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Toonpack last won the day on December 20 2024

Toonpack had the most liked content!

About Toonpack

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    The Kingdom of Northumbria

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Grand Master

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  1. That first goal mind, he so should have buried the rebound, was harder to miss. Lucky it was over the line.
  2. My fucking yank b-in-law calls his Mrs "Snuggles" or "snuggle-bunny" and sometimes "ducky, wucky" in fucking public (he's older than me by 5 years).
  3. Watching this Manc v Leicester shite makes you appreciate how good we are, christ it's all so static.
  4. You made me click a twitter link you twat 🤬 Don't give a nazi cunt clicks.
  5. Just "this" morning ? 🤷‍♂️
  6. There's also another side to that coin.
  7. I firmly believe we'll do them. We won't indulge in any of that "enjoy the occasion/experience" bullshit and associated "cup fever" it'll be 100% down to business. We did the "oooh we're at Wembley/am getting me suit measured" hoopla last time and we lost, which I am certain the team remember was anything but enjoyable. We're going there this time to win the fucking thing.
  8. Toonpack

    Gigs 2024

    Exactly, some cunts on here even like the fucking Smiths.
  9. And that's even before the nukes start raining down 😉
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