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Toonpack last won the day on March 9

Toonpack had the most liked content!

About Toonpack

  • Birthday 06/03/1958

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  • Location
    The Kingdom of Northumbria

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Grand Master

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  1. €350 million debt is a bit more than “hassle”
  2. They make films specifically for deaf folks too, The Signed of Music being a classic.
  3. Just like films for blind people, Monty Python and the Holy Braille for example.
  4. Evidently they did, but she steadfastly refused, many blame her for the current situation.
  5. Executive Order - he's immune remember
  6. Nothing to stop a president increasing the number of judges, current set up is 6-3 to Republicans, of 6 republicans, 4 are Maga nutjobs. It's the perfect illustration of why the judiciary should be separate from political interest.
  7. Mainly because the Dems continuously play by the rules but the MAGA GOP do not and they even create new ones to suit. Biden has a free hand now, he should at least balance the Supreme Court, but he won't for some incomprehensible (to me) reason.
  8. Centre paddock was my place of choice if I was flush. If we’d been on Shoot previous weekend, TV gantry at the back (scaffolding poles and a few planks) was often still in place, great view/seat 😀
  9. Saffers make Aussies seem humble
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