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Posts posted by sammynb

  1. Bali is part of the Republik Indonesia dear lad - its the diamond shaped island east of Java - Fiji is way off to the North east of Oz


    Oddly enough Java is full of people who are Moslem but its a thin veneer on some very old Hindu and Animist beliefs - you can get "white meat" (=pork) and beer ("for the Chinese") all over Java


    Bali is full of Hindus on a thin veneer of animist beliefs - they eat beef for a start ..........


    Funny place Indonesia


    Fiji is full of Indians and Fijians (who eat people)


    Also as is often pointed out by fear generating Government and right wing media Indonesia is the world's large Islamic population and "every single one of them" is just waiting to invade little old Australia. Sensationalists.

  2. Hey mate, I love Australia (even the locals are ok :) ). You lot take the piss all the time though so you should know what it is when I do it, i.e. just a bit of fun.


    To many Man U and Arsenal supporters for my liking! :blush:

  3. Reet, me and one of the lads are nipping over to Brisbane in July, to see our mate who went out there recently. We're prettymuch sorted flight wise, but accommodation is a bit tricky..


    We're planning on staying for a month. Where the hell do you stay for a month, when you need it to be decent, but not expensive? We've both got family over there, but they're in Adelaide and Melbourne, so that's out of the question.


    We'll be visiting Sydney and a few other places, but only for a few days at a time, and we need somewhere to leave our stuff aswell.


    So, I reckon I'm asking a hard question here, but any good answers would be much appreciated. Cheers.


    Don't spend a month in Brisbane mate. Get yourself up the coast to see some other parts of Queensland.


    For a man who likes to take the piss out of us convicts, you know a bit to much about the place.

    By the way wubble, alex speaks the truth - Cairns is an amazing place and in July you can swim without the worry of being strung to death.

  4. My advice? Don't go to Brisbane. Melbourne is the only place in Oz you really need to spend time in, we're better than the rest of the country combined. :icon_lol: Anyone that disagrees gets a :angry: placed on them.


    Radioactive boy! :angry:


    Couple of options:

    www.wotif.com.au - great for last minute accomodation bookings.




    You are probably best with a self contained apartment, a bit cheaper and usually has cooking and washing facilities.


    Or you can just go to Melbourne and sleep on a park bench outside the MCG!

  5. So what's our choice options?

    Moore yes?

    Moore no?

    Moore if 100% fit?


    What about Moore or Elliot, if they are the only two options fit enough to start?


    It will be Boom and Bambi, with Baba and Carr, fuck we are lucky Bellars is injured!

  6. That was the one thing that always pissed me off about Robert, no I'm not getting into the other arguements. He always taped up the ankles so his socks never looked like Newcastle kit.



    And the sock thing really pissed you off? :icon_lol:


    Would you consider yourself to be irrational? :angry:



    Somedays. :angry:

  7. Lucy Pinder - page 3 model I believe....


    Second photo, I like them all except the one on the extreme right....



    When she releases the clasp on that top (corset?) it looks like Lucy is going to take someone's eye out with those breasts!

  8. Hoodoo Gurus


    Men At Work






    (whatever happened to the hoodoo gurus?? gutted i never got to see them live!)



    The Gurus are still around. They "retired" a couple of years ago but get together for the occassional show.

    As part of their retirement they formed another band, same members but different sound called the Persian Carpets. I think they had a LP release.


    I thought the other lass in Sirens had better chebs.


    There were two other get their kit off actresses in Sirens, Kate Fischer the psycho (as mentioned earlier) and the far more attractive Portia de Rossi (although she doesn't look as attractive now).


    After reading his posts bitching about how there is more than one sport in this country I'm ready to petition the government to revoke his citizenship.

    Who's bitch radioactive man? I dislike the way we are the "worlds best" (ok former) at sports 10 countries play and the one true world game we can't get our act together for. As Craig so rightly pointed out:

    Football (err, I mean soccer ) is fast becoming your most succesful sport! 

    A fact that most of the world doesn't know is it actually is the most played sport in Australia. I run a club in Sydney that is one of 3 in the suburb and yet we still have 60 teams across all ages and sexes, the local Aussie Rules club is 1 that covers about 6 suburbs and only has 6 teams, the local league club is about the same. As for the word soccer, at the moment I would guess 75% of the kids in my club know it is called football.

    The tide is turning, slowly.

    Good luck with the petition, I don't think you will have to much trouble convincing that cricket loving little toad of a PM we have, maybe they will deport me to Southampton to share with you.

  9. And quite possibly your next captain....!



    Don't care.

    He can't play football and help us to the next world cup finals so he is of no use so he can piss off and text a few young ladies so they can make a few bob selling their story to the tabloids.

  10. And where do you sit on Jello Biafra?

    See to me he's as good as any example you can offer up as a true hardcore icon/rolemodel and yet he has always fought to argue the terms and genre he is labelled with.


    His lap?



    I thought Meenzer was the gay one, not you alex?

  11. I suppose you could argue that for a lot of them its just joining the club, sing the songs have the X on your hand etc.. I'd agree with that but never to be famous or to make cash.



    But that is a form of fame, it is just a smaller more localised version.

  12. tell you what I noticed, we're now too poor to afford matching socks, I counted 3 different versions of black socks, some had a thick white band at the bottom, some had a thin one and others were all black.


    Yeah, I know it was a boring game!


    Are you sure it wasn't tape?



    hmmmm maybe...but I dont think so.


    That was the one thing that always pissed me off about Robert, no I'm not getting into the other arguements. He always taped up the ankles so his socks never looked like Newcastle kit. (By the way anyone see that corner he flew in on Saturday!!!!)

  13. Speaking of Dutch / South Korean things, I'd love Gus Hiddink here. Not that I could see him coming. Apparently it's rumoured he'd be very interested should the England job become available though.



    Get away as much as I love the toon, na fuck it, get him in!

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