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Posts posted by ewerk

  1. Anyone else picture HTT as Robert De Niro's character in The King of Comedy? Sitting in his mother's basement interviewing himself before kidnapping FS and not releasing him until Hitzfeld has been appointed?

  2. Niall Quinn is a creep.



    He was right, he was right, Roy Keane is right about everything!



    He's a gentleman. He's a class act. He's a rebel. And he stands up to bullies.

  3. I'll be happy as long as its not a loan deal, if it is then it should only take them about 5 mins to realise what a heap of shite he is and send him back to us. Anything over £4m would be a bonus.

  4. How can you feel sorry for him, he made his choice and came to us knowing for a fact he may never win anything.  at other clubs he was more or less garuanteed (sp) a trophy, he  made his choice and it wasnt to win trophies but to be true to his roots, which is one of the things that makes him a great man.




    Bollocks, when he joined we were challenging for the league and looking like becoming a top team, had we been in our current situation he would not have joined up, he thought he was going to win trophies as did we, that is why he joined us.

  5. 2 of the last 3 managers saw the future of NUFC as being without Alan Shearer - only the most complete incompetant to ever manage NUFC in my time of supporting them was prepared to offer him an extension.




    Gullit was wrong to want to get rid of him, look at how SBR rejuvenated him, you can't say Shearer wasn't an asset in SBR's first couple of seasons. However Shearer should've retired two years ago, yes we would've missed him but it would've forced the board to solve the problem of replacing him.


    Overall Shearer deserved a trophy more than any other player in recent NUFC history.

  6. He's been very 'patchy' since the Man u game at the toon, can't help thinking maybe due to his personal problems tbh



    Patchy? Thats one word for it, absolutely terrible would be another way of describing it. You can only put so much of it down to personal problems, at the end of the day it doesn't cause someone to forget the basics of how to play football. I did hope he would come good but that has now been exhausted and I've resigned myself to the fact that we've been had.

  7. I don't know much about rugby but is there any criteria for countries entering the Sevens tournament or is it just whoever can get 7 lads together? What is the point in the likes of Namibia, Niue Island, Cook Islands or Sri Lanka being there? I'd never even heard of Niue Island before today, its a fucking mockery.

  8. Any manager that wants to achieve anything is wasting their time going there as long as Murray is Chairman.  Zero ambition = Zero cash.



    To be fair they didn't spend that much less than Wigan or West Ham in preseason but look at how they've performed, obviously Murray is part of the problem but the fact is that Mick of the mackems is a shite manager.



    They bought in far more players than Wigan or West Ham though. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.



    They only paid a fee for three of them, £1.8m for Stead? £1.25m for Kelvin Davis? Compare that with Chimbonda on a free or Benayoun for £2.5m. If you've only got peanuts to spend then its vital to spend it wisely, something Pardew and Jewell did but Mc Carthy obviously didn't.



    The key isn't how much they spend, it's their wage bill. They only attract crap because Murray won't pay decent wages.



    I very much doubt than any of West Ham's or Wigan's signings are on huge wages. Comparing the three clubs just shows that Mc Carthy is a shite manager, yes he didn't get much help from Murray but a lot of people have the misconception that the other two promoted teams showed much more ambition when in reality they didn't until they knew they were safe, they were just lucky to have the right men in place.



    Wigan outbid us for Scott Parker and also tried to sign Owen. I don't think it's all that safe to assume that Wigan aren't offering pretty good wages - they have to to get people to go and play there. Something that hasn't dawned on Murray. West Ham less so because they're in London. It sounds to me like you've got a bit of an agenda when it comes to McCarthy tbh. I don't think he's a brilliant manager or anything, but the big problem at Sunderland is Bob Murray.



    Perhaps Whelan was prepared to offer the money but Jewell decided he didn't want to waste it unless the right player came along. He signed Politt, Chimbonda, Henchoz and De Zeeuw all on free transfers, I'm guessing it was the attraction of playing in the PL rather than earning big money which attracted these players (though obviously de Zeeuw already had connections with the club), these players have all done a good job for the team and didn't cost a penny in transfer fees.


    Yes I suppose I have a bit of a grudge against Mc Carthy but if at the end of the day they spent similar amounts of money and had completely different results. Murray is a problem at Sunderland, I'm not denying that, and long may he stay, but he doesn't decide who to buy, how to train them, what team to pick and what tactics to use. Most managers would've struggled at the mackems this year but 10 points from a possible 84 is an absolute disgrace and the manager has to take a fair share of the blame.

  9. Robbie Keane and the lanky mackem were a great partnership at the time, Mc Carthy had a good mixture of youth and experience and a number of very good PL players in the team, especially compared to what Stan has to work with now.


    Also his handling of Keane is Saipan was something even Souness would've been proud of.



    So would you say we were in with a shout of winning the World Cup then? I think you're overestimating the quality of the players we had at our disposal. As for the Keane fiasco, you might want to look a little higher up the ladder, not to mention at the man himself, either way that was a no-win situation for McCarthy.


    Incidentally, how do you rate Charlton's tenure?



    No we had no chance of winning the WC Cup but when the opposition are down to ten men and defending deeply in the hope of taking it to penalties you have a go at them, not act like nothing has changed, but of course he did because the thick cunt didn't even realise they were down to ten men.


    I agree that the situation in Siapan wasn't 100% Mc Carthy's fault and the FAI had a lot to do with it but it seems Mc Carthy accepted it and did nothing to improve it. The improvements have only recently been implemented following the Genesis report.


    Charlton brought a bit of success to Irish football but could've done much more with the most talented Ireland side in history. He alienated some of our most gifted players and had them playing boring shite, not unlike a certain ex-Newcastle manager.

  10. Any manager that wants to achieve anything is wasting their time going there as long as Murray is Chairman.  Zero ambition = Zero cash.



    To be fair they didn't spend that much less than Wigan or West Ham in preseason but look at how they've performed, obviously Murray is part of the problem but the fact is that Mick of the mackems is a shite manager.



    They bought in far more players than Wigan or West Ham though. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.



    They only paid a fee for three of them, £1.8m for Stead? £1.25m for Kelvin Davis? Compare that with Chimbonda on a free or Benayoun for £2.5m. If you've only got peanuts to spend then its vital to spend it wisely, something Pardew and Jewell did but Mc Carthy obviously didn't.



    The key isn't how much they spend, it's their wage bill. They only attract crap because Murray won't pay decent wages.



    I very much doubt than any of West Ham's or Wigan's signings are on huge wages. Comparing the three clubs just shows that Mc Carthy is a shite manager, yes he didn't get much help from Murray but a lot of people have the misconception that the other two promoted teams showed much more ambition when in reality they didn't until they knew they were safe, they were just lucky to have the right men in place.

  11. Well if you call reasonable not realising that the other team were down to ten men then I suppose so. Overall he did shite with a fairly decent team.



    I thought people might have been a bit more realistic about what a good job it'd been after the shite Kerr produced. Look at the strikers he was working with, who besides Robbie Keane was any good? Breen, Cunningham, Harte, Kinsella. Look at any part of that team and we over-achieved or at least performed to our level. Team spirit was crucial to that success. I'm not saying he didn't make mistakes by the way, far from it, but he did a good job for us.


    I was embarrassed by the crowd reaction at his last match, not that it's unusual any more, unfortunately.



    Robbie Keane and the lanky mackem were a great partnership at the time, Mc Carthy had a good mixture of youth and experience and a number of very good PL players in the team, especially compared to what Stan has to work with now.


    Also his handling of Keane is Saipan was something even Souness would've been proud of.

  12. Any manager that wants to achieve anything is wasting their time going there as long as Murray is Chairman.  Zero ambition = Zero cash.



    To be fair they didn't spend that much less than Wigan or West Ham in preseason but look at how they've performed, obviously Murray is part of the problem but the fact is that Mick of the mackems is a shite manager.



    They bought in far more players than Wigan or West Ham though. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.



    They only paid a fee for three of them, £1.8m for Stead? £1.25m for Kelvin Davis? Compare that with Chimbonda on a free or Benayoun for £2.5m. If you've only got peanuts to spend then its vital to spend it wisely, something Pardew and Jewell did but Mc Carthy obviously didn't.

  13. Any manager that wants to achieve anything is wasting their time going there as long as Murray is Chairman.  Zero ambition = Zero cash.



    To be fair they didn't spend that much less than Wigan or West Ham in preseason but look at how they've performed, obviously Murray is part of the problem but the fact is that Mick of the mackems is a shite manager.



    Did you not think he did a reasonable job for Ireland?



    Well if you call reasonable not realising that the other team were down to ten men then I suppose so. Overall he did shite with a fairly decent team.

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