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Posts posted by ADP

  1. the Mackems from Mole Town and nobody wants that .






    Good episode, agree with more about the 1000 cuts crack aimaad. Sansa definitely the highlight of that episode. In the space of a couple of scenes, I felt her character FINALLY started to arc and we could see that she is undergoing a shift in personality, rather than just wandering gormlessly and aimlessly through the torrent of fuckuperry and emotional torture the has been wading through since the first season. Peter Dinklage's acting gets better and better also.


    Glad Jorah has finally fucked off. Not that I dislike him (his character is probably the only thing that kept the Dany story even vaguely plausible imo (amazing that a story about radge dragons, crucifixions and an army of eunuch terminators can be so wooden)), just her cementing as a spoilt brat has been a long time coming.



    I was hoping that the final scene of this season was going to be Lady Stoneheart with Tywin shitting himself in the preceding scene. However I think we will have to wait for the former until next year. Interesting that they decided to drop the Brotherhood completely from this season (does it happen in the book? I've completely forgotten whats and whens). Can't remember if they did nowt for this long in the book.



    it was fair enough in the context of how the club approached the second half of the season. why should he play in a meaningless game? the club approached the entire second half of the season in that manner. why should the players veer off message?


    obviously it isn't particularly fair on the poor sods that support the team.



    The same reason I go to work on a 'meaningless' Wednesday morning.

  3. Some good goals in that, inclined to agree with Gemmill about the wonders that can be done with a compilation video mind! I think it was Bobby Robson who summed up Shola the best when he said 'there's definitely something about Shola Ameobi, we're just not sure what it is yet.' Not sure if we will ever know tbh but he's toon through and through so aye, all the best big man.

  4. Chiles is fucking awful at this job. Hard to believe/remember that he used to be likable.



    When? He is a complete mong like, doesn't have any clue whatsoever about football.

  5. We need to keep together and keep on protesting, banners, chants etc! The more we do it, the more national media exposure it will get. Cardiff was just a start, there's no point chucking away any momentum we got from that. It needs to start from pre season onwards, and hope that people outside of this club realise what has and is being done to the club.



    Through the looking glass though is the fact that the national media doesn't give a shit either. Ungrateful, expectant Geordies etc.

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