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spongebob toonpants

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Posts posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. 1 hour ago, Renton said:

    and suggesting he is worse than Trump

    I'm not saying he is worse than Trump, you misunderstand my point. Trump is an idiot and also faces a huge amount of opposition from the media

    Biden has hugely raised the military budget, hugely increasesd funding for the police, has detained more immigrants than Trump, is supplying huge amounts of arms to Isreal,  but because he isn't Trump he doesn't get any pushback. 

    As per the article @Dr Gloom posted he has done nothing to call Trump to account for the insurrection

    2 sides of the same coin. Owned by the same people, working for the same paymasters, Biden does it without being a nutter though

  2. 1 hour ago, PaddockLad said:

    So we may get a verdict later tonight?…




    Am hoping that if he’s found guilty that may be enough for any wavering voters (if there’s any such thing in the US now? 🤷🏻‍♂️) not to vote for him in November. If he’s exonerated then I think there’s a good chance he’ll beat Biden. And that spells disaster for the entire planet. I think he’ll undoubtedly remove the US from NATO at which point I think Putin will roll the tanks into one or all of the Baltic states.. 


    Been listening to the incomparable Sarah Kendzior’s latest book They Knew…her previous work Hiding in Plain Sight is also essential. In a way it’s simple; the following is her words and it is all you need to know about Trump and the mortal threat he places us all under if he’s re elected




    This supports a point I've made in the past. Biden is actually more dangerous than Trump because he pursues a lot of the same policies, but more efficiently and without any pushback from the media or " the resistance"

    Biden's border policy is worse than Trumps, just without the rhetoric and without protests from the "left"

    At least if Trump gets elected there will be people on the streets protesting, Biden just gets to float through

  3. 12 hours ago, Gemmill said:

    Has everyone watched Atlanta? It's ostensibly a half hour comedy show about a rapper and his management team in Atlanta. 


    But as you go through the seasons they get more and more ambitious and it turns into social commentary, but always funny. 


    I've just watched the episode where it's a mockumentary about, after the Rodney King riots, Disney appoints a black CEO who wants to make a goofy movie. He's convinced Goofy is a black bloke and he wants to tell the story of the black man in America through Goofy's eyes. 


    Anyway strong recommend for the whole thing. 

    Atlanta is absolute quality. Darius is one of the greatest characters ever seen on TV


    Started 3 body problem on your recommendation 3 eps in and I'm hooked

    • Like 1
  4. On 12/03/2024 at 18:47, Renton said:


    I dunno. Haley showed there are a sizable proportion of Republican "Never Trumpers" and apparently most independents aren't keen. Whether Biden can get his vote out is another matter too I guess. I'm no expert, all the news I hear from the States is partisan and I may be in an echo chamber. But I am just hoping that, when it comes down to it, most Americans will value their democracy above everything else. 

    Sorry to disappoint you again, but Haley not quite a never Trumper



  5. 8 1/3rd

    Every emotion in fucking technicolour this season, and thats what football should be about.


    Isak Bruno and Gordon would grace any team on the planet, and that's  2 years in.


    Let the rollercoaster continue





    • Like 5
  6. On 12/05/2024 at 10:04, sammynb said:

     do you have personal knowledge of this? I don't know if it is true or not

    This was shared with me by a friend who was much more aware of/a fan of Albini than I was. He was pretty shook up by it and to be honest I didn't feel the need to look into it very deeply, considering the subject matter.


    I'm sad to hear you're not enjoying the forum, and I'd be gutted if it was something I posted that drove you away. There's not that many of us punk rock MotoGP fans to go round

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

    If/when we peddle Miggy, he goes with my best wishes tbh. 


    Clearly not quite up to scratch now, but he’s one of those lads I can’t help but like. 

    If his skill matched his effort he’d be a world beater, but it doesn’t. :lol:


    Best of luck to him wherever he goes. 

    Arguably his purple patch last year fired us into the Champions League.

    I can't dislike him either but it's definitely time


    On the bright side that point means that win the next two games and we are sixth no matter what. Can't complain about that considering how bleak it was in December

    • Like 6
  8. On 08/05/2024 at 20:19, Alex said:

    Unbelievable cv as a producer and managed to have his own unique sound on those records. 61 ffs. Iirc he was quite a clean living fella, especially for the music industry. 


    Sorry to shatter your illusions but he was a disgusting human being, very much into his child pornography



  9. 11 minutes ago, Renton said:

    Aye, it was. 

    These mayoral elections have been hard to predict. I thought Khan was a shoe in for London

    Trouble is a huge amount of your Southerners are completely against voting Labour in the same way we would be against voting Tory.

    It's totally ingrained and totally depressing and frustrating

    • Like 2
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