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Posts posted by Howay

  1. So who knows?

    Stevie you're the fountain of all toon knowledge!


    Who has played for both Newcastle United upon Tyne and Newcastle United, New South Wales?


    The hints are:

    The guy wasn't successful at either club and was released by both.

    It isn't Keegan.

    He still plays.

    The answer would be Guy Bates...right?

    Indeed it is, finally it was doing my head in this question glad someone found it :D .

  2. They don't even have any idea what money their own players are on :lol: They totally have a point with the wage structure as they only break it for "quality" like Darren Bent 90k a week man :( Their arguments are pointless tbh saying Spurs are better than us despite just receiving a 4-1 cuffing and only a few points better off overall. We'll see next season I reckon.

  3. Never back down - I really liked it although it was a completely corny film, I liked it mainly because I like Cam Gigandet's character (similar to the one he played in the OC), I've always enjoyed watching mma no doubt this will win the UFC a few fans for a couple of months. Good imo but like I said complete American cheesefest

  4. The Sun is claiming Keegan's talking to Deco's agent about him coming here and that Jose Moutinho is his back up, think they're getting a little caught up in everything. I'd love to see either of those players here but I very much doubt it.

  5. In truth, Reading had the better of large portions of the first half as a defence missing Steven Taylor, who was ruled out just before kick-off with a stomach bug, looked shaky in the face of a concerted onslaught from the Royals.




    Am I wearing rose tinted specs in thinking this is complete horse shit?

    They want to get rid of the bloke that wrote that, I've no clue what game all these people that thought Reading were actually in the game were watching we completely played them off the park.

  6. Al-Sadd want £15m for Zarate apparently because they paid £11.5m for him at the start of the season he's worth no where near that cash, does look a good little player though. Agree on the rest like I'd love to see us get a player like Veloso I think we need to start looking for Butt and Geremi replacements, they're both playing well at the minute but they aren't getting any younger :lol: .

  7. Just got back, what a game! we totally played them off the park I'm over the moon Keegans really got the lads playing football, shows how truely shit Allardyce was, the whole team were quality today and some of the passing was tremendous like watching Arsenal at times, really enjoying going to games now rather than dreading it like I did under Allardyce, Souness etc. Keegan is showing the doubters he is a fine manager. Also great to see the lads having a laugh after the goals with the Martins - Faye dance and Beye picking Owen up then acting as a cheerleader for the Leazes end :lol: all 3 goals were brilliant finishes and what a player Enrique looks really powerful and Beye of course was quality again. Geremi, Butt and Barton also worked well in midfield. To think the 4-3-3 was a shambles under Allardyce but with Keegans attacking and passing mentalities it's really working, roll on Pompey lets hope they have one eye on keeping fit for the final.

  8. As much as I enjoy the Olympics they've made a total fuck up picking China to host and it should be boycotted especially with pictures like this coming to light:



    I saw a comment from some part of the UK socialist party condemning Tibetans for (slightly paraphrased I think) "attacking and killing innocent chinese police and soldiers in Tibet". :blink:



    Given that all the non-official casualties have been Tibetan civilians (over 100 - including a few children - officially China is the only place you can fire volleys of conventional gunfire into crowds and kill no one), it's amazing what people will try to gloss over.




    If you look at the bottom of this you can see that there probably won't even be unrestricted Press access at the Olympics either:



    The whole thing about selecting them to hold it is a joke it's as if they forgot about the whole Russia farce, it's still a country with very little unrestricted information (like you pointed out) and very little freedom of speech, they've got a long way to go before they should be allowed to hold events like this imo.

    By the way does anyone know the whole route of the Olympic torch because on the news the other day they seemed to say it was only traveling from china to russia, france, UK then back nothing like going round the world at all.

  9. I thought the VC was awarded only if you single handedly changed the course of a battle? Not for selfless acts of bravery alone?

    It's awarded for "most conspicuous bravery, or some daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice, or extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy." apparently, so it must be either a Victoria or George cross for him. It's all down to weather or not they want to class it as being in the presence of enemy, it was an enemy trap and the enemy did come eventually (he reckons he killed him :nufc: ). Whichever of the two he gets he deserves tbh definite hero.

  10. Amazing tbh totally mental but also obviously extremely brave, he has to get the VC for it the two lads behind him in the patrol reckon they'd be dead if he hadn't done it. Luckily he only got a nosebleed!


    4 Americans have done this as well one won the medal of honour the other three are waiting presidential approval they all were killed though sadly.

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