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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Kevin Carr's Gloves last won the day on September 19 2022

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About Kevin Carr's Gloves

  • Birthday 10/30/1968

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  1. I am 100% certain he phones these in, he seems to have the IQ of Forest Gump but without the endearing charm.
  2. I mean St James park pitch is 345’ and he must have at least run the length of that this season.
  3. That sounds about right, like I said they have spent billions and they would need to make £100 million a year profit for 30 years to break even not taking into account inflation. It’s going to blow up in their faces some time.
  4. Their revenue can't be that great otherwise they wouldn't have to cover their losses over £105 million. I think personally they are in a dangerous position. A hedge fund has bought them for £2.75 bn, they have spent another £3/4 bn on players and they are losing money every year. At what point does this hedge fund let this keep going before asking where the return on the investment is?
  5. That thread is possibly the most ironic thing in human history.
  6. It doesn’t mention anyone at all so I wouldn’t pee your pants yet.
  7. He’s got way too much hair cunt.
  8. Their goal was the spawniest I have ever seen.
  9. Tonight I beat my son at darts by checking out on 51 with a 1 and bull. I think it’s my greatest achievement ever.
  10. If I wasn’t so forgetful I would be even more unfit, 90% of my exercise is walking up or down stairs forgetting what I wanted going back then remembering and having to do the stairs again.
  11. I would rest all of them in case Bromley start scything through the team.
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