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Posts posted by ADP

  1. Which new Premier League players are you looking forward to seeing?


    Obviously the majority of fans are most focussed their own new players, so stripping the home bias away it seems that most are still waiting for a ground-breaking transfer to really get excited about. Paulinho, van Wolfswinkel and Schurrle are all on the radar, with Bony not far behind.



    NipHolmes: Our own first and foremost. After that it's the likes of Schurlle, Van Wolfwinkel, Liverpools new players to see if Rodgers has chosen well and of course your lot to see how JFK has done. Other than that not bothered.


    Bluesince93: That young chap Everton signed on loan from Barca, Van Wolfswinkel


    Kun: Dwight Gayle, Higuain, Paulinho and Van Wolfswinkel

    Ronnie Wallwork: I like Van Wolfswinkle. Think he's using Norwich as a stepping stone.

    Kun Aguero: Navas, Van Wolfswinkle, Bony, Okara.



    Jeez that must have been disappointing.

  2. Guardians of the galaxy. Was waiting for it to finish after 45mins. Should have seen Dawn of the Planet if the Apes instead



    Debatable. Canny for about half an hour. Then turned into an over the top hollywood blockbuster. Everything I liked about Rise was missing. Oh and the American nuclear family lark in it was lame as well.

  3. Lads on readytogo have raised over a grand for some flowers via a donation page.


    Nice one fellas, genuinely classy :up: ( overpaying for borini btw ;) )



    Cracking that, really good stuff.


    Went up to the stadium to lay a little message this afternoon. Made me proud to see how many people were there passing leaving flowers, scarves and generally paying their respects. :up:

  4. What otehrs believe, is entirely up to them. Nobody will ever undersstand what I'm saying if they don't give themselves a chance to question what was indoctrinated into their heads from a young age.


    I accept that most people would not even attempt to think alternative to the accepted theories, because people do not like to be ridiculed, so it's easier to follow the crowd. I accept that.


    Which is harder to be, the maverick or the martyr?



    Doubt it. You know what would have happened if Ajax had asked for more money, we'd have walked away and gone back in January and Ryan Taylor wouldve started the season.


    Can only go on what I'm seeing this transfer window - We lost Remy (inevitably), and are actively looking for a replacement. Though with Debuchy we held the cards and only have finalised his move once the Janmaat deal has been in place. I was wishfully thinking; it would take a lot more of such similar, sensible business for me to believe that this is more than just a one off however, given our track record of seemingly being unable to look beyond the 'profit at any cost' culture at the club currently.

  6. I'm hoping he's close to finishing the last two books, hoping they'll release one book before a new season starts, the other when the following season starts.



    Wishful thinking I reckon, gauging from time taken to release the books thus far, it could still be years until we see even the Winds of Winter, never mind the book after that.


    I thought the last few books were a bore anyway to be honest, also I realised that I had put up with some shite writing for too long. Just want to see it visually concluded now.

  7. Got one more episode of Season 4 to watch and how this is still treated as any kind of serious show is completely beyond me. The levels of violence, man :lol: Nothing has any importance because it's all wrapped up in this ridiculous gore. It's like what a 15 year old imagines when they play Skyrim. Plenty chebs though but not enough to make up for the fact that for about 15 characters this season, absolutely fuck all has happened. If the books are going to take that long to finish, just go off on your own direction.


    With hindsight I agree.



    Just hop on one, ride it to King's Landing and gan fucking radge.



  8. RAWK is a fucking weird place. The BBC reporting Suarez and Liverpool in talks with Barcelona and nothing on their site.




    'If we don't speak about it, it isn't happening...'


    True, but I still think its disgraceful that tackles obviously meant to injure are usually only dealt with with a 3 game ban. Mcmanaman De Jong etc etc



    English legislation on sport and football leaves enough room for interpretation so that such tackles may be construed as within the 'spirit of the game' (which don't mean sportsmanship). Once you enter onto the pitch (or any other sporting building, area, court, boxing ring etc), you are effectively signing a contract that says you accept the risks posed by the sport you are participating in, you are consenting to the dangers, such as tackling that may result in serious injury because it is part of the game. Biting is not part of the game. It boils down to the fact that you do not expect to get gnawed on when you step on the pitch, that you aren't accepting that possible injury to you when you enter the stadium; you can however expect hard tackles (even malicious tackles are largely covered by legislation). That is why the argument of 'there are more dangerous things that happen on a pitch than that bite' is irrelevant. Under English law at least, and similarly in Canada, Australia, and the USA, the biting of a player goes beyond sports legislation and should in theory enter into criminal law.


    When Roy Keane said in his autobiography or whatever that he wanted to end Alf Inge Haaland's career when he kicked him, he should have really been arrested. It satisfies the intent that goes beyond the 'sporting arena' and into GBH.

  10. Tabarez resigns his role in fifa in protest over Suarez: http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11095/9364369/furious-uruguay-boss-oscar-tabarez-quits-fifa-role-over-luis-suarez-biting-ban



    That crack is absolutely mental. A scapegoat for what?! What a knob. I honestly can't comprehend how his bite can be defended, let alone by an apparent entire nation. The cheeky dig at 'English' speaking journalists all at the press conference as well... I don't get why Uruguay apparently seems to think that there is a witch hunt. Maradona can fuck right off as well with his crack about 'worse than guantanamo bay' and 'it's because he didn't go to university'. What an idiotic prick.

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