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Everything posted by wolfy

  1. Whatever you decide in your mind, you are welcome to. Enjoy.
  2. You are entitled to decide what you want to decide. I do the same.
  3. I'll let you decide whatever you think is best for you.
  4. Of course, but nobody is going to allow that to happen.
  5. Indoctrination runs deep with you. It used to with me so it's not exactly a shock to see people like you dismiss anything that isn't spoonfed to you.
  6. They won't be telling me anything but they will take your money from you, just like they do with everyone else's. That's how these nonsense things get shown to us as being a reality. They have to show us some stuff to show us where our money is spent. How about a film with special effects to pass off as real. large 3000 ton rockets to the moon or large ICBM's launched into so called near space and then arced onto a target thousands of miles away with precision.
  7. Space doesn't exist in how we are told so there's not a hope in hell that any rocket is going anywhere but into the drink or crashing to the ground. Once you realise Earth is not a globe you also realise that we have been spun a host of lies, which includes NK's so called nukes and what not. That's my opinion.
  8. Save your money, it doesn't exist.
  9. This is why you should pay attention instead of scraping your sandals in the playground.
  10. Egg, chips and beans. Mug of tea and two well buttered slices of bread. Sorted.
  11. I can't. Just my thoughts.
  12. If something has a potential for being true then I'll accept it as that. If it begs questions after being told what something is but isn't at the forefront of other more relevant questions, then I'll accept it for what it is until I can question it, in time, or whether it's worth the effort. My dome thoughts are mine. I don't expect anyone to follow it. I just ask people to question what has been battered into their heads as a truth which is nothing like the truth. What you take from that, is your choice.
  13. Is a theory a truth? If not, then I'm suing it just fine.
  14. Is a theory a truth? Is a theory a best guess? Answer which one you think a theory is and we can go on from there.
  15. Accepting anything does not mean a belief. It means that it's better to just accept something until you find the time or inclination to question it among more pressing questions.
  16. Try it. It'll save you wasting your time typing.
  17. I won't. I knew a kid that had imaginary friends. I didn't make fun though. I just accepted it but not necessarily believed it. See what I'm saying?
  18. That's the beauty about thought process or theories, etc. They are just that. They're not provable but can all hold a certain amount of logic to their existence to those that take their time to study it. Those who follow a different view will naturally reject most if not all other alternatives.
  19. No, not at all. I'll get one when you get one.
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