said we might be too late but at least a review of these "fit and proper persons" test could benefit other clubs....and us if and when we get our club back. What would stop an investor having a go with Newcaslte? Big fan base and attenances. Imagine your season ticket increasing in price by 49% - Thats whats happened to some areas of our ground since 2005.


The FA are just as bad as the so called investors and they need a shake up......hopefully pressure from government would do that.


Its a signature at the end of the day, I'm not asking for a donation :)

I'd pay a 99% increase to see Wayne Rooney up front with Berbatov, Vidic at the back and the worlds best left back Evra playing in black and white. Your season tickets were always dirt cheap anyway, and as long as we've been in the Premiership were lower than ours. I've noticed you were down to 73,000 on Saturday, you think you have it bad with the Glazer's?? You've been in the last two Champions League Finals, and have been champions of the toughest league in the world three times in a row. I'll tell you now if I sound like what you would term an ABU, I'm not, I respect Man Utd far far more than those part time wall pushers from down the East Lancs Road, you were built from Munich and were a smaller club than us before then, but that's ancient history now, but I have no sympathy at all for FCUM and "what they are doing". I wish they would do it to us, do a swap deal with Mike Ashley and see how you feel.

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I do think they're in big trouble financially in the long-run though unless something drastic happens. Difficult to see how they'll get out of it at present. Time will tell I suppose.

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Leveraged buyouts should be banned. It was part of the picture in the financial crisis and it has put ManU in a vulernable position when really it is a club that should never be. 65m in interest payments a year - I should coco... :)

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