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Toonpack last won the day on March 9

Toonpack had the most liked content!

About Toonpack

  • Birthday 06/03/1958

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  • Location
    The Kingdom of Northumbria

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  1. Some of us have to work you know, oh hang on, I've retired, no I fucking don't EVER a fucking gain.
  2. Hellbound - Netflix (watched S1 again as S2 is imminent) some truly wonderful, if not monumental, overacting (it's Korean) thoroughly enjoyable. @Gemmill Silo series - Book 2 what you think ? - not as engaging/good as book 1 so far for me, no character particularly engaging at all.
  3. On reflection, is the answer “if you are a mayfly”
  4. Has Fist subbed you out for some of his "disposals" ??
  5. It's in Wales, it will most certainly involve sheep.
  6. Aye, Gewch, Cewk, Rewt and Brewk just wouldn't cut it.
  7. Thanks for that, I'd blocked that cunt ages ago so I wouldn't have to suffer his inane ramblings. 🙄
  8. England found a length where it started doing a bit/keeping low, that plus scoreboard pressure gets in the head. Has been a glorious watch since 0600. We need to fill the team with batsmen with "oo" in their name, they seem to be pretty good ones: Gooch, Cook, Root, Brook.
  9. You’d have to watch the whole match mate, the highlights only last 37 seconds.
  10. Aye, stories going round the Cleverly campaign cleverly lent votes to one of the others to try and get the final opponent they wanted. Oops 😂😂😂
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