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Gemmill last won the day on October 10

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About Gemmill

  • Birthday 12/14/1975

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  1. He left over rumours about his sexuality.
  2. Mitchell playing GoalKemon. Got to get them all!
  3. She's the voice of a generation on her day.
  4. @Christmas Tree knock this one off the hobby list.
  5. This prick. He's got 120 people to pick from and he's running a "strictly lunatics" policy. I really hope he wins.
  6. 71 caps for England. For a lad that no one has ever shown any interest in signing from Everton.
  7. Just reading Bellamy's Wikipedia there. Died in a care home in Barnard Castle in Dec 2019. Just three months later and his family wouldn't have been able to be with him when he went. Covid times were a proper cunt.
  8. I like big BOOTS and I cannot lie!
  9. As a man that has worked in financial services since 2007, I cannot relate to these principles, but I respect you for having them.
  10. It's taken a panel of former judges and a proper legal process to arrive at the judgment that the rules are unlawful as well. To which this dickhead's response is "OMG they're UNLAWFUL! WHY have you been following these rules, you FUCKING NERDS!"
  11. Mad old shenanigans in this test match. 823 off 150 overs ffs.
  12. Good luck with the job interview. Absolutely none of my business but taking a pay cut to move to a different career ladder seems like a mental decision at your age? Is your job going to cease to exist or something? Is this out of necessity? You're never gonna make it as a dancer BTW. Forget it.
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