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Posts posted by ADP

  1. It's gone beyond the point of me thinking that I or anyone else for that matter can get rid of him with protests or boycotts or whatever. I've began to look at the situation with a purely self-preservation perspective. I will not go to matches anymore, nor pay for anything that will mean my money ultimately ends in his pocket or any other cunt currently at the club. Won't matter a jot in the grander scheme, but it will at least make me feel comfortable that I am not supporting this regime in anyway whatsoever.

  2. I think the stakes are way beyond football and the response should be escalated in the extreme. These people should not be able to sleep at night.


    Which fan though, could sleep at night themselves whilst still putting money into that club? That club, for it is certainly no longer ours. There is no precedent to the way I feel after reading what the club has said about the cups. There is no point in supporting this club anymore. Seriously, there isn't. The cups in the contemporary moment exist for clubs who aren't stinking rich to really write their names into history, to take a chance and pull off what every player and supporter have dreamed about since they were kids - to lift a major trophy, to see their club win something notable. What we have at Newcastle United is just emptiness, a lobotomised football club running on auto-pilot. I do not think that Newcastle are the only club whose chairman would be thinking this way, but to say it, so bluntly, so brutally to the fans who pay week in, week out, that they do not even have the cups to hope for, that they have taken away the cups as perhaps the only true '11 vs 11 on the day, anything might happen', is the final stray for me like. Never, never again will I put a penny into this club until every single one of the cunts has fucked off. Never. I feel like I've been duped once again. No one gives a flying fuck about us as supporters, and they never will. We have to take care of ourselves.


    Fuck every single one of them who has had a hand in the steady debilitation of Newcastle United over the past few years, and has succeeded in turning the club into something I do not recognise anymore.

  3. A great end to end game during the actual match though. One of the most enjoyable 0-0 draws I've seen in a long time. Both teams could have done with a good finisher though.

  4. Aye, green belt as well means lack of new housing, while the uni admits more and more students each year. Consequently rent is massive.


    One agent told me when he was showing us around a house the other week that the contract was only 10 months long as the landlord rents it out the years that the golf is on to tourists. I asked him how much he gets for a week's rental, bloke replied 'about 10 to 12 grand'. For a week! It was a dive anyway!


    Imagine loving golf that much...

  5. Aye. Like I said though, I'll only be going in twice a week and working in Edinburgh other days of the week. Also, partner finishes her thesis this winter and Edinburgh will have more jobs than St. Andrews, which although it is lovely, is basically a large hamlet. Buses come once every 10 minutes from Leuchars to St. Andrews centre so that's cush.



    The prices there have dictated our decision to go to Edinburgh though. Flats for £1,500 per week in the town centre man :lol:

  6. :D

    Move to Stirling and get the train in.



    I'm commuting to St. Andrews to do my doctorate twice a week. We aren't moving to St. Andrews because it is astronomically priced and there seems very little there. Sterling is lush but don't think it'd be a good idea to give me more time on a train in mornings when I do need to go in.


    PL - We are looking to rent. Thanks very much for the heads up about where to avoid, and everyone else's advice too!

  7. I'm moving to Edinburgh in September/October with my girlfriend and could do with a bit of help regarding decent areas of the city to live in. I know that this is a big long shot, but can anyone who lives there currently or has lived there in the past be able to shout me which places are decent and which areas to avoid?

  8. Brendan Rodgers cost them the league. Tactically naive and unable to develop during the match from an attacking style to knowing when to stop. Usually dislike him but Jamie Carragher's analysis was spot on. You win leagues with great defences, not great attacks.


    I would be extremely surprised if they were in this position in the next few seasons as well. European football (has Rodgers ever managed in a European competition?) will take its toll on a squad that isn't the deepest, nor has the consistent quality to play 2 games a week for long periods of time over the season and still come out with the title in their hands in the last 4 games. Also, I would be even more surprised if Suarez stays. Can see a big European club coming in for him this summer and him wanting now to win titles.


    Just relieved that I will watch the final game of the season in a pub in Newcastle packed with braying scousers. There were a couple giving me and my mates jip in the City/L'pool game the other week because we weren't celebrating the Liverpool goals like the rest of the pub. Therefore we must have been Man City fans, therefore we deserved to be mocked and taunted. :lol:

  9. Cheers. I would suggest nobody follow mainstream coverage of this btw, cos it's gonna be an absolute clinic in cluelessness as to the situation at the club and what people are actually protesting for. Go for it if you want to spend the next couple of days in a foul mood though.



    Jason Roberts's indulgence did it for me like. Spenk.

  10. Find it strange mind that there's a little bit of a 'Mourinho keeps failing in the semi finals' narrative growing amongst some.


    Find it bizarre that a manager taking his teams as far in the competition as often as he has and has also won it twice in the last 10 years isn't praised for their consistency in a very difficult competition, even for the very biggest teams, but rather picked at for going out in the top 4.



    Completely agree with you. I thought they were taking the piss when they were on about him possibly leaving in the summer on beIN Sport :lol:



    Really hope Athletico win it. Thought they looked brilliant in the second half and seemed to be able to change their tactics very easily though out the game depending on the situation. Great, intelligent football.

  11. Or taking our humiliating drubbings to another level and cementing even further how far away from being a decent team we are.


    And the salt in the wound that would be Liverpool winning the title against us.

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