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Posts posted by Jill

  1. Huxter's in Newcastle which was later something Irish-themed I think and then LYH, not sure about now. I was 15 and we'd been for a meal at Chiquitos by the Warner Brothers for my friend's 16th birthday. We were determined to get in somewhere so walked all the way up town and Northumberland Street trying to work up the courage before eventually realising we should really try somewhere otherwise we might as well just get the metro home. :lol: Straight in, no bother. I think I had a taboo and lemonade as I remembered my sister talking about it.

  2. The Shield

    U.S. Office

    Parks and Recreation

    Rescue Me



    Ray Donovan


    Seen a couple but not the others. I'll have a look - cheers. It's just difficult to find stuff we both want to watch, occasionally we'll start something and then only one of us wants to continue so it becomes a right chew on.

  3. Frozen grapes. :wub:


    I remember being at the mother-in-law's once and she had a fairly nice bottle of white wine for us. She was topping hers up with lemonade because she didn't have any soda water and automatically went to do the same to mine (some of his brother's wives prefer their wine diluted too).. I don't think I've ever hissed at someone with such vitriol over something so basic. :lol:


    She never tried it again.

  4. It's shite.


    I'll probably love it then.


    Nah, heard mixed reviews ranging from "it's amazing!" (which I note came mostly from people who also like Game of Thrones so that puts me off) to "it's ok for the first few seasons then goes downhill" to "it's shite".


    I'm quite interested to see what I think after watching a few more.


    I didn't think it was that bad Jill compare to some of the right shite being produced atm.


    Anyone else disappointed with how the second season of True Detective finished?


    I've not watched many other new shows recently so I don't have anything to compare it with. :lol: Just thought for the budget it was a real let down.


    Thought S2 of True Detective was dump as well mind, I think I posted that earlier in the thread though.

  6. Quite intrigued by that Wayward Pines Matt Dillon is in. Sounds a bit Twin Peaks.


    Don't bother. I'm a massive fan of Twin Peaks and that's why I thought I'd give Wayward Pines a go but it's really not very good at all. There were a few alright moments but it fast became one of those shows you just watch to rip the piss out of. The ending was particularly shite as well.

  7. Advice needed. Anyone used any apps to learn a language? Need to learn at least conversational Spanish to a good level before a trip next summer. Not able to go to classes due to either being at work or having the bairn by myself of an evening. Any recommendations welcome.


    I used Duolingo for German for a while. It's good fun and dead easy to dip in and out of, but the app does hold your hand a little bit instead of making you think more.

  8. Riesling is my favourite white. But it has to be the dry, minerally variety.


    Unoaked Chardonnay is lush as is Chablis.


    Agree with both comments.


    I miss my days of wine school. :( I should really get back into it.

  9. My microwave broke and I wasn't going to replace it but my gran died so I got hers.


    Hardly used it so far though other than for defrosting bread and doing poached eggs. I didn't mind not having one since it forced me to be a better cook.

  10. I read that True Detective thing earlier and felt like I'd been watching a different show entirely. :lol: I've not been paying much attention to it because I've found most of it pretty boring, though the last few episodes have been a bit more interesting.


    Finished Peaky Blinders (excellent) and Humans (enjoyable series but was a bit bored by the end) last night.

  11. A real time game run over the net.


    Players have to find each other and blue jack other players phones.


    Each player registers with a username vague location and vague hobbies.


    Then players track each other down and send codes via bluetooth.


    league table shows who has the most connections.


    It's like a game for stalkers really.


    I feel like I've read a crime thriller with a very similar premise.. or maybe it was an episode of CSI or something that I watched.

  12. I thought of you earlier because I put a woolly hat on. :lol: It might have helped, but I think that was more likely to be the Toffee Crisp I ate around the same time.

  13. i hate that. it's the same at the hotel buffet breakfast. all the juice you can drink but you have to go straight back to the buffet bar after one gulp because you're forced to drink it through a fucking thimble


    :lol: Major pet hate of mine.


    They do it deliberately, like. They tease you with a vast selection of juice then set it out in a way to encourage you to drink as little as possible. I usually stand by the juice bar wetting the whistle by downing a couple of glasses before heading back to my table with my thimble. Guaranteed you have to get up again mid breakfast for a top up. #firstworldproblems


    I do that as well. Usually have an unnecessary extra one as well if there's someone waiting who doesn't look happy with me.


    Feeling incredibly ropey today. Had a couple of drinks on Sunday that turned into a session then was at a funeral yesterday and proceeded to get hammered afterwards.


    Might get a takeaway later, I need grease.

  14. I have only two and neither are hugely dramatic...


    The first was at wet n' wild back in the day - I was about 8 and had never been in a pool/set up with a wave machine. Anyway, I ended up wading in quite deep but it was comfortable until they turned the machine on - at which point waves were higher than my head. I panicked and couldn't do anything except jump up from the bottom to try and gasp air - I was saved by some kid who looked like a young Jack Colback, who I still think kindly of as there was no way I was getting out of that, despite the fact that literally all I had to do was drop to the bottom and wade about two steps towards the shallow end where it would have been manageable. Didn't even occur to me though, all I could do was jump up and thrash about. I had swallowed enough water to throw up shortly after, it wasn't great.


    I had a similar experience at Whitley Bay pool once when they turned the waves on. I was young enough to be wearing armbands but one of them had punctured or malfunctioned and I was convinced I was going to drown. Tried to wave to my dad to get him to come and get me but he just waved back at first (:lol:) before eventually coming over when he realised I was getting upset.

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