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Gemmill last won the day on July 26

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About Gemmill

  • Birthday 12/14/1975

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  1. Ridiculous decision to do this across half a city. Everything is taking forever. Those poor teats running with the torch must have covered 5k. Stick a medal on them.
  2. I believe this is THE Sacre Bleu.
  3. No kids is always a victory.
  4. JD Vance takes the opportunity to clarify his comments about "childless cat ladies" by saying he has nothing against cats.
  5. Topless bloke with biker boots and black hearts on each nipple. Classic French exchange student gear.
  6. Another major scoop for footballinsider247.
  7. For the supposed kings of culture and taste, some of this has been an absolute parpfest. French musical artists in particular. If they aren't gonna serve up Daft Punk at some point, they've dropped the ball big time. Pharell was on the red carpet earlier, surely that can be the only reason he's there.
  8. Bit disappointed there's been no role for Louis Laloupe and Fifi Folle, stars of the Tricolore text book series.
  9. Whoa this segment with the heavy metal band is brutal. Get some decent tunes, France.
  10. They mentioned there has been no rehearsal. It really looked like it in that can can segment. Looked like they were all meeting for the first time.
  11. Aye these boats coming through are a bit naff. You're not getting the same focus on the athletes as you usually do either, they're having to race through garbled commentary on who's who.
  12. We should just be thankful that they're able to channel their energy into making up stories about policing the wearing of mag tops. If they didn't have this outlet, we'd be getting kicked to fuck left, right and centre on Britain's streets. There'd he nowhere safe for a mag to show its face.
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